The Republican Party and their continuing war on the American Middle Class

Dude, no one is going to accuse me of being soft on Republicans, but they certainly aren't waging war on the middle class.

No they're just helping the rich to invest their money offshore so they can sell third world products here.

Nothing personal, of course. They have nothing against the middle class, they just don't care about the middle class.

As, I note, has ALSO been the case with the Democrats for the last three decades.

But NOW, now that the last 30 or 40 years of stupid policies have nearly broken the back of the middle class, now that the consumer dirven economy is in trouble?

Now suddenly people are remembering that without a vibrant middle class, this CONSUMER DRIVEN economy is in trouble.

Reap what you sow free traders.
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FDR invested in the middle class through a wide assortment of cost controls, tax policies, labor support & protections, public works, public transportation, as well as medical, retirement, education, & housing programs.

Spoken like a true economics ignorant euro-socialist.

The progressives made sure that America's immense postwar wealth was shared with the workers off whose backs it was made. The progressives made sure that America's immense postwar wealth was re-invested in America's infrastructure, not, say, Iraq's.

Bullshit. Progressives made sure that people became enslaved to government handouts and red tape that prevented them from being paid fair wages for honest work with wage controls started by FDR. There was a post WW2 slump because of all the returning boys needed work. Women got fired, production jobs went away for a while because the demand was lower and shifting back to peacetime goods. What post Iraq War wealth are you thinking progressives are reinvesting here in America? The only thing they are growing is government jobs which actually SHRINK the economy because of their costs are pushed onto the private sector.

FDR's investment in the middle class was better for families because the mother could stay home and raise the kids. And it was better for upward mobility because more working families could afford to send their children to college.

Really? What program of FDRs made the government the surrogate daddy? That was LBJ who did that in the Great Society, and let's look at the good it's brought to society. Single crackwhore mothers getting checks from the gubmint while punching out kids every 9-10 months so she gets more money. Increased gang violence thanks to poor parenting brought about by not forcing women to experience hardship for being sluts and letting any punk get them pregnant with no consequences socially or economically. Rampant poverty in bad neighborhoods because too many are living off the government checks with no hope or drive to do better for themselves, but accepting their lot in life. Yeah, real good job. Working class doesn't exist when you are addicted to gubmint welfare. Slave class does. Take away their check and give them the 'jobs americans won't do'. Guaranteed they find a new found pride in themselves taking away jobs from the koreans if they were allowed to. But too much is to be lost to the unions, so that won't ever happen.

It's all about protecting your racket.

The point of Reagan was to relieve capital from the expensive burden of the middle class. The point of Reagan was to give capital cheap labor.

The point was to retrieve capital FROM GOVERNMENT who was wasting it and being inefficient and unaccountable for it. Business and the rich can re-invest it and grow the economy. Gubmint doesn't know what to do with it except buy votes.

Reagan did nothing to wages or labor except correctly busting the Air Traffic Controller's Union which had the proper effect of getting those gangsters to back the fuck off. Just like TR busted the coal miner's strike in 1903. You are in a critical industry, you don't get the right to threaten the lives and function of a nation at large for your own personal gain. Blackmail is not an acceptable negotiating tactic.

The point of Reagan was to enrich corporations by getting rid of their social & financial obligations to the middle class and the country in which they operated.

Social and financial obligations of business. What, perchance are those? A living wage? Health Care? Lifetime employment?

No. That's socialist fantasy land. That's idealism run stupid. These are not obligations, they are benefits given to good employees from a good company.

in reality, this is the obligation to business: To provide a product or service the pubic needs, at a price it can afford, in a safe and legal manner. This is accomplished by entering into agreement with individuals to do the work of providing the product or service. A contact is formed between the employer and the employee at an agreed upon amount. If the employer does not approve of this agreement, they do not have to hire an employee. If an employee does not approve of this agreement, they do not have to work for the company.

You are not owed a job, a specific wage or even a benefit from any industry.

Many Americans don't like the human rights abuses common in the 3rd world. They view these places as pre-modern anachronisms. Look at how they view the middle east. Problem is: the American Economy it utterly dependent on these places. Consider the essence of America's postwar obsession: suburban expansion, which expansion pumped more money into terrorist nations than any other source (see oil).

