The roots of the rising violence in Gaza and Israel

The root of this problem is Arab hatred of non-Muslims.


THAT sounds like some Zionist explained it to you.

Please think for yourself and recognize that Palestinian demands are legitimate. They want their nation recognized and allowed to exist in peace.
And Arab Christians do not hate Israel any less.

C'mon, don't be such a lying douche, Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map and establish a single caliphate throughout the Middle East... As if dirtbags like Hamas will stop at getting their own country, since they already have plenty of Arab scum countries.
The fire rockets into Israel every day basically.

They abducted 3 teens and murdered them.

They are getting it back 10 fold.................

Stop firing shit at Israel and maybe the IDF wouldn't be firing at them...

You show the disparity in the deaths. You don't show that Hamas couldn't hit the side of a barn with a rocket from the inside.

By failing to distinguish between military (Hamas) and civilian (people of Gaza) in your term "THEY," .... you are perpetuating this? Hamas can now justify still MORE rocket attacks.

There is no justification from Hamas. Only hate and death. And that is why the IDF is hitting them now.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is the root cause of all the hostility and violence between Palestinian's and Israeli's, all you have to be is human.

You need to be a human with a brain and a heart.
The cause is simple.
Mass illegal immigration (especially after 1945), the Jewish terrorist bombings of the mid 1940s and the founding of the state of Israel.

One has to ask - if Jews are so nice, how come every society they've ever lived with had kicked them out?
Jews like to tell us it was just Hitler, but every other country has fucked them off as well.

Do they have smelly armpits or something?
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is the root cause of all the hostility and violence between Palestinian's and Israeli's, all you have to be is human.

You need to be a human with a brain and a heart.
The cause is simple.
Mass illegal immigration (especially after 1945), the Jewish terrorist bombings of the mid 1940s and the founding of the state of Israel.

One has to ask - if Jews are so nice, how come every society they've ever lived with had kicked them out?
Jews like to tell us it was just Hitler, but every other country has fucked them off as well.

Do they have smelly armpits or something?

Since Jews are always been the minority and the weaker, and different as well.
People tend to believe what they want to be true as for the Children blood in the Matza(Passover traditional food) plot.
Hitler also killed Gypsies did you know that?
Why any Western country should not only ban the immigration of Muslims entirely, but provide aid to any country threatened by these savages.

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

Have you heard that Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.
In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined.

The following polls convey what Muslims say are their attitudes toward terrorism, al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 attacks, violence in defense of Islam, Sharia, honor killings, and matters concerning assimilation in Western society. The results are all the more astonishing because most of the polls were conducted by organizations with an obvious interest in "discovering" agreeable statistics that downplay any cause for concern.

(These have been compiled over the years, so not all links remain active. We will continue adding to this.)

Naturally, Indonesian Muslims seem to be avid fans of genocide on a people living thousands of miles away; saw a demonstration on the news the other day about those wonderful 'moderate' Indonesians. And these clowns expect us to believe it's just about 'illegal immigration into Palestine'? lol that's hilarious.
C'mon, don't be such a lying douche, Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map and establish a single caliphate throughout the Middle East... As if dirtbags like Hamas will stop at getting their own country, since they already have plenty of Arab scum countries.

Indeed, and the 'two state solution' already exists to boot; didn't do any good, did it?
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is the root cause of all the hostility and violence between Palestinian's and Israeli's, all you have to be is human.

You need to be a human with a brain and a heart.
The cause is simple.
Mass illegal immigration (especially after 1945), the Jewish terrorist bombings of the mid 1940s and the founding of the state of Israel.

One has to ask - if Jews are so nice, how come every society they've ever lived with had kicked them out?
Jews like to tell us it was just Hitler, but every other country has fucked them off as well.

Do they have smelly armpits or something?

Since Jews are always been the minority and the weaker, and different as well.
People tend to believe what they want to be true as for the Children blood in the Matza(Passover traditional food) plot.
Hitler also killed Gypsies did you know that?

Personally I think Jews suffered in Europe because of a peculiarly European phenomenon. There wasn't any indigenous "other" handy to hate. Gypsies didn't work because they were generally Christian at an early time, and the European "other" had to be non-Christian to rally the European xenophobes. Hence --- Crusades and anti-Semitism! Of course Hitler didn't care about Christianity and was "free" to hate anyone on racial grounds ...

and to tell the truth I think Jews were perceived in a very favorable light outside Europe. For example Muslim countries were much more pluralistic. Divisions along religious grounds existed from the first, Islamic was never as monolithic in the Middle East as Christianity (and specifically Catholicism) was in Europe. I do believe anti-Semitism was an exclusively European form of hatred .... until Zionism, that is. Now there are people around the world who think they have reasons to hate Jews, an impression I and many others are vigilant about combating.

a good book to read is Edward Said's Orientalism, much of the mindset he identifies certainly applies to European perception of Jews as well as Arabs.
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Just awesome video. Thanks so much, Fanger. This is my new Palestine 101 film. Excellent.

nothing new-----when I was a kid ----there were also people who collected
islamo Nazi propaganda -----that's how I got to read so much of it----it was
just blowing around town. I wish I had saved it-------it was so idiotic.

for those who do not know-----islamo Nazi propaganda back then
was the purview of WHITE SUPREMACISTS -----and even back
then it was all about evil Zionists who were OPPRESSING MUSLIMS.
I have noticed that some of our board jihadis have been claiming that
ZIONISM IS A BRANCH OF white supremacist stuff------now that's
really funny. wrong dear little Jihadis-------the white suprmacists are
your friends Also----never tell an arab that he isn't WHITE. most
of all------never say that tell an Iranian that he isn't white------but its ok
if you tell an Iranian that ARABS AIN't white
The fire rockets into Israel every day basically.

