The recent anti-abortion laws in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri and Louisiana are a backlash...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Dear Blackrook
We could also agree to let people separate by party, similar to
letting Protestants and Catholics run separate programs.

If people cannot agree on one policy for their whole state,
separate health care benefits and programs by organizations
(such as party or other religious affiliation) and ensure that
taxpayers have equal access to tax deductions for investing
in their own health care cooperatives and benefits programs.

The reason I would organize this by party is so there are
enough numbers of people who share the same values and
terms of services. It only takes 1500 people within a precinct
to own and run their own cooperative for sustainable health care.

So why not let groups of different beliefs fund their own programs
and quit trying to impose their policies or beliefs on the whole
state or whole nation, when half that population disagrees!
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

If Abortion is so freaking hunky-dory as the Anti-Life provocateurs contend, they should be overjoyed that some states aren't buying it.

Nothing stops anti-life broads in Mississippi or Alabama from getting on a jet to New York City and having their abortions there. Gals looking to abort in St. Louis, can simply cross the bridge to East St. Louis in the state of Illinois for their abortions. Could be a positive for East St. Louis which has a 7.9% unemployment rate. They could become the City of Abortions to provide jobs for their people for people coming in from out of state.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!

This is just a fantastic opportunity for Abortion Tourism for those states who think that abortion is fabulous. I can't imagine why someone like Chuck U. Schumer would be against states passing these pro-life statutes. Abortionists earn a very good living at their craft, these aren't burger flipping jobs and will help to boost his city
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.
Wait..."prolifers" want to kill people over this?
Oh and by the way..NO ONE is advocating "infantacide".
That is murder not abortion and has nothing to do with abortion.

The fact that you feel the need to dishonestly claim so speaks to the weakness of your position
Oh and by the way..NO ONE is advocating "infantacide".
That is murder not abortion and has nothing to do with abortion.

The fact that you feel the need to dishonestly claim so speaks to the weakness of your position

No one? I think you better check the statements made by the governors of NY and VA.
I think you better provide quotes and links
Allowing a terminally ill baby to die as comfortably as possible is not infantacide genius

And has nothing to do with abortion
Oh and by the way..NO ONE is advocating "infantacide".
That is murder not abortion and has nothing to do with abortion.

The fact that you feel the need to dishonestly claim so speaks to the weakness of your position

No one? I think you better check the statements made by the governors of NY and VA.
I think you better provide quotes and links

I think you are a lush, and are too drunk to read what has been posted on this message board hundreds of times.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!

No its not, read their bills.
The health department closed the last abortion clinic in Missouri for dozens of health issues including unsanitary conditions, at least one botched abortion that sent a woman to the hospital and allegations that living newborn babies were slaughtered but the outcry by liberals keeps the clinic opene. Dr Gosnell went to prison for his horror house in Phila P.a.that had similar conditions. How many other abortion clinics are rat infested horror houses? The media certainly doesn't want to know.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.
Utter bullshit. Nobody is trying to legalize infanticide, that's a conservitard like, and Roe v Wade has been under attack by the RWNJs since day one.
The health department closed the last abortion clinic in Missouri for dozens of health issues including unsanitary conditions, at least one botched abortion that sent a woman to the hospital and allegations that living newborn babies were slaughtered but the outcry by liberals keeps the clinic opene. Dr Gosnell went to prison for his horror house in Phila P.a.that had similar conditions. How many other abortion clinics are rat infested horror houses? The media certainly doesn't want to know.
...against the recent legalization of infanticide in New York and the attempt to legalize infanticide in Virginia.

Both sides are now hardening their positions in preparation for the all-out war that will break out if (when) the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade and tosses the abortion issue back to the states.

The United States will be divided between "Life" states and "Choice" states, and the division will ultimately be as threatening to our nation as the division between "Free" states and "Slave" states prior to the Civil War.

Are you even aware that infanticide is illegal in the US in every state. Also mind your own business.

Apparently in NY and Virginia, it is AOK!

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