Utter irrelevancy to this discussion. Nothing but hackneyed demagoguery of capitalism, individual freedom and wealth. No wonder all eurosocialist economies are failing fast. They hate all the benefits of freedom and wealth.

If you understand Reagan's neoliberalism; and if you understand capital's dependency on ever cheaper labor and ever cheap raw material (and zero environmental obligations), you will understand exactly what happened to the American middle class.

Trying to coin a new term huh? Fail. You don't have the slightest idea what it is to be American Middle Class and who cause it the most harm: Government. To your paltry little middle class lifestyle, most true American Middle Classers live an opulant lifestyle. How do I know this? Visitors from europe amazed at what can be afforded and what kind of wealth even the poor here have. Why can they have so much? Far less restrictive government taxation and regulation. We can have air conditioners, and multiple cars, and two story homes with backyard pools and 3 acre lots. We can drive to get fast food if we choose. We don't have to walk everywhere in high density, crime ridden urban areas elbow to elbow on public transit. Our nation is 3 times the size of europe, and we have room to grow.

But what is dragging down the middle class? Punitive taxation for wealth redistribution. The wealthy, who already HAVE their wealth dont have to worry about making more money in the traditional sense, and can avoid most taxes that are the bane of the middle class like Income tax. They also get hit by consumer and luxury taxes when they are able to afford a little something better. They push hard to crack the barrier into being wealthy, but the wealthy for some sick reason don't want more and advocate those who make it harder and harder for them to cross the line. This is also done to the lower classes as well. They are hooked on government dole and welfare checks. They may work, but it's not much. And if they do manage to break that barrier from poor to just middle class, the taxes that pay their welfare checks come to bear on them and crush them right back into addiction again.

That is your real enemy. A job, freely offered and taken is never worse than a welfare check unless you stupidly negotiated your pay. Then you are the one to blame for being a sucker.

It was destroyed to make a small group of people wealthy.

The elitists in government. Right. Using laws and special interest to protect their power and try to crystallize the social strata so they can never be poor, and no one else can ever be rich. That is not American thinking. We are a mobile social strata, not a caste system like you progressofascists in Europe or Asia.

America has spent the past 30 years not investing infrastructure. America has spent the past 30 years not investing for a petro-scarce future. America has spent the past 30 years not investing in the middle class. Why? Because Reagan believed the country should be run by corporations -- and those corporations chose not to re-invest, and they are laughing all the way to the bank. (You people swallowed poison in 1980)

And what stopped us? Hmm? Any clue? I sure know. Why 30 years of no serious infrastructure investment? Simple, Econazis and short sited socialists in local and state governments. The Leftist rainbow of Progrssofascism has ruled local, county and state governments the last 30 years. Commie Community Activists have agitated that highway money was not needed as much as inner city midnight basketball programs. Econazis have stopped us from building new refineries, power plants, nuclear facilities and major transportation upgrades to protect WORTHLESS "endangered" species. You want to save a species? Put it on the friggen menu and make it profitable to farm.

Petro-scarce future... what a load of bullshit. The only reason that petroleum finds are harder in 'easy' areas are because of government and econazi lawsuits barring them from REASONABLE exploitation of energy resources. Peak Oil is a chip trying to shove another pile of guacamole green fascism down everyone's throat, just like that farce called Global Climate Change. Puhlease! Bullshit and the world now is waking up to the smell of it on their head.

Corporations could run 90% of this nation's activities better than any government agency more efficiently. And to put paid to this, reporter John Stossel just mentioned on his show today, he has an award of $1000 to anyone who can find one US government agency that can do similar work MORE EFFICIENTLY than a private sector company. So far, after years of having this award out... no one has won it. So what's wrong about hiring a contractor to build a highway for the state? If they do a shitty job, fire them and hire a new one. Incompetence is weeded out, not protected, like government does.

Reagan wanted smaller government for it is the worst option to get something done. Government didn't build the transcontinental railroad. They hired companies to do it. Government doesn't build bridges, they hire contractors. Contractors build nearly everything in this nation. What's wrong with that? If they are corrupt, you can sue. If the screw up, you can fire them.

