The same liberals who laughed at Trump cause they thought he was lying about building a wall.....

Congress needs to make sure no US Tax dollars are used to build "The Grabbers" wall.

Make Mexico pay for it. Like he said they would.
EVERY....SINGLE...THING that the libs have been saying about Trump since the very beginning has been WRONG. But then again, reality never agrees with liberals, ever.
No, it hasn't. They predicted much of what he has been doing.

That is just a blatant lie.
An alternative fact,,,you and kelly ann

No, it's a lie. He is going to build the wall. Your attempt at a "gotcha" failed.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
Actually they were laughing at idiots like you who think a wall is useful.
Suckers still think a wall like the one Trump described in his campaign will be built.
been to manhattan lately ?
Soon we will be told a fence is the same as a wall.
have you been to china lately ? they might use my idea to move national guard bases to the border, have the other states rotate their troops in and out. aerial technology, collaspe the tunnels, they'll get the idea. same solution for chicago. we'll deal with the rebel canadians later, we'll start with the troublemakers like toro.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
Mexico to Trumpovitch,,,,,"We aren't paying for your fucking wall"

The Russian agent petulantly pouts, stomps his feet insolently and cancels meeting.
you're stealing my obamjevich ?
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
his constituency wouldn't let him, flip-flop his way out of it; like they do on most everything else?

Such as?
only the fantastical right wing doesn't believe enforcement costs money; how much is our war on illegals going to cost.

we need a tax estimate.

Just to build the mythical "wall" itself is estimated at 25 Billion with a B.
And if that were to actually happen, walls don't just sit there like an obedient dog; they need maintenance. For 2500 miles of wall.

All for a goofy-ass project that doesn't even begin to address where most illegals actually come from anyway.

What are we, fuckin' stoopid?
think of it as a hostile corporate takeover, that might help. mexico really doesn't have a say in this.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
Mexico to Trumpovitch,,,,,"We aren't paying for your fucking wall"

The Russian agent petulantly pouts, stomps his feet insolently and cancels meeting.
Trump could never win the presidency.....

Trump will never build a wall, he just lied.....

Trump will never get Mexico to pay for the wall.....

Need any more things that you were dead wrong about?

Here is a hint.....

How much in aid (dollar amount) does this country give to Mexico?

Here is a breakdown....annually. At least in 2012.

How much money does the U.S. give to Mexico?

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209 million to Mexico in 2012:

The aid was broken down in the following manner:


  • Child Survival and Health: -$12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17.9 million
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40.8 million
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3.89 million
  • Narcotics Control: $27.6 million
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7.07 million
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15.4 million
  • Other State Assistance: $2.7 million
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2 million
  • Military Assistance, Total: $91.7 million

Is there anything that the US can cut off over a 30 year span that will pay for it?

Whatever it is, we know how the left wing media will report it. We know you believe every fake news story that has been proven fake. Yet, you still actually believe them.

Hands up dont shoot, as an example.

Here is the video with you snot snosed spoiled morons laughing that Trump running and laughing that he ever had a chance.

Keep saying Mexico won't pay for it. It makes us laugh. Especially in the arrogant ways you all say it.

Trade between the US and Mexico is way over a half trillion. 200 million is pocket change. There is no leverage there.

only the fantastical right wing doesn't believe enforcement costs money; how much is our war on illegals going to cost.

we need a tax estimate.

Just to build the mythical "wall" itself is estimated at 25 Billion with a B.
And if that were to actually happen, walls don't just sit there like an obedient dog; they need maintenance. For 2500 miles of wall.

All for a goofy-ass project that doesn't even begin to address where most illegals actually come from anyway.

What are we, fuckin' stoopid?

Funny how when socialists want something, "25 Billion with a B" is no consideration at all for you
equally funny is how repubs wet their pants over what dems want
no one cares now, you all had better get busy soon.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
his constituency wouldn't let him, flip-flop his way out of it; like they do on most everything else?

Such as?
Bringing jobs "back" for one. Considering 88% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and never left, they simply aren't coming back. They didn't move overseas, they disappeared. Just like what's going to happen at Carrier.
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
Actually they were laughing at idiots like you who think a wall is useful.

Or practical. W tried to build a fence and couldn't. The border lands aren't owned by the government which means that they will have to use eminent domain to get the land. They couldn't build a fence when W was President, and Trump won't get this one built either.

Even Rick Perry, former governor of Texas and a Republican who WANTED the fence built, said it couldn't be done.

Republicans keep going on about big government and the deficit but they have no problem with hiring 5,000 government workers to build a wall which won't work to keep out illegals, and which will cost somewhere over 12 billion to attempt to build.

Does this seem like a waste of resources to you? What if this money was spent retraining those workers who can't find jobs, to fill some of those 5,000,000 jobs which are going begging because no one is the US is qualified to do them.

No, that would make sense and help these people. Unlike a wall which will cost every man woman and child in the US something like $75.00 and DO NOTHING TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
not happy unless they are bitching
Oh, we're still laughing.

Except that now the American taxpayer is being scammed again to foot the bill by the worlds biggest con artist. That's pretty sad.

Republicans are taking away Trump supporters healthcare while making them pay billions for a useless wall. There is some irony there.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
you are not laughing

you are butthurt

i know it

you know it

well everyone knows it

your butthurt is more then obvious

not happy unless they are bitching
Oh, we're still laughing.

Except that now the American taxpayer is being scammed again to foot the bill by the worlds biggest con artist. That's pretty sad.

Republicans are taking away Trump supporters healthcare while making them pay billions for a useless wall. There is some irony there.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
Guess who's gonna have stock in the companies contracted for this wall..........

not happy unless they are bitching
Oh, we're still laughing.

Except that now the American taxpayer is being scammed again to foot the bill by the worlds biggest con artist. That's pretty sad.

Republicans are taking away Trump supporters healthcare while making them pay billions for a useless wall. There is some irony there.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
Guess who's gonna have stock in the companies contracted for this wall..........
his fn family Do I win a prize?

who is it

link it tard
not happy unless they are bitching
Oh, we're still laughing.

Except that now the American taxpayer is being scammed again to foot the bill by the worlds biggest con artist. That's pretty sad.

Republicans are taking away Trump supporters healthcare while making them pay billions for a useless wall. There is some irony there.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
Guess who's gonna have stock in the companies contracted for this wall..........
his fn family Do I win a prize?

who is it

link it tard
it's hidden like his taxes jon
Are now attacking him for building the wall like he said.

Is there anything that illustrates their bullshit better? I do not think there is anything else I need to add to it. I need to though, cause of the......mods.


We all know everything the stupid left yell about, they could not possibly care less about.

Perhaps the fact that the same stupid left praising obama for drone killing terrorists while they get their panties in a wad over making 5 or 6 sandNIGGERS uncomfortable with waterboarding also illustrates it as well.

Please, feel free to add to the list of things that clearly show that the left are nothing but the stupid lying fat arrogant hypocritical gasbags I claim they are every day.

Please, feel free,
his constituency wouldn't let him, flip-flop his way out of it; like they do on most everything else?

Such as?
Cutting medicare and soc sec, deporting 12 million illegal aliens, have the rich pay their share .... that's for now. But, hey it's early days

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