The roots of the rising violence in Gaza and Israel

Why is it that every time there is an escalation in violence, leftist like Billo try to find complicated reasons as to why it started??
It's so fuckin simple, my dog could figure it out


No rockets = no dead Gazans
No rockets = no dead Gazans
No rockets = no dead Gazans
Okay, since you're mentally incapable of complex thought, I'll simplify it for you...

...Israel deliberately manufactured this latest round of violence.

You got any proof that Israel kidnapped their own 3 teens and killed them?
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what is the root cause of all the hostility and violence between Palestinian's and Israeli's, all you have to be is human. Which unfortunately, leaves out many Zionists, except for this one...

Rebecca Vilkomerson...who sees the reality in this conflict with clear vision.
The last several days have been devastating. The weeks leading up to it have been horrifying. Since the beginning of the Israel’s Operation Protective Edge on July 8, 2014:
- upwards of 80 Palestinians have been killed and approximately 500 wounded by Israeli missiles

- 2 Israelis have been wounded from rockets fired from Gaza.

- We have watched with sadness and anger as the deaths of children have mounted, racist mobs have rampaged, the fears of people throughout both Israel and Palestine have reached unbearable levels, and the collective punishment of the Palestinian people has intensified.

- scores of Palestinians--with no place to hide--have been killed, while the entire population of Gaza experiences the terror of widespread bombing.

- Israelis have had to endure the fear of never knowing when or where the next rocket will fall.

- What is worse, reports from Israel the US are now confirming that this entire escalation was artificially created by Israeli political leaders and built on a foundation of lies.​
To end violence - and truly mourn its victims - we must acknowledge, and challenge the root causes beneath it.

The occupation, with US military and financial support, is the root cause.

The daily structural violence of the occupation systematically denies the very humanity of Arabs, while valuing Jewish lives at the expense of others.

The media is portraying the current violence as the most recent flare-up of a long running conflict between two-sides using equal force against the other. We know the truth to be different. The relative ‘calm’ in Israeli and international media for the last 7 years or so has not been calm for Palestinian communities. The ongoing occupation inflicts both direct and structural violence, making daily life and the struggle for existence into an act of resistance.

The recent and very public violence against Palestinians in the streets of Jerusalem and elsewhere did not happen in a vacuum. Anti-Palestinian bigotry is not only acceptable but a powerful political tool in Israel. Long before this latest escalation, everyday life for Palestinians meant increasing numbers of settlements taking over their lands and homes, and a web of violence and control which reached into every area of life, simply because they are not Jewish.

Those few Israelis who are bravely speaking out against their governments’ inhumane policies need to know that they have our support. Those Palestinians who are under daily assault need to know that we see them.

As Americans, and especially as Jews, we can not wait one more moment to speak up. In such a terrible moment, we must join what we feel with what we know.
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who see injustice and remain silent.

I forget who said should have been me!

So 1400 years of inbred religious commands have nothing to do with the hatred of the Jews by the muslims then. The cold blooded murder of 3 innocent Jewish children by a group of callous hamas terrorist murderers has nothing to do with it. The constant barrage of ILLEGAL rockets targeting Israeli children has nothing to do with it. I wonder what you would do if the Mcoys decided to make your life a living hell. Would you do what you tell the Israelis to do and give them your property and move away destitute and hated. Or would you fight back and use every dirty trick in the book to stop those Ncoys in their tracks.
The fire rockets into Israel every day basically.

They abducted 3 teens and murdered them.

They are getting it back 10 fold.................

Stop firing shit at Israel and maybe the IDF wouldn't be firing at them...
The occupation started 37 years before the first rocket was ever fired.

You show the disparity in the deaths. You don't show that Hamas couldn't hit the side of a barn with a rocket from the inside.
Then why are you making such a big deal about them?

They've only killed 17 people in the last 11 years.

That's not a threat, that's a nuisance.

But the IED's started many years before the occupation, as did the murders, knifings, shootings and various other terrorist actions.