Your problem is you are blindingly ignorant, or hatefully stupid about capitalism, and are in no position to even pretend to be anything more than an eurosocialist agitprop spouting the line from the World Worker's Party, or some radical left wing moonbat factory.
No they're just helping the rich to invest their money offshore so they can sell third world products here.

wow, we're going to agree on some stuff here. But who's "They" in this scenario?

Nothing personal, of course. They have nothing against the middle class, they just don't care about the middle class.

By they, I'm going to assume you mean 'elitists regardless of party'. In that case, you are right. They don't care about the middle class as so much as it doesn't affect them, they don't care about anything but themselves.

But NOW, now that the last 30 or 40 years of stupid policies have nearly broken the back of the middle class, now that the consumer dirven economy is in trouble?

The stupid policies being? I would sight government over-regulation in the areas of the environment, labor litigation/lack of tort reform, increasing corporate taxation to the 2nd highest in the world, punitive taxes on inheritance, death, and investments all are very bad policies on the middle class. These are areas of huge concern for business and minimize their ability to grow in this nation, making overseas markets better options to maximize their meager resources which actually makes it all the more necessary to leave for foreign nations.

You must promote investment in America by stabilizing the taxation policy here and minimizing increased costs on business to operate here. THEN you will see growth. This is an economic law.

Capital always flows to the best investment opportunity and results. Always. It's like the gravity of highest return on investment.

Example. If you had to choose between one of two investments.

1. A domestic investment that has a 15% chance of going bust (lose the investment) and an annual return of 5% growth. Laws have recently been past that could cut your return to 2% in 3 years if they are not repealed.

2. A foreign investment that has a 25% chance of going bust (due to political unrest), and a return of 30% annually and a possibility of a personal 10% kickback from the government to you if you expand in 3 years.

Now which of these two investments will you take. The more secure but poor return domestic investment because it's 'patriotic'? Or will you go for the unpatriotic higher risk and much greater return in a foreign market?

Now suddenly people are remembering that without a vibrant middle class, this CONSUMER DRIVEN economy is in trouble.

Reap what you sow free traders.

Now here we agree. A vibrant middle class is necessary for a consumer driven economy. Cheap goods are the fuel of this lifestyle. I do not like free trade at all. It is a concept designed to eat away at the ideas of nationality and pave the way to global governance which I oppose with great rhetorical violence. It is an absolute evil that must be stopped. I am a firm believer of reasonable tariffs and trade restrictions and controls. BUT, there is one area in which free trade IS a blessing, and that is when the expenses of cultures are equal or nearly equal. Then you can enjoy the benefits of national specialization and other non-destructive benefits of free trade. The Anglosphere, plus Japan, Germany, Northern Europe and possibly Poland are excellent examples of similar societal costs where free trade could be enjoyed between the nations because no one nation would be exploiting the others in dynamic ways, bootstrapping themselves up to equality of the others, while dragging the rest down towards an equilibrium with them. Nations like China, India, Mexico, all of South America, Africa and most of Asia would do that to us, as is evidenced by NAFTA and CAFTA as well as free trade with China.

The key is also to use tariffs to protect private companies from state sponsored or run industries that do not have to worry about profit or quality issues destroying them. You also use reciprocal tariffs on nations that are artificially blocking your trade into them or to the value they are overpricing similar goods exported.

Trade is a weapon. We have forgotten that in this nation because we are too busy trying to play nice and be liked by everyone. We need to stick close to our real friends, and let the rest of the world sod off and do what it wants till it involves us. Free trade is a jewel few should have access to, and globalism never.
No they're just helping the rich to invest their money offshore so they can sell third world products here.

wow, we're going to agree on some stuff here. But who's "They" in this scenario?

Nothing personal, of course. They have nothing against the middle class, they just don't care about the middle class.

By they, I'm going to assume you mean 'elitists regardless of party'. In that case, you are right. They don't care about the middle class as so much as it doesn't affect them, they don't care about anything but themselves.

But NOW, now that the last 30 or 40 years of stupid policies have nearly broken the back of the middle class, now that the consumer dirven economy is in trouble?

