The Republicans Are Down-Playing The Religion Aspect In Their Primaries


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.
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I'm not sure what you expect people to take from this, that because they are not behaving in the manner you want them to they are wrong or hypocrites? Even though if they did criticize a mans religion you guys would say how ignorant. It's damned if you and damned if you don't, but they should only be damned if they do...

It's a lot like Herman Cain, black people shouldn't be republicans and republicans shouldn't support a black man. I think he had a point with the whole brain washing thing, some of you guys have twisted reality so much. It's quite honestly incredibly ignorant when you expect to be the only open minded person and a testament to ones own closed mindedness and proof of the facade so many of you put up.
I'm not sure what you expect people to take from this, that because they are not behaving in the manner you want them to they are wrong or hypocrites? Even though if they did criticize a mans religion you guys would say how ignorant. It's damned if you and damned if you don't, but they should only be damned if they do...

It's a lot like Herman Cain, black people shouldn't be republicans and republicans shouldn't support a black man. I think he had a point with the whole brain washing thing, some of you guys have twisted reality so much. It's quite honestly incredibly ignorant when you expect to be the only open minded person and a testament to ones own closed mindedness and proof of the facade so many of you put up.

Everything you just stated is total cow dung. Especially that swill about Herman #IDontHaveFactsToBackThatUp Cain. The man simply said that Perry was insensitive for having "N-wordhead" still blazing for as long as he did and he was IMMEDIATELY attacked by the many racists in the party for being another "race baiter" and instigator.

Back to the topic at hand, it's not the LEFT that's currently attacking the Mormon for his non-Christian religion, it's the FAR-RIGHT and the RIGHT.

Snap out of it!!!
I'm not sure what you expect people to take from this, that because they are not behaving in the manner you want them to they are wrong or hypocrites? Even though if they did criticize a mans religion you guys would say how ignorant. It's damned if you and damned if you don't, but they should only be damned if they do...

It's a lot like Herman Cain, black people shouldn't be republicans and republicans shouldn't support a black man. I think he had a point with the whole brain washing thing, some of you guys have twisted reality so much. It's quite honestly incredibly ignorant when you expect to be the only open minded person and a testament to ones own closed mindedness and proof of the facade so many of you put up.

Everything you just stated is total cow dung. Especially that swill about Herman #IDontHaveFactsToBackThatUp Cain. The man simply said that Perry was insensitive for having "N-wordhead" still blazing for as long as he did and he was IMMEDIATELY attacked by the many racists in the party for being another "race baiter" and instigator.

Back to the topic at hand, it's not the LEFT that's currently attacking the Mormon for his non-Christian religion, it's the FAR-RIGHT and the RIGHT.

Snap out of it!!!

Wait so now they are attacking him? I thought the right was down playing and not acting on it?

All you are going to do is point to little irrelevant things... I will say the Perry thing isn't little though, and that he isn't going to win anyways. You're right Cain is a puppet... lol what a joke...

I know some irrelevant guy said something, but again I see you making more of a big deal about it than anyone else.
I'm really happy that I don't pay much attention to what political clowns do or say. I for one would like to hear Republicans who are secure enough with their own faith that they don't have to keep reaffirming it for the benefit of people who are over-the-top with theirs.
I'm not sure what you expect people to take from this, that because they are not behaving in the manner you want them to they are wrong or hypocrites? Even though if they did criticize a mans religion you guys would say how ignorant. It's damned if you and damned if you don't, but they should only be damned if they do...

It's a lot like Herman Cain, black people shouldn't be republicans and republicans shouldn't support a black man. I think he had a point with the whole brain washing thing, some of you guys have twisted reality so much. It's quite honestly incredibly ignorant when you expect to be the only open minded person and a testament to ones own closed mindedness and proof of the facade so many of you put up.

Everything you just stated is total cow dung. Especially that swill about Herman #IDontHaveFactsToBackThatUp Cain. The man simply said that Perry was insensitive for having "N-wordhead" still blazing for as long as he did and he was IMMEDIATELY attacked by the many racists in the party for being another "race baiter" and instigator.

Back to the topic at hand, it's not the LEFT that's currently attacking the Mormon for his non-Christian religion, it's the FAR-RIGHT and the RIGHT.

Snap out of it!!!

Wait so now they are attacking him? I thought the right was down playing and not acting on it?

All you are going to do is point to little irrelevant things... I will say the Perry thing isn't little though, and that he isn't going to win anyways. You're right Cain is a puppet... lol what a joke...

I know some irrelevant guy said something, but again I see you making more of a big deal about it than anyone else.

I knew your response would be more RW usual.


Here's some of the responses from the racist RWers, the writer quoted some in this article:

Read 'em and weep.
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^^I didn't know it was a tactic to beat me over the head on a point of agreement. I said the Perry thing wasn't little... and that he isn't going to win that makes it irrelevant. Perry is a worse version of Romney on his best days. They are just politicians... lol at that article saying Cain is no Al Sharpton, I'm sure he would take that as a compliment.

