The reason homosexuality is a choice

☭proletarian☭;1935988 said:
Didn't all of Rome become Christian by the 3rd century?
No, they became Catholics.

Constantine didn't hold the first council until the 4th century.

Interestingly enough, there was an established Jewish population in Rome at the time of which you speak.

Where do you think a lot of good ideas came from?

Oh else do you think that Rome was able to bastardize Christianity the way it did?
Read Jane Goodall's works about primates and then tell me Homosexuality is a CHOICE!

It doesn't matter if it's a choice or not.
It always cracks me up how homos like to justify their perverted lifestyle by saying even some animals pack each other's fudge.

Then they get upset when people call them sub human. :lol:

Oh wow. That sub human crack sounds soooo 19th century. Are they 3/5th human in your eyes?
Yes, they are called bisexuals. :doubt:

It's hard to tell if you're a parody or truly so consumed by your bigotry it is absolutely useless to have a dialogue.
Homosexuality is the scourge of our society and a pox upon our nation.

To oppose their perverted lifestyle and sick practices is not bigotery but common sense.

why? I don't get it. Say something factual. Otherwise I'm pretty close to wishing no one helps you, your wife or kids next time they're broken down in traffic. Their survival will pass your genes on after all.

God hates sin.

Homosexuality is sin.

Therefore, God hates homosexuality.
"My" God says missing church on Sunday intentionally is a mortal sin and you're going to hell to.

Also some misguided folks thought they could sell indulgences to. Thank goodness them misguided religious beliefs are dying off.

What's next in all this calling things a sin? We'll quote bible passages for and against at eachother then debate if Deuteronomy outweighs Leviticus.

IF for a moment we accept that anyone's right to believe homosexuality is a sin permits us to "wipe em out" we allow another person's belief Missouri Synod Lutherans, or Shiites or Sunnis are sinners to be a cause to "wipe em out".

Them ideas sound pretty Nazi like crazy I think.
Gay sex cannot be natural for the simple fact that two gays cannot produce offspring. Heterosexual sex is natural because it produces life. the first man and first woman were heterosexuals and combined together to give birth to all humans, no gays could have done that.

Are we using the creation story where Adam and Eve's kids apparently reproduced with eachother? Or the evolutionary theory where they reproduced with other slightly less than your average ape folk?
Whether or not homosexuality is natural or not has not been proven either way.

Homosexual ACTS are a choice.

As are heterosexual acts

If a gay man is attracted to another gay man, he can CHOOSE to act on that attraction or not. If he chooses not to act on it, does he have some real choice to have sexual relations with a female, instead? I'd venture the guess: no. Why not? No attraction.

If a straight man is attracted to a straight woman, he can CHOOSE to act on that attraction or not. If he chooses to not act on it, doesn't he end up wth the same "options" as the gay man? (i.e., he can engage in sexual relations or he can go celibate). I don't believe that a straight man can be sexually attracted to another male. Again: no attraction.

Thus, I find myself agreeing with leftwinger on this one.

I know. It is rather shocking.

At least never openly admit to it.

Still....sexual attraction in some cases is universal. Being attractive is appealing at times to both sexes. It seems more so with women.

Acting on that attraction is a choice.

Those who claim they have no choice in the matter are living in denial. Just fess up to what you find attractive and to what you choose to do and stop with this ridiculous exercise in self-denial.

God hates sin.

Homosexuality is sin.

Therefore, God hates homosexuality.
"My" God says missing church on Sunday intentionally is a mortal sin and you're going to hell to.
No, your particular Christian denomination my teach that as a doctrine.

But God never says anywhere in the Bible that to miss church on Sunday is a sin. :doubt:
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

God hates sin.

Homosexuality is sin.

Therefore, God hates homosexuality.
"My" God says missing church on Sunday intentionally is a mortal sin and you're going to hell to.
No, your particular Christian denomination my teach that as a doctrine.

But God never says anywhere in the Bible that to miss church on Sunday is a sin. :doubt:

It is to the preacher wanting to buy a caddie with offerings.
☭proletarian☭;1938000 said:
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.
Moving the goalposts - RationalWiki

That which occurs in nature is natural by definition.

The Basshole has difficulty wrapping his closed mind around obvious and amazingly simple truths.

If some animals do it and some humans do it (homosexual acts, that is), then since animals are part of nature and MANKIND is part of nature, the acts do seem to be natural by that standard.

It may be the natural acts of a significant minority (let's say 10% of the human population, for example), but that doesn't take it outside of nature.

I think the problem is one of semantics.

When guys like the Basshole use the term "unnatural" they have a very different connotation in mind. "Deviating from a behavioral or social norm * * * * *" See, Unnatural Definition | Definition of Unnatural at at one of the set of definitions (#3 in that set).
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

He's not desperate and you have NO idea how much it annoys me to say he is correct.

Animals do what feels good. It is not a conscious act as that requires cognitive thought. True homosexual animals die without procreating. A perfect example is the proverbial leg-hunching, ankle biter dog. He isn't tying to have interspecies sex. He's trying to get off.

Male female sex for the purpose of procreation is biologically natural.

Desperate is trying to use the "animals commit homosexual acts" argument.
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

He's not desperate and you have NO idea how much it annoys me to say he is correct.

Animals do what feels good. It is not a conscious act as that requires cognitive thought. True homosexual animals die without procreating. A perfect example is the proverbial leg-hunching, ankle biter dog. He isn't tying to have interspecies sex. He's trying to get off.

Male female sex for the purpose of procreation is biologically natural.

Desperate is trying to use the "animals commit homosexual acts" argument.

Wouldn't the simple fact that it " feel good" mean it was natural in a christian eyes? Why else would God make it feel good? If he thought it was wrong, he would have made it feel bad. Also why would he make some people sterile, if the whole purpose of us being here is to procreate?
Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

He's not desperate and you have NO idea how much it annoys me to say he is correct.

Animals do what feels good. It is not a conscious act as that requires cognitive thought. True homosexual animals die without procreating. A perfect example is the proverbial leg-hunching, ankle biter dog. He isn't tying to have interspecies sex. He's trying to get off.

Male female sex for the purpose of procreation is biologically natural.

Desperate is trying to use the "animals commit homosexual acts" argument.

Wouldn't the simple fact that it " feel good" mean it was natural in a christian eyes? Why else would God make it feel good? If he thought it was wrong, he would have made it feel bad. Also why would he make some people sterile, if the whole purpose of us being here is to procreate?

Because God works in mysterious ways.

Yeah that is a cop-out.

I don't know.
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

Thats not being desperate consider that using animals as examples for whats natural *FOR HUMANS* is dumb argument considering that animals are known to eat their own young, commit incest and even eat their own feces. Male lions are known to kill the offspring of the previous male lion who headed the pride. These things are all natural to animals, now using your logic, if a new husband kills his wife's children from a previous marriage, he should not be charged with murder because its "natural" do to the fact that lions do it nature. Homosexuals and idiots who use the "homosexuality is natural because animals do it" are being biasedly selective.
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He's not desperate and you have NO idea how much it annoys me to say he is correct.

Animals do what feels good. It is not a conscious act as that requires cognitive thought. True homosexual animals die without procreating. A perfect example is the proverbial leg-hunching, ankle biter dog. He isn't tying to have interspecies sex. He's trying to get off.

Male female sex for the purpose of procreation is biologically natural.

Desperate is trying