The stupid policies being? I would sight government over-regulation in the areas of the environment, labor litigation/lack of tort reform, increasing corporate taxation to the 2nd highest in the world, punitive taxes on inheritance, death, and investments all are very bad policies on the middle class. These are areas of huge concern for business and minimize their ability to grow in this nation, making overseas markets better options to maximize their meager resources which actually makes it all the more necessary to leave for foreign nations.

You must promote investment in America by stabilizing the taxation policy here and minimizing increased costs on business to operate here. THEN you will see growth. This is an economic law.

Capital always flows to the best investment opportunity and results. Always. It's like the gravity of highest return on investment.

Example. If you had to choose between one of two investments.

1. A domestic investment that has a 15% chance of going bust (lose the investment) and an annual return of 5% growth. Laws have recently been past that could cut your return to 2% in 3 years if they are not repealed.

2. A foreign investment that has a 25% chance of going bust (due to political unrest), and a return of 30% annually and a possibility of a personal 10% kickback from the government to you if you expand in 3 years.

Now which of these two investments will you take. The more secure but poor return domestic investment because it's 'patriotic'? Or will you go for the unpatriotic higher risk and much greater return in a foreign market?

Now suddenly people are remembering that without a vibrant middle class, this CONSUMER DRIVEN economy is in trouble.

Reap what you sow free traders.

Now here we agree. A vibrant middle class is necessary for a consumer driven economy. Cheap goods are the fuel of this lifestyle. I do not like free trade at all. It is a concept designed to eat away at the ideas of nationality and pave the way to global governance which I oppose with great rhetorical violence. It is an absolute evil that must be stopped. I am a firm believer of reasonable tariffs and trade restrictions and controls. BUT, there is one area in which free trade IS a blessing, and that is when the expenses of cultures are equal or nearly equal. Then you can enjoy the benefits of national specialization and other non-destructive benefits of free trade. The Anglosphere, plus Japan, Germany, Northern Europe and possibly Poland are excellent examples of similar societal costs where free trade could be enjoyed between the nations because no one nation would be exploiting the others in dynamic ways, bootstrapping themselves up to equality of the others, while dragging the rest down towards an equilibrium with them. Nations like China, India, Mexico, all of South America, Africa and most of Asia would do that to us, as is evidenced by NAFTA and CAFTA as well as free trade with China.

The key is also to use tariffs to protect private companies from state sponsored or run industries that do not have to worry about profit or quality issues destroying them. You also use reciprocal tariffs on nations that are artificially blocking your trade into them or to the value they are overpricing similar goods exported.

Trade is a weapon. We have forgotten that in this nation because we are too busy trying to play nice and be liked by everyone. We need to stick close to our real friends, and let the rest of the world sod off and do what it wants till it involves us. Free trade is a jewel few should have access to, and globalism never.
you even quoted what i was talking about

you said obamacare helps the your claim

I've posted nearly the entire health care bill over and over again. You can go read all my back posts.

Now tell me, why do you think it DOESN'T support the middle class?

nice try...that is not the way it works...YOU made the claim, YOU support it with direct cites to the relevant portions in the h/c bill....

its clear you're just a starkey though....if you don't want people to ask you to support your claims, don't make any

lol...rdean still running
In reality, it's the Dems who have declared War on the Middle Class.

Equating families with incomes of $250K in major metro areas the equivalent of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates RICH is war on the upper middle and small business class.
Maybe she just doesn't talk to you?

No one is whining. I think it's probably pretty easy to get a degree in "household management". No problem working and getting THAT degree.

But getting a degree in, say, engineering, is in another league entirely.

It's not possible to explain to people how difficult it is when these people believe in "Noah's Ark" and they believe "evolution is a religion".

So, while no one is whining, there is nothing wrong with finding a creative way to remove some of the burden from those the country will depend on for a long time.

Especially if we want nuclear energy or bigger, more nutritious crops. You can't get those from "praying".
Now you get to prove that graduates from these schools aren't really engineers.

Oh, and real proof. Not like your usual kind, where you point to your irrational hatred of conservatives and call it proof.

Any so called Christian school is highly suspect. Except for one or maybe two, I can't think of any that are better than "tier four".