There was no denial in any aspect of my post. I maybe dismissive of what some guy said who called Mormonism a cult, and I will be proven correct or incorrect after the Southern primaries.

But yea gimmie another article for shits and giggles.
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^^I didn't know it was a tactic to beat me over the head on a point of agreement. I said the Perry thing wasn't little... and that he isn't going to win that makes it irrelevant. Perry is a worse version of Romney on his best days. They are just politicians... lol at that article saying Cain is no Al Sharpton, I'm sure he would take that as a compliment.

Their was no denial in any aspect of my post. I maybe dismissive of what some guy said who called Mormonism a cult, and I will be proven correct or incorrect after the Southern primaries.

But yea gimmie another article for shits and giggles.

Things don't always read as we expect. Clearly I misread you. Nighty, night. :cool:
Yea I would like to think Im a little more independent minded... I know their is a lot of ignorance on here, it makes me question that I maybe a little bit hopeful in my estimation of conservatives
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

What the fuck do any of those gripes have to do with religion?
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

So you don't honestly love this country enough to show support for it? have you ever said the pledge to the flag???
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Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

I don't believe one has to consistently remind everyone else of their faith, nor deem another "unqualified" because they don't share in the same denomination you believe in. Faith isn't as important as someone's moral character and the confidence that they display. Hard times also has a way of switching priorities, as a faltering economy with uncontrolled spending is grabbing more of the public attention along with government scrutiny. The weight of someone's faith isn't nearly as important as: looking towards how we are going to recover from a nation that's increasing rapidly in debt, under a stagnate economy that hasn't shown any real positive change in almost 2 years. I could care less if the President was Mormon, Catholic, . . . or would rather cling to fat man in a red suit with a group of flying reindeer, as they call all those of religious faith "delusional".

What really matters to people is: where can I find a job, that will provide the financial security and stability that is necessary to sustain my family's needs for the long haul?
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Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

Does this post have a point?
I'm not sure what you expect people to take from this, that because they are not behaving in the manner you want them to they are wrong or hypocrites? Even though if they did criticize a mans religion you guys would say how ignorant. It's damned if you and damned if you don't, but they should only be damned if they do...

It's a lot like Herman Cain, black people shouldn't be republicans and republicans shouldn't support a black man. I think he had a point with the whole brain washing thing, some of you guys have twisted reality so much. It's quite honestly incredibly ignorant when you expect to be the only open minded person and a testament to ones own closed mindedness and proof of the facade so many of you put up.

Everything you just stated is total cow dung. Especially that swill about Herman #IDontHaveFactsToBackThatUp Cain. The man simply said that Perry was insensitive for having "N-wordhead" still blazing for as long as he did and he was IMMEDIATELY attacked by the many racists in the party for being another "race baiter" and instigator.

Back to the topic at hand, it's not the LEFT that's currently attacking the Mormon for his non-Christian religion, it's the FAR-RIGHT and the RIGHT.

Snap out of it!!!

Apparently you missed the reaction of the "far right" to Jeffers comments.

Bill Bennett scolds over anti-Mormon "bigotry" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

Does this post have a point?

Nope not really.
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.

The flags, placing your hand over your heart, the "National" anthem...these are all Patriotic things...they have NOTHING to do with religion. Jehova's witnesses won't do any of these things because they look at it as "worshipping", which is completely ridiculous!
It doesn't matter if someone has a religion or not, if they want to live here and say how much they love this country, then these are things that should concern them.
The most important issue in this election is not one's religion but their willingness to seek answers to our problems. Is he or she the visionary who can find the right people to work on their plans to face the most difficult times in our history?

It is a time for elected officials to put party aside and start working for the good of the country. Just when party affiliation is at the fiercest competitive state, somehow we have to bring that back and work together. NO more gridlock and what person can do this..reach out across the aisle. Bring ckass warfare to an end, the bitter disputes between the races and someone who can tone down the divisiveness and not talk the talk but walk the walk ov a country of coming together.

Can anyone do it? Perry tried to play the religion card. It has been rebuked by most.

Cain is getting the message out that anyone can succeed if they refuse to be a victim. Is his message accepted by all?

Romney says he's the business man who can bring the economy back because he's done it before. Can he reach across the aisle?

Gingrich is the visionary who has succeeded in the past with the Contract of America and worked with Clinton to turn things around. But he doesn't get noticed. HIs time is over?

Obama has not had a good record for three years. Can we trust for 4 more?

Rumors are coming that Obama may step down and Hillary step up? Could it be?

Bachman, Santorem, Johnson, Paul, are ther answers there?
Saying things like "who cares what religion so-and-so is?" and things of that nature.

While at the same time getting bent totally out of shape for nonsensical issues regarding flags, lapel-wearing on jackets, flag burnings, placing your hand on your heart while listening to/singing the American nonsense. These people get COMPLETELY bent outta shape about.

The irony is, when the pilgrims came to America, it wasn't because of a flag, it was because of religion.

Now watch 'em.
And why shouldn't they downplay religion? This is the USA.

And, there is no irony with respect to the Pilgrims - religious freedom.

Why does religion concern YOU so much?

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