The Road to Auschwitz Ran Through the Americam Genocide. Part II

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

History is a set of lies agreed upon

Napoleon Bonaparte

First of all, you cannot discover an inhabited land. Otherwise Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Bush the Junior would be not the war criminals but the outstanding “discoverers”. The history we have been taught is a myth. Myths are so fraught with meaning that we live and die with them. They are “maps by which cultures navigate through time” (Stolen Continents. The New World Through Indian Eyes. Ronald Wright, p.4). The myth of “discovery” has transformed historical crimes into glittering icons. While Western Myths are triumphalistic, those of the losers are of a drama.

Due to the “Factory of Dreams”, excuse me, “…Of the Lies…” Native Americans were represented as backward, undeveloped, lacking things that signify the European “human technological progress” – lack of a plow and of a wheel. Or writing (well, as we found out, Maya hieroglyphs WERE a writing!). And NOBODY noticed that without oxen or horses that did not exist in America, these tools were useless.

The apologists of the “rightness” of the European colonization of America say that Inca Empire fell because it was an “anthill” society whose subjects had no free will. They assert that ancient Peruvians simply stood around and allowed themselves to be butchered by a handful of the European scoundrels with crosses on their necks. Why? Because the conquerors brought to Peru the pearl of individual freedom !!!

Does that not resemble the “Operation Iraqi Freedom” of our time ???

For Inca contemporary of Shakespeare the smelly invaders turned the world “upside down” (they did not take baths and Native Americans did it on daily basis (they had to put flowers into their nostrils to stand the stink coming from the bodies of the Spaniards.

The Aztecs of Mexico, the Maya of Guatemala and Yucatan, the Incas of Peru, the Cherokees of the Southern United States, and the Iroquois of the Great Lakes - all of them left multiple written accounts of the first encounters and the European invaders and the conflict.

America high school and university students graduate with the false knowledge that a “typical Indian” was a nomadic hunter. In fact the majority of them lived in villages, towns and cities long before the crimibal Columbus defiled their land with their feet.

Mexico City, the Aztec capital held a quarter million people - four times more than Tudor London. It controlled the total population of 20 million.

In 1492 the British Isles had only 5 million people. Spain - about eight.

Asia and Africa have been decolonized. That didn’t happen to America. Why are Native Americans not represented at the United Nations ??? Why none of the Native American languages are used as the official languages of the United Nations?

Languages of the “primitive peoples" ??? But Guinea and New Guinea are governed today by descendants of their original inhabitants who were much less developed than most of the peoples of ancient America ...

“Primitive peoples” ??? These “primitive peoples”, the Aztec, defeated the unit of Fransisco Hernandes, equipped with swords, muskets and crossbows, wearing armor war dogs, and who died soon from his injuries.

Why was pre-Columbian America occupied and ruined?

Unfortunately, “biological weapons” was on the side of the conquistadors : smallpox, measles, influenza, bubonic plague, yellow fewer, cholera and malaria, the deceases brought to America as a result of the “Columbian Exchange”. Native Americans had little or no immunity - they caught the new sickness quickly, the infection was extremely virulent. The sheer loss of people was devastating. Decease was a political assignment squad killing kings, generals, seasoned advisors at the very time they were needed most.

By the year 1492, approximately 100 million Native Americans, one fifth of the human race of that time, were living in America. By 1600, after twenty waves of pestilence 90 million died, the equivalent of, in today’s ’terms, to the loss of a billion. And the physical extermination of Native Americans on the scale of genocide by violent methods continued ...

But more on that in the next chapter ...

History is a set of lies agreed upon

Napoleon Bonaparte

First of all, you cannot discover an inhabited land. ....

Sure you can. The lands were previously unknown to the explorers. They discovered them.

I discovered a new restaurant near me a couple of days ago. The statement does not imply that there were no people there.

Try to be less cra cra.
Columbus Day is repugnant to Native Americans.

Native American Genocide


History is a set of lies agreed upon

Napoleon Bonaparte

First of all, you cannot discover an inhabited land. Otherwise Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Bush the Junior would be not the war criminals but the outstanding “discoverers”. The history we have been taught is a myth. Myths are so fraught with meaning that we live and die with them. They are “maps by which cultures navigate through time” (Stolen Continents. The New World Through Indian Eyes. Ronald Wright, p.4). The myth of “discovery” has transformed historical crimes into glittering icons. While Western Myths are triumphalistic, those of the losers are of a drama.

Due to the “Factory of Dreams”, excuse me, “…Of the Lies…” Native Americans were represented as backward, undeveloped, lacking things that signify the European “human technological progress” – lack of a plow and of a wheel. Or writing (well, as we found out, Maya hieroglyphs WERE a writing!). And NOBODY noticed that without oxen or horses that did not exist in America, these tools were useless.