Worse, many are angry that the only way they can keep their accreditation is to teach a "real college level" course on "evolution". Isn't that a hoot? Usually, they teach what is called, "Natural Science", where they learn about birds building nests and bee pollinating flowers.

AND, I wonder at the size of their engineering classes. I admit, I don't know. But I can guess.

Looks like you missed this part: "Oh, and real proof. Not like your usual kind, where you point to your irrational hatred of conservatives and call it proof."
you even quoted what i was talking about

you said obamacare helps the your claim

I've posted nearly the entire health care bill over and over again. You can go read all my back posts.

Now tell me, why do you think it DOESN'T support the middle class?

nice try...that is not the way it works...YOU made the claim, YOU support it with direct cites to the relevant portions in the h/c bill....

its clear you're just a starkey though....if you don't want people to ask you to support your claims, don't make any

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FACTBOX-US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits | Reuters

New health care bill summary | Just the basics

Health Reform Bill Summary: The Top 18 Immediate Effects

Health Care Reform News - The New York Times


Summaries from many different sources. Please explain how this hurts the middle class.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't................
Now you get to prove that graduates from these schools aren't really engineers.

Oh, and real proof. Not like your usual kind, where you point to your irrational hatred of conservatives and call it proof.

Any so called Christian school is highly suspect. Except for one or maybe two, I can't think of any that are better than "tier four".

Worse, many are angry that the only way they can keep their accreditation is to teach a "real college level" course on "evolution". Isn't that a hoot? Usually, they teach what is called, "Natural Science", where they learn about birds building nests and bee pollinating flowers.

AND, I wonder at the size of their engineering classes. I admit, I don't know. But I can guess.

I can think of 5 Christian colleges that are tier 1 without even trying. I guess that makes you wrong about how many good Christian colleges there are.

Which five?
Any so called Christian school is highly suspect. Except for one or maybe two, I can't think of any that are better than "tier four".

Worse, many are angry that the only way they can keep their accreditation is to teach a "real college level" course on "evolution". Isn't that a hoot? Usually, they teach what is called, "Natural Science", where they learn about birds building nests and bee pollinating flowers.

AND, I wonder at the size of their engineering classes. I admit, I don't know. But I can guess.

I can think of 5 Christian colleges that are tier 1 without even trying. I guess that makes you wrong about how many good Christian colleges there are.

Which five?

Go look for yourself, Wheaton and Pepperdine are both in the top 100 schools in the country according to US News, just to get you started.
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Sorry to burst your bubble most in the NFL don't have degrees and the NBA is not even close to half.
Funny how some clowns think only there degree is the one worth something.
I'm so against obama's hc plan I call it wealth redistribution.
Another thing this kid with a rich dad doesn't get. Mandating 21 plus buy hc is very shitty wealth redistribution. Those not on their families plan have to pay and most don't need it.
I can think of 5 Christian colleges that are tier 1 without even trying. I guess that makes you wrong about how many good Christian colleges there are.

Which five?

Go look for yourself, Wheaton and Pepperdine are both in the top 100 schools in the country according to US News, just to get you started.

All I could find was a list of the top 500 Universities in the World and the US had about 200 of those spots and none of those were Wheaton and Pepperdine. If you say so??????

Top 100 Universities in the World | World Top Universities
I've posted nearly the entire health care bill over and over again. You can go read all my back posts.

Now tell me, why do you think it DOESN'T support the middle class?

nice try...that is not the way it works...YOU made the claim, YOU support it with direct cites to the relevant portions in the h/c bill....

its clear you're just a starkey though....if you don't want people to ask you to support your claims, don't make any

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FACTBOX-US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits | Reuters

New health care bill summary | Just the basics

Health Reform Bill Summary: The Top 18 Immediate Effects

Health Care Reform News - The New York Times


Summaries from many different sources. Please explain how this hurts the middle class.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't................

you are the hack people say you throw out anything and everything in the hopes you might be right and then put it off on the other person to prove your point.

a direct cite means....words and link....

give me the text that supports your claim or stfu

and genius....not hurting is not the same as helping....
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Funny how some clowns think only there degree is the one worth something.
I'm so against obama's hc plan I call it wealth redistribution.
Another thing this kid with a rich dad doesn't get. Mandating 21 plus buy hc is very shitty wealth redistribution. Those not on their families plan have to pay and most don't need it.

