The Settlement Issue

This is the basic Israeli position:

ā€œThe logic goes as follows:
Israel has the right to occupy Palestinian land, lay siege to (its) populations in Bantustans surrounded by an apartheid wall, starve the population, cut them off from fuel and electricity (and all else), uproot their trees and crops, and launch periodic raids and targeted assassinations against them and their elected leadership, and if (resistance is encountered, Israel is entitled to slaughter) them en masse (because itā€™s just) ā€˜defendingā€™ itself as it must and should.ā€

Naked aggression is called self-defense. Civilians are legitimate targets. Heroic freedom fighters are ā€œterrorists,ā€ and if Arabs donā€™t understand, the process is repeated until they do. Further, international humanitarian and other laws donā€™t apply. Victims arenā€™t entitled to the same rights as Jews because Arabs are inferior and donā€™t warrant them.

In addition:
ā€œIsrael has the right to oppress the Palestinians and does so to defend itself (its right to exist), but were the Palestinians to defend themselves against Israelā€™s oppression, (to which it has no right, then) Israel will have the right to defend itself against their legitimate defenseā€ without restraint or regard for the laws of war or humanitarian considerations.

Negotiating with Israel is futile because Tel Aviv demands and doesnā€™t yield. It takes and doesnā€™t give. Peace process hypocrisy offers nothing, and all Palestinians have to show for it is continued occupation, death, destruction, oppression, immiseration, and loss of their land and freedom
And my position is, if Israel won't voluntarily obey international law, then they should be forced to.

It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation. The settlements are illegal and they will stay illegal until they are removed.
Oh yes I'm sure it has made the rounds, how do you know its not fake? Tell me that. It very well could of been taken in a studio in California, or anywhere and who are those people in it.
They can't prove the picture is real and I really don't care if its fake or not. What we should do, is sell the Pals a few JDMS. They start dropping of few those things around and these little Israeli kiss-asses will be crying for the return of the Qassam rockets.
The Muslims already have a 'Palestine'... it's called "Jordan" nowadays...


Muslim-Arab squatters need to leave the Jewish side of that divide.

Map drawn in 2005 by ZioNazis. Trans-Jordan was never part of Palestine. The Jews invaded Palestine from Europe. To wit:


"The Secretary of State for the Colonies being in Palestine in the month of March, a Conference was held with the Emir, who came to Jerusalem for the purpose. An arrangement was reached by which the Emir undertook to carry on the administration of Trans-Jordania, under the general direction of the High Commissioner of Palestine, as representing the Mandatory Power, and with the assistance of a small number of British officers, for a period of six months pending a definite settlement. Order and public security were to be maintained and there were to be no attacks against Syria. Since that time a close connection has continued between Palestine and Trans-Jordania. British representatives remain in the principal centres. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

Duh, Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate and designated to become Arab Palestine. There are hundreds of other maps that are identical to this map, dorkwad.
The Christians are Palestinians.

""The Christians in the west, most of them, they don't know the realities here. They don't know who is occupying who, who is oppressing who, who is confiscating whose land, who is building walls to try and separate people from one another," Alex Awad, who also pastors East Jerusalem Church, told The Christian Post."

Palestinian Christian Western Christians Don t Understand Gaza Israeli Conflict
How many Christians are left in Gaza that haven't fled the Muslim savages, ten? Ha ha ha. position is, if Israel won't voluntarily obey international law, then they should be forced to...
Never gonna happen.

...It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation. The settlements are illegal and they will stay illegal until they are removed.
Not to worry.

Chances are very good that the last Palestinian settlements will be cleared out of Eretz Yisrael within the next decade or so.

The intransigence of the Palestinians and their supporters has seen to that.
Had the surrounding Arab countries not united to wipe out Israel in 67 there would have been no settlements at all. And how can anyone forgive the surounding Arab countries for playing the Palestinians as their pawns in the process?

What should Israel do regarding remaining settlements? Well, lets look at the result in Gaza after Israel abandoned the settlements. Did the Palestinians give thanks to Israel for granting their demand for a Jew free Gaza? Or did Gaza become home for a rocket missile base to kill Israeli's?

Golly gee I wonder why Israel is reluctant in giving up even more settlements to Palestinians for peace? Boy that's a tough question, huh.

a fake pic is what this leads to? Well Israel should give the Pals their land back and start acting at least a little bit like human beings, for starters, and then rebuild the houses they demolished. No wants to mess with the Jews that is obvious, just a lie from Israel how they are being attacked on all sides, and I give a lot of credit for the Palestinians for what they have endured from the bloodsuckers.

Fake pic, gotta love your trolling method.
How do you know it's fake ?? Provide your evidence

Yes, please do. My research shows over 70 hits for that picture, all titled something like 'hamas rockets'.

But you'll probably do like your sock puppet Grendelyn and disappear and/or ignore this challenge.

Oh yes I'm sure it has made the rounds, how do you know its not fake? Tell me that. It very well could of been taken in a studio in California, or anywhere and who are those people in it.

You call "fake" anything that doesn't suit your agenda, it's getting tiring. Don't you have at least some self respect?
Again the facts remain. Israel granted the Palestinian request for a Jew free Gaza & received rocket missiles for a thank you. Can you imagine how grateful the Palestinians would be to Israel for peace if only Israel removed all the other settlements as well?
Again the facts remain. Israel granted the Palestinian request for a Jew free Gaza & received rocket missiles for a thank you. Can you imagine how grateful the Palestinians would be to Israel for peace if only Israel removed all the other settlements as well?

I find it funny that in the 1900 Pals made up 80% of pop and now Israelites do, even thought Pals have larger families and their gov doesn't pay for abortions.
Again the facts remain. Israel granted the Palestinian request for a Jew free Gaza & received rocket missiles for a thank you. Can you imagine how grateful the Palestinians would be to Israel for peace if only Israel removed all the other settlements as well?

I find it funny that in the 1900 Pals made up 80% of pop and now Israelites do, even thought Pals have larger families and their gov doesn't pay for abortions.

Well then who had the higher population in the land before Islam began in the 7th century AD to come squat on it. Holy mackeral, could it be the "Israelites." Can't be. That would make the Palestinians land thieves. Surely the Muslim Palestinians arent land thieves, right Penelope?
Not to worry.

Chances are very good that the last Palestinian settlements will be cleared out of Eretz Yisrael within the next decade or so.

The intransigence of the Palestinians and their supporters has seen to that.
And just whose ass will you be kissing then?
I would never try to take your job... that would be unsportsmanlike of me.
Actually Israel is building an all Arab settlement to the southeast of Haifa. Oh but it doesn't count since it is for ISRAELI Arabs, not those who have rejected Israeli citizenship for the last decades: the Palestinians.
I hope the israeli's build lots of home's, for the Palestinians to move into

In Gush Katif they didn't.

The Palestinians don't move into those homes, anyway. They burn them, the assholes.

Actually Israel is building an all Arab settlement to the southeast of Haifa. Oh but it doesn't count since it is for ISRAELI Arabs, not those who have rejected Israeli citizenship for the last decades: the Palestinians.

Just goes to prove that no matter what Israel does for them, Palestinians will be Palestinians.

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