They abducted 3 teens and murdered them.

They are getting it back 10 fold.................

Stop firing shit at Israel and maybe the IDF wouldn't be firing at them...
The occupation started 37 years before the first rocket was ever fired.

You show the disparity in the deaths. You don't show that Hamas couldn't hit the side of a barn with a rocket from the inside.
Then why are you making such a big deal about them?

They've only killed 17 people in the last 11 years.

That's not a threat, that's a nuisance.

The Pro Palestinian Apologist is referring to a War the Arabs initiated :lol: :cuckoo:
C'mon, don't be such a lying douche, Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map and establish a single caliphate throughout the Middle East... As if dirtbags like Hamas will stop at getting their own country, since they already have plenty of Arab scum countries.

Indeed, and the 'two state solution' already exists to boot; didn't do any good, did it?

The Palestinians never believed in the " Two State Solution" The Goal was to start a Civil War and try to overthrow the Israeli Govt so they are getting nothing. :D
I couldn't help but notice everyone who doesn't think the occupation is the root cause, can't bring themselves to even talk about the daily horrors the occupation brings to the Palestinian's.

You don't see the occupation as the problem, yet you can't talk about the occupation itself?

Why any Western country should not only ban the immigration of Muslims entirely, but provide aid to any country threatened by these savages.

The following polls convey what Muslims say are their attitudes toward terrorism, al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 attacks, violence in defense of Islam, Sharia, honor killings, and matters concerning assimilation in Western society. The results are all the more astonishing because most of the polls were conducted by organizations with an obvious interest in "discovering" agreeable statistics that downplay any cause for concern.

(These have been compiled over the years, so not all links remain active. We will continue adding to this.)

Naturally, Indonesian Muslims seem to be avid fans of genocide on a people living thousands of miles away; saw a demonstration on the news the other day about those wonderful 'moderate' Indonesians. And these clowns expect us to believe it's just about 'illegal immigration into Palestine'? lol that's hilarious.

So obviously we're headed for World War III if we don't kick Israel's butt back down to reality.
C'mon, don't be such a lying douche, Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map and establish a single caliphate throughout the Middle East... As if dirtbags like Hamas will stop at getting their own country, since they already have plenty of Arab scum countries.
That's the big lie you brain-dead animals insist on spewing to the world.
I couldn't help but notice everyone who doesn't think the occupation is the root cause, can't bring themselves to even talk about the daily horrors the occupation brings to the Palestinian's.

You don't see the occupation as the problem, yet you can't talk about the occupation itself?

well, c'mon Billo, its not as if they're in total denial.
No. They are planning to solve the problem of the occupation by expelling the Palestinians. ....


.... and they think that anyone who loves peace is going to be okay with that.
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You got any proof that Israel kidnapped their own 3 teens and killed them?
Although that was my original opinion on this issue, it wasn't my point in the post you were responding to. Israeli authorities knew the 3 teens had been killed shortly after they had been abducted, but issued a "gag order" to suppress this information so the media would not report it.
- Then they went on a massive raid all over the West Bank acting like they were looking for the teenagers, whom they already knew were dead.
- They arrested over 500 Palestinian's in these raids and locked them up without charges.
- Then they began missile strikes in Gaza.​
That provoked a response from Hamas.

Which was the response the Israeli's wanted in the first place, because the whole point of this exercise was to break up the unity government between Fatah and Hamas. That has been the goal all along.
C'mon, don't be such a lying douche, Arabs want to wipe Israel off the map and establish a single caliphate throughout the Middle East... As if dirtbags like Hamas will stop at getting their own country, since they already have plenty of Arab scum countries.

Indeed, and the 'two state solution' already exists to boot; didn't do any good, did it?

The Palestinians never believed in the " Two State Solution" The Goal was to start a Civil War and try to overthrow the Israeli Govt so they are getting nothing. :D

Yes. There's no looting, murdering, and raping involved in just getting your own state peacefully, hence their lack of interest in having one via peaceful means. Allah only loves killers and thieves.
The Palestinians never believed in the " Two State Solution" The Goal was to start a Civil War and try to overthrow the Israeli Govt so they are getting nothing. :D
When you come back from your alternate universe, you will see on planet earth, the Palestinian's have already stated their willingness to accept a two-state solution, that it was the Israeli's who started the war and it is the Israeli's, who are now actively trying to get rid of the democratically elected government in Gaza.

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