Wealth Redistribution. Funny. I try to figure out why people like you think the CEO of Cigna deserves a 73 million dollar bonus and I just don't get it. His company sells insurance policies. They don't make anything or grow anything. And to get that much money, the care of many, many sick people has to be denied. Thousands of people are denied coverage for what they call a "pre-existing condition".

You could have "hay fever" and that qualifies as a "pre-existing condition". Imagine getting cancer and then getting turned down for "hay fever" that you've always had.

How could you guys be so easily misled? What is wrong with you people? Seriously. There is a screw loose.

Cigna CEO Retires With $73 Million Bonus

CIGNA insurance company’s chief executive officer and chairman of the board H. Edward Hanway’s Dec. 31, 2009 retirement comes with a $73 million dollar bonus. Hanaway retired from his posts after serving for ten years in those roles. His overall compensation in 2009 exceeded $12 million.
Rdean bet your a student.
I doesn't fucking matter if I like it or you like it. Someone wants him bad enough to pay him that much. You libtards never bring in Tom cruise making 25 mil to bang some hottie on camera. If you were educated and said you want shareholders to have more of a say than the good ole boy network of boards and ceo's you might get listened too.
Sorry to burst your bubble most in the NFL don't have degrees and the NBA is not even close to half.
Funny, I'm seeing that at least half of NFL players have a degree when drafted, and on average another 150 a season gain their degrees in a player development program that is run by the NFL who left early and just want to finish their degree while playing.
nice try...that is not the way it works...YOU made the claim, YOU support it with direct cites to the relevant portions in the h/c bill....

its clear you're just a starkey though....if you don't want people to ask you to support your claims, don't make any

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FACTBOX-US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits | Reuters

New health care bill summary | Just the basics

Health Reform Bill Summary: The Top 18 Immediate Effects

Health Care Reform News - The New York Times


Summaries from many different sources. Please explain how this hurts the middle class.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't................

you are the hack people say you throw out anything and everything in the hopes you might be right and then put it off on the other person to prove your point.

a direct cite means....words and link....

give me the text that supports your claim or stfu

and genius....not hurting is not the same as helping....

21 ‘‘A group health plan and a health insurance issuer
22 offering group or individual health insurance coverage
23 shall not rescind such plan or coverage with respect to an
24 enrollee once the enrollee is covered under such plan or
25 coverage involved, except that this section shall not apply
26 to a covered individual who has performed an act or prac17
O:\BAI\BAI09M01.xml [file 1 of 9] S.L.C.
1 tice that constitutes fraud or makes an intentional mis2
representation of material fact as prohibited by the terms
3 of the plan or coverage. Such plan or coverage may not
4 be cancelled except with prior notice to the enrollee, and
5 only as permitted under section 2702(c) or 2742(b).

17 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A group health plan and a health
18 insurance issuer offering group or individual health insur19
ance coverage that provides dependent coverage of chil20
dren shall continue to make such coverage available for
21 an adult child (who is not married) until the child turns
22 26 years of age. Nothing in this section shall require a
23 health plan or a health insurance issuer described in the
24 preceding sentence to make coverage available for a child
25 of a child receiving dependent coverage.

That's two right there. You can find them in the link here with hundreds of others. The summaries offered only a "summery" to make it easier instead of going through the entire bill. You could do a search on the bill. The full bill is published on a hundred sites at least. But, I know, it's more fun to rant about the "black" guy and rant about "hacks" than do the intelligent thing and go "learn".
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No way near on MBA, I wouldn't bet against you on NFL. What makes your degree better than theirs?
Rdean bet your a student.
I doesn't fucking matter if I like it or you like it. Someone wants him bad enough to pay him that much. You libtards never bring in Tom cruise making 25 mil to bang some hottie on camera. If you were educated and said you want shareholders to have more of a say than the good ole boy network of boards and ceo's you might get listened too.

Are you a "foreigner"?

You don't die from not going to the movies. I hate to have to explain that. It seemed kinda obvious. Guess not.

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