The apologists of the “rightness” of the European colonization of America say that Inca Empire fell because it was an “anthill” society whose subjects had no free will. They assert that ancient Peruvians simply stood around and allowed themselves to be butchered by a handful of the European scoundrels with crosses on their necks. Why? Because the conquerors brought to Peru the pearl of individual freedom !!!

Does that not resemble the “Operation Iraqi Freedom” of our time ???

For Inca contemporary of Shakespeare the smelly invaders turned the world “upside down” (they did not take baths and Native Americans did it on daily basis (they had to put flowers into their nostrils to stand the stink coming from the bodies of the Spaniards.

The Aztecs of Mexico, the Maya of Guatemala and Yucatan, the Incas of Peru, the Cherokees of the Southern United States, and the Iroquois of the Great Lakes - all of them left multiple written accounts of the first encounters and the European invaders and the conflict.

America high school and university students graduate with the false knowledge that a “typical Indian” was a nomadic hunter. In fact the majority of them lived in villages, towns and cities long before the crimibal Columbus defiled their land with their feet.

Mexico City, the Aztec capital held a quarter million people - four times more than Tudor London. It controlled the total population of 20 million.

In 1492 the British Isles had only 5 million people. Spain - about eight.

Asia and Africa have been decolonized. That didn’t happen to America. Why are Native Americans not represented at the United Nations ??? Why none of the Native American languages are used as the official languages of the United Nations?

Languages of the “primitive peoples" ??? But Guinea and New Guinea are governed today by descendants of their original inhabitants who were much less developed than most of the peoples of ancient America ...

“Primitive peoples” ??? These “primitive peoples”, the Aztec, defeated the unit of Fransisco Hernandes, equipped with swords, muskets and crossbows, wearing armor war dogs, and who died soon from his injuries.

Why was pre-Columbian America occupied and ruined?

Unfortunately, “biological weapons” was on the side of the conquistadors : smallpox, measles, influenza, bubonic plague, yellow fewer, cholera and malaria, the deceases brought to America as a result of the “Columbian Exchange”. Native Americans had little or no immunity - they caught the new sickness quickly, the infection was extremely virulent. The sheer loss of people was devastating. Decease was a political assignment squad killing kings, generals, seasoned advisors at the very time they were needed most.

By the year 1492, approximately 100 million Native Americans, one fifth of the human race of that time, were living in America. By 1600, after twenty waves of pestilence 90 million died, the equivalent of, in today’s ’terms, to the loss of a billion. And the physical extermination of Native Americans on the scale of genocide by violent methods continued ...

But more on that in the next chapter ...
I always love it when people judge history by presumed modern, western values........ It shows more that they have an agenda, windmills to tilt at than an actual understanding of history's "who, what, when, where, why and what did it lead to" concrete guidelines.
Native American were never at war with each other......., snicker........

Oxford Reference

Native American Wars

Selected Excerpt:

"On the Western Plains, pre‐Columbian warfare—before the introduction of horses and guns—pitted tribes against one another for control of territory and its resources, as well as for captives and honor. Indian forces marched on foot to attack rival tribes who sometimes resided in palisaded villages. Before the arrival of the horse and gun, battles could last days, and casualties could number in the hundreds; thereafter, both Plains Indian culture and the character and meaning of war changed dramatically. The horse facilitated quick, long‐distance raids to acquire goods. Warfare became more individualistic and less bloody: an opportunity for adolescent males to acquire prestige through demonstrations of courage. It became more honorable for a warrior to touch his enemy (to count “coup”) or steal his horse than to kill him."
Europeans brought disease to the New World and disease killed off a substantial number of Native Americans. Some would say it was inevitable but what it has to do with the Jewish Genocide in a German Concentration camp in the 20th century is anybody's guess.

History is a set of lies agreed upon

Napoleon Bonaparte

First of all, you cannot discover an inhabited land. ....

Sure you can. The lands were previously unknown to the explorers. They discovered them.

I discovered a new restaurant near me a couple of days ago. The statement does not imply that there were no people there.

Try to be less cra cra.

In this case, I used the language of the representative of the Native Americans.
At the very end of the article series, I will post my thanks to the authors of the books that I used to prepare and write this article series.I also walk around West Еnd and "discove"r new houses with interesting architecture, cafes and shops.

But I'll do my best :)))
I think some people already regretted “waking the sleeping dog” when I tried to point out the positive, humane moments of the President’s policy and provoked me to this series of articles
The culture of the killers of their ancestors ??? Are you out of your mind?
Do you read what I write? Or is the text large ???




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The culture of the killers of their ancestors ??? Are you out of your mind?
Do you read what I write? Or is the text large ???





If past conflict is a reason to not respect another person's culture, than Multiculturalism and Diversity as concepts and policies were always lies.

When were you planning to be honest about your war on Traditional American culture?

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