Because they are illegal and are the same thing as Israeli fly pasts.

SO what it just shows that Israel are better than the stupid palestinians
The fire rockets into Israel every day basically.

They abducted 3 teens and murdered them.

They are getting it back 10 fold.................

Stop firing shit at Israel and maybe the IDF wouldn't be firing at them...

You show the disparity in the deaths. You don't show that Hamas couldn't hit the side of a barn with a rocket from the inside.

By failing to distinguish between military (Hamas) and civilian (people of Gaza) in your term "THEY," .... you are perpetuating this? Hamas can now justify still MORE rocket attacks.
The fire rockets into Israel every day basically.

They abducted 3 teens and murdered them.

They are getting it back 10 fold.................

Stop firing shit at Israel and maybe the IDF wouldn't be firing at them...
The occupation started 37 years before the first rocket was ever fired.

You show the disparity in the deaths. You don't show that Hamas couldn't hit the side of a barn with a rocket from the inside.
Then why are you making such a big deal about them?

They've only killed 17 people in the last 11 years.

That's not a threat, that's a nuisance.

Your last comment is so unbelievably ridiculous Billo.
Do you know WHY only a small number of Israelis have died in that time period??
Bomb shelters, heavy security, Shin Bet uncovering terrorist plots before they occur, Iron Dome , checkpoints, walls, fences etc....
Hamas a nuissance?? No. They are a threat and if Israel lets its guard down, more Israelis will die.

I wonder if dildo found 9/11 just a nuisance as well
The root of this problem is Arab hatred of non-Muslims.


THAT sounds like some Zionist explained it to you.

Please think for yourself and recognize that Palestinian demands are legitimate. They want their nation recognized and allowed to exist in peace.
And Arab Christians do not hate Israel any less.
Why is it that every time there is an escalation in violence, leftist like Billo try to find complicated reasons as to why it started??
It's so fuckin simple, my dog could figure it out


No rockets = no dead Gazans
No rockets = no dead Gazans
No rockets = no dead Gazans
Okay, since you're mentally incapable of complex thought, I'll simplify it for you...

...Israel deliberately manufactured this latest round of violence.

By refusing to worship Mohamed in medina back in 630 C.E.

Because that is when the hatred of the Jews by the Palestinians all started.
Your last comment is so unbelievably ridiculous Billo.
Do you know WHY only a small number of Israelis have died in that time period??
Bomb shelters, heavy security, Shin Bet uncovering terrorist plots before they occur, Iron Dome , checkpoints, walls, fences etc....
Hamas a nuissance?? No. They are a threat and if Israel lets its guard down, more Israelis will die.
That's just a bullshit excuse to continue Israeli tyranny.

No it is a truth that you are loathe to accept, that the Jews love life while the Palestinians love death
Sometimes when you change the topic like that .... I wonder if you are capable to following a train of thought, Phoenall.

WHAT does the Israeli attack on Gaza have to do with Muhammad back in 630 A.D.? Where are you getting this? Because you are NOT getting it from Palestinians. You are trying to psychoanalyze people about whom you know less than nothing by resort to something that happened 1300 years ago?
The root of this problem is Arab hatred of non-Muslims.


THAT sounds like some Zionist explained it to you.

Please think for yourself and recognize that Palestinian demands are legitimate. They want their nation recognized and allowed to exist in peace.
And Arab Christians do not hate Israel any less.

I don't think anyone is objecting to Palestinians having their nation. It's just the picky little detail that they ALSO want to have all of Israel as well: it's been that way since '47........
That little black book represents an ideology of hate and intolerance that has poisoned minds and bodies for the last 1,400 years.
It pales in comparison to life under occupation of a foreign force.

Which has been the Jews lot in Palestine for the last 2,000 years, and most of that has been under Palestinian arab muslim occupation.

Read a little Palestinian history before you embarrass yourself even more, Phoenall:

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish community of Palestine has done well for this entire time until Zionism. They very gradually converted to Christianity and then Islam, that is all.
Sometimes when you change the topic like that .... I wonder if you are capable to following a train of thought, Phoenall.

