The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war

I want a damn Davy Crockett for fuck's sake. Who's with me?

The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war
yes, I agree .. we should be able to have all arms available.
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war


Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to purchase and own whatever non-military agencies and civil law enforcement are allowed for their arsenal and any restriction such as licensing or training the government requires should be at the expense of the government to prevent the government from violating the citizens rights.


The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war

1. So you want to have a Bill Clinton 'It depends on the definition ition of the word 'is'-type discussion to question whst the Founding Fathers meant by 'arms' ... or, more likely, what liberals / Democrats want to define themselves as today?!

2. "Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world."

Ummm, what was used in the assault on this school and the murder of 19 kids and 2 teachers? What has been used at almost every single school shooting? What is being used daily in the record-setting gun violence and murders in Chicago?

To say guns are the weakest of the arms today the day after 19 kids were killed seems a little bit ignorant, for lack of a better word.

Despite all of the laws passed,restrictions instituted, Chicago and other liberal cities have proven illegal guns are still ready available and capable of setting records for numbers of people killed.

Disarming law-abiding people is not, however, the answer because all that is accomplished is making many, many more victims, sheep for the wolves to prey upon with no way to defend themselves.

Attempting to disarm the mentally ill psychos, 'gangstas', and murderers isn't working. How about spending more money on protecting our kids.

The FBI was aware of several of the last couple of shooters, excluding this one, it seems so far. They were on watch lists were questioned...and released.

Still the sick, cowardly SOBs came for our schools where there wasn't sufficient security, for kids who had no armed protectors to save them.

Guns are not 'weak',, depending on who is using them and specifically for certain purposes.

Guns were the perfect weapons of choice for a sick SOB who wanted to attack an unsecured, unprotected school to kill defenseless children as young as 8yo.

Perhaps I misunderstood the point you were trying to make. If so, I apologize.
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war
Very true. We should all have our own nuclear bombs.
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war

When you were born, the Doctor said you were still born, didn't he? Be honest ...
View attachment 649467

Any law abiding citizen should be allowed to purchase and own whatever non-military agencies and civil law enforcement are allowed for their arsenal and any restriction such as licensing or training the government requires should be at the expense of the government to prevent the government from violating the citizens rights.



That is not what the second amendment says. You are altering the intent of the second amendment. My point the second amendment has changed with time, as it should. The nut cases yelling it cannot be changed are too late. It has been changed and should be changed as the world of arms changes.

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