The Rich Don't Create Jobs

Yeah idiots who look and see FREE MONEY, then turn around and get pissed when they have to pay it back WITH interest..

Uh, no. Customers -- you know -- people who buy products. Interest doesn't even enter the picture (unless they buy the products with credit cards).

And customers get that money from somewhere - someone worked somewhere down the line to pay for those products and those people were paid by people WHO HAVE MONEY..

I don't give a fuck if its off a welfare card. Obviously the government took tax money from guys like me who had to work who were paid by RICH PEOPLE, or the idiot who charges it, hence made investors (those with a REAL bank account) who only have money in the bank because they're paid by RICH PEOPLE...

There would be no demand if there weren't rich people paying people money which they in turn use to CREATE A DEMAND for a product because they use that money to buy shit.

It's not that difficult to understand.
There would be no demand if there weren't rich people paying people money which they in turn use to CREATE A DEMAND for a product because they use that money to buy shit.

LOL! So without the rich, people wouldn't want to eat! Got it!

You are such a fucking moron. You really think that without wealthy people, all the farmland would lay fallow, don't you?

Did one caveman need a RICH guy to enable him to trade a arrow head he makes for a fish that another caveman caught?
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And customers get that money from somewhere - someone worked somewhere down the line to pay for those products and those people were paid by people WHO HAVE MONEY..

It starts with the customers, not the capital. If necessary, capital can be borrowed. Customers can't.

More money to rich people does NOT mean more jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES mean more jobs.
That's why I say the American Left is to the left of genuine Communists.

Well, they clearly don't understand the capitalist model.

They clearly don't understand I give someone money, they provide me with a service or product and I sell those services or product to make money - my own paycheck.
And customers get that money from somewhere - someone worked somewhere down the line to pay for those products and those people were paid by people WHO HAVE MONEY..

It starts with the customers, not the capital. If necessary, capital can be borrowed. Customers can't.

More money to rich people does NOT mean more jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES mean more jobs.

The customers have to have the capital in order to be customers. The capital used in order to pay those potential customers, which enables them to consume, comes from investors or entrapreneurs.
No, Nick, we understand that perfectly well. But we also understand something else, that you DON'T understand, which means that fact doesn't mean what you think it does.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES create jobs.
And customers get that money from somewhere - someone worked somewhere down the line to pay for those products and those people were paid by people WHO HAVE MONEY..

It starts with the customers, not the capital. If necessary, capital can be borrowed. Customers can't.

More money to rich people does NOT mean more jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES mean more jobs.

You need capital before you even have the opportunity to provide a customer with goods or services..

You can't build a house without a fucking hammer dummy..

You can want a house all you want but if you don't have the hammer, nails and wood - YOU HAVE NO HOUSE.

That's why you go to the person with the shit you need and barter with him - if you don't have anything you can labor for him and earn the shit you need to build a house.

You see your demand was meaningless without having to do something to EARN what you need from the guy who had what you need..

Its pretty simple - if you build me three houses I will give you one of them. If you can find a better offer from one of the other guys then so be it.

That is capitalism...
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The customers have to have the capital in order to be customers. The capital used in order to pay those potential customers, which enables them to consume, comes from investors or entrapreneurs.

Not necessarily. It can come from banks; plus, rich people already have plenty of money. (That's why we call them "rich people.")

Capital is already there; no need to worry about that. Money in the hands of people who will buy the products -- that's NOT already there. That's what we need to worry about.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES create jobs.

That's the bottom line.
You need capital before you even have the opportunity to provide a customer with goods or services..

You don't NEED capital because you already HAVE capital.

Capital can be taken for granted. There's plenty of capital. We do not have a capital shortage. We have a customer shortage.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES create jobs.
The customers have to have the capital in order to be customers. The capital used in order to pay those potential customers, which enables them to consume, comes from investors or entrapreneurs.

Not necessarily. It can come from banks; plus, rich people already have plenty of money. (That's why we call them "rich people.")

Capital is already there; no need to worry about that. Money in the hands of people who will buy the products -- that's NOT already there. That's what we need to worry about.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES create jobs.

That's the bottom line.

Banks don't loan to someone who has no collateral.
Banks don't loan to someone who has no collateral.

Not a problem. There's plenty of collateral, and there's plenty of capital. We don't have a capital shortage. We have a customer shortage, because not enough people are making a decent living.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to the middle class and poor DOES create jobs.

It's that simple.
Banks don't loan to someone who has no collateral.

Not a problem. There's plenty of collateral, and there's plenty of capital. We don't have a capital shortage. We have a customer shortage, because not enough people are making a decent living.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

Who is creating jobs?
Who is creating jobs?

Nobody; that's the problem. Nobody with capital is investing it in anything that would create jobs, because we have a customer shortage.

Giving more money to people who already have a lot will not solve that problem.

Giving more money to people who don't already have a lot will.
Who is creating jobs?

Nobody; that's the problem. Nobody with capital is investing it in anything that would create jobs, because we have a customer shortage.

Giving more money to people who already have a lot will not solve that problem.

Giving more money to people who don't already have a lot will.

I'll put it differently then: Who CAN create jobs which grow the economy? Government is the wrong answer, because government doesn't produce.
No, Nick, we understand that perfectly well. But we also understand something else, that you DON'T understand, which means that fact doesn't mean what you think it does.

More money to rich people does NOT create jobs.

More money to middle class and poor people DOES create jobs.

What don't you understand??

Rich people get more money - government takes higher percentage out the back door via regulations, fines, taxes etc.

10,000 - 10,000 = ZERO.

How can you invest profits when they're being taken by the government to support the losers they financially support??

If you make 10 dollars an hour and the government takes 10%, You make 9 dollars. now if I make 12 dollars an hour and the government takes 20% (because I have more than you) I make $9.60... Oh but because I make more than you the government gives you an extra .40 cents for welfare. So now you're making 9.40 and I'm making 9.60 and I'm the evil rich guy that is making 2 bucks more than you are.

Idiots like you only see 10 dollars and 12 dollars...

I suppose my point is some people only APPEAR to be "rich."
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Who is creating jobs?

Nobody; that's the problem. Nobody with capital is investing it in anything that would create jobs, because we have a customer shortage.

Giving more money to people who already have a lot will not solve that problem.

Giving more money to people who don't already have a lot will.

I'll put it differently then: Who CAN create jobs which grow the economy? Government is the wrong answer, because government doesn't produce.

Not true according to Newt...

Gingrich: 'I Helped Mitt Romney Get To Be Rich' By Passing Reagan's Economic Plans In The '80s | ThinkProgress
Giving more money to people who already have a lot will not solve that problem.

Giving more money to people who don't already have a lot will.
A tax cut ≠ "giving more money" to someone. It means stealing less of their own money from them.

Very telling Freudian slip, though.

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