WHAT does the Israeli attack on Gaza have to do with Muhammad back in 630 A.D.? Where are you getting this? Because you are NOT getting it from Palestinians. You are trying to psychoanalyze people about whom you know less than nothing by resort to something that happened 1300 years ago?

Very simple that is when the muslim scum started the brainwashing and preaching " KILL THE JEWS " because the Jewish tribe at Medina would not worship him as god. So he issued the religious commands to " KILL THE JEWS " as a consequence. So that is why it has everything to do with the constant attacks on the Israelis by the Palestinian terrorist scum.

You want to know were I am getting this from well it comes from the Koran and the hadiths were it is well publicised. Before this he was a staunch Zionist and wanted to give the Jews Israel/Palestine as their homeland.
It pales in comparison to life under occupation of a foreign force.

Which has been the Jews lot in Palestine for the last 2,000 years, and most of that has been under Palestinian arab muslim occupation.

Read a little Palestinian history before you embarrass yourself even more, Phoenall:

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish community of Palestine has done well for this entire time until Zionism. They very gradually converted to Christianity and then Islam, that is all.

As I keep reminding you the source of the link is an ISLAMONAZI one so is hardly valid and unbiased. I prefer the Ottoman archives that tell a different story how they tried to ship in arab muslims to work the land and watched them give up and return home. Then they invited the European Jews to come and settle in Palestine and offered them land ownership. This they did and made a barren land fruitful once again. The records of the Ottomans show that many arab muslims migrated to Palestine and squatted close to the Jewish farms hoping for work and wages only to be disappointed when none were forthcoming.
So prior to 1878 the only arab muslims in Palestine were the nomadic Bedouin tribes. How's that for a true ISLAMIC source that does not LIE ?
It pales in comparison to life under occupation of a foreign force.

Which has been the Jews lot in Palestine for the last 2,000 years, and most of that has been under Palestinian arab muslim occupation.

Read a little Palestinian history before you embarrass yourself even more, Phoenall:

History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish community of Palestine has done well for this entire time until Zionism. They very gradually converted to Christianity and then Islam, that is all.

Historically, a geographic nation is a self-ruling entity on an identifiable territory with recognized capital seat of governance, with its own independent treasury/coinage. That does not define "Palestine"

Arafat was the individual who coined the term "Palestine" as a modern "national" identity in the late 1960's and its people (excluding the Jews) as "Palestinians." It plays on the modern recognition that the modern State of Israel is the new aberration built on the conquered "nation" of Palestine, displacing its "rightful inhabitants."

There was no "nation" of Palestine, but the term was readily recognizeable as having preceding "Israel" as part of the Bristish Mandate, of the Syria-Palestine vilayet of the Ottoman Empire, and back throught the centuries to the Roman destruction of Judea and their intent to erase the nation, remaining it Palaestina for the Philistines who once possessed part of the ancient land.

Of historical (and anthropological note), is that the Philistines (the "Sea Peoples") never settled Judea, they settled only the southwestern coast; nor were they of the Semetic tribes from which the Jews, Arabs, Hittites etc. descend. They were from Crete and Macednonia and the Aegean.

Furthermore, they never were a "nation." Like their Aegean relatives, they formed "city-states"--the key centers being what is now Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Gaza.

Thus, the modern Palestinians are not descended from the Philistines--but are brethren to the Jews.

Philistia never exissted as a nation, nor did the ancient city-states contain more than a small coastal margin of what is now modern day Israel and the Gaza strip.

While it is easy to strip modern myth from historical fact. it changes nothing.
The self-named modern Palestinians also have valid ties to the shared holy land (just as Jewish refugees do to the many former lost sites of Arab Jewry throughout the MIddle East and North Africa). No solution will be sustaining until at least recognition of the mutual ties to the land, mutual losses and mutual respect are achieved.

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