The Only Violence That Matters Right Now Is Anti-_________ Violence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Democrat/Communist Farty has latched onto another important cause.
The so-called sudden uptick of anti-Asian Violence. (Violence that has been ongoing for months)

Right now this is the only story the media has to tell.
After the COVID scare started......Blacks were attacking 72 year old Asians indiscriminately.
The media totally ignored this and just kept talking about positive tests and new deaths.
So who is really responsible for the hatred that it generated?
I think the media.
First of all.....they blew the threat way out of proportion for political purposes.
Then it became a excuse for us (mostly Democrats) to lock down our economy.
Masks became mandatory.
Democrat are still constantly harping on mask wearing and social distancing over a year after it started.
But many forget that everyone was told the source of COVID was Wuhan China late in 2019. This was before COVID became a political tool for Democrats.
So of course....365/24/7 coverage over COVID could have resulted in an assumption.....that China may have released the virus on purpose.
Then later we discovered that President Barack H. Obama gave a bio-lab in Wuhan $3.5 million to do COVID research back as early as 2014.

So this link to China was out there at for the last year and a half. Why is it all of the sudden such a big deal?
Because some sex-addict murdered some Asian women in San Francisco (take note...this is a blue city).....and he just happened to be white.
The press cannot resist a story like this to push their anti-white male agenda.

Even Russia and China are making fun of what's going on in our country.
Russia picked a fight with Biden and challenged him to a debate, which Biden (or his communist handlers) promptly rejected....and then China brings an empty suit to talks illustrating their lack of respect for the US Government.
Apparently Joe Biden is just a dumbass that nobody respects or even considers legitimate. They think he cheated in the election and they don't respect his policies. And every day he solidifies this assumption with his ridiculous actions.

March 20, 2021​
The Chinese know very well with whom they're dealing
On Thursday, during a meeting in Anchorage, China's top diplomat and its Foreign Minister showed Secretary of State Tony Blinken (an empty suit) and national security adviser Jake Sullivan stunning disrespect. It was almost as if the Chinese knew that these are weak, self-loathing, confused men — and it turns out they did know. Tucker Carlson revealed on Friday that the Chinese have a word for Biden and the other White wokesters now in power. They call them "baizuo" and can describe their values with stunning and disdainful accuracy.​

Blinken opened the meeting with a two-minute attack against China for its failure to follow global rules and norms. To his credit, he did mention "our deep concerns with actions by China, including Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber-attacks on the United States, [and] economic coercion towards our allies." However, he somehow failed to mention either COVID or the Uighurs — that is actual or negligent biological warfare and mass genocide. Hmmm.​
The Chinese were not impressed. Top Diplomat Yang Jiechi, who was there with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, launched into an 18-minute long lecture against America which showed how closely the Chinese watch American news. He castigated America for an election that caused many Americans to doubt our democracy, the way Black Lives Matter highlighted human rights problems, Washington's many alleged cyberattacks, and America's habit of meddling in foreign affairs. It was the verbal equivalent of slapping Blinken across the face with a glove and calling him a knave and a churl.​


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