The reason I will now shop Black Friday


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Wasn't going to, but definitely will now.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday

Activists fed up with police violence against black citizens are urging a Black Friday boycott to flex their economic power.
As evidenced by the atrocious footage of Laquan McDonald’s execution, Black lives in the United States are devalued, regarded as subordinate and, in this case, the Black body is used for target practice.

On the cusp of the holiday season activists are demanding justice for Laquan McDonald and the many, many unarmed blacks who have been unjustly murdered. Protest is deeply steeped in the tradition of Black Americans. And in the United States, a capitalistic society where consumerism supersedes consideration for Black existence, an economic boycott is choice.

#BoycottBlackFriday, #BlackFridayBlackout and #NotOneDime are all campaigns that, through social media and existent protest, seek to cause a decline in Black Friday sales and to ‘redistribute the pain’ (also a hashtag of dissent). The goal: to attain retribution for the unjust killing of Blacks through a mighty economic blow.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday
i am just gonna be black for the day........

i dont have the energy to get out and buy cheap shit to make some stupid ass point....that will go right over the heads of those you are trying to redirect or mock or defeat
No thanks. If I changed my routine because of what a bunch of angry morons were doing, my routine would no longer be mine.

Wife has been and back.

Went after one item, laptop, was the only one in the store at 6:10.

home by 6:30
Huh. Black bodies are now target practice for cops??

Black Americans have statistically a 0.000005% in a given year to be shot and killed by a cop.

Statistically they're more likely to be killed by lightning or a dog.

I stopped listening to #BlackLivesMatter when I saw stats.
well tell us about the deal you got? where what much lol

Picked up a laptop for the exchange student from Spain.

It was on sale for 399. at Staples.

only had one in the store, she got there late, and thought she missed out on it.
Huh. Black bodies are now target practice for cops?? Black Americans have statistically a 0.000005% in a given year to be shot and killed by a cop..
Out of which orifice did you pull that percentage? It comes to about 2/10 ths of a person per year. :eusa_liar:
Except for those with grandkids already, my family and friends do not "do" Christmas in the commercial sense at all, so will be happily avoiding the crowds until approximately the first week in January.

We cut out the buy-or-die nonsense decades ago.
Wasn't going to, but definitely will now.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday

Activists fed up with police violence against black citizens are urging a Black Friday boycott to flex their economic power.
As evidenced by the atrocious footage of Laquan McDonald’s execution, Black lives in the United States are devalued, regarded as subordinate and, in this case, the Black body is used for target practice.

On the cusp of the holiday season activists are demanding justice for Laquan McDonald and the many, many unarmed blacks who have been unjustly murdered. Protest is deeply steeped in the tradition of Black Americans. And in the United States, a capitalistic society where consumerism supersedes consideration for Black existence, an economic boycott is choice.

#BoycottBlackFriday, #BlackFridayBlackout and #NotOneDime are all campaigns that, through social media and existent protest, seek to cause a decline in Black Friday sales and to ‘redistribute the pain’ (also a hashtag of dissent). The goal: to attain retribution for the unjust killing of Blacks through a mighty economic blow.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday

Applause I guess for protesting the right way instead of bum rushing a store en masse' and taking what you want.
Wasn't going to, but definitely will now.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday

Activists fed up with police violence against black citizens are urging a Black Friday boycott to flex their economic power.
As evidenced by the atrocious footage of Laquan McDonald’s execution, Black lives in the United States are devalued, regarded as subordinate and, in this case, the Black body is used for target practice.

On the cusp of the holiday season activists are demanding justice for Laquan McDonald and the many, many unarmed blacks who have been unjustly murdered. Protest is deeply steeped in the tradition of Black Americans. And in the United States, a capitalistic society where consumerism supersedes consideration for Black existence, an economic boycott is choice.

#BoycottBlackFriday, #BlackFridayBlackout and #NotOneDime are all campaigns that, through social media and existent protest, seek to cause a decline in Black Friday sales and to ‘redistribute the pain’ (also a hashtag of dissent). The goal: to attain retribution for the unjust killing of Blacks through a mighty economic blow.

The Black Boycott Of Black Friday

Applause I guess for protesting the right way instead of bum rushing a store en masse' and taking what you want.

There is that...
But as I mentioned,retailers will hardly be hurt if blacks dont shop unless there happens to be a mall in the ghetto.....that hasn't been burned down or robbed into financial ruin.
Except for those with grandkids already, my family and friends do not "do" Christmas in the commercial sense at all, so will be happily avoiding the crowds until approximately the first week in January.

We cut out the buy-or-die nonsense decades ago.
I buy anything I want anytime I want anywhere I want.
Blacks will boycott buying. They won't boycott fighting or stealing.
You LIBs will be pleased to know I decided against the SS Tubi package for my Quattro. The SS doesn't stand up to the engine vibration. Too soft.
Our housekeeper went to the BF sales. She said she would never risk her life doing it again.
LOL....Like black people not shopping is going to be an issue for retailers.
Hell,they'll probably save money with the drastic drop in shoplifting.
That would leave more stuff for their white employees to steal.

Hey at least they have jobs....of course they're all part time jobs,you can blame obammy for that.
Does anyone know who or what HereWeGo is babbling about? Oh,well....Monday it`s back to school for the kids.
I was looking through the deal ads. They weren't that good this year.

I bought a 32 inchTV from Kohls last week 159.99. Still that price today. Cheapest one I saw advertised was Wallmart. 139.99. Not worth it for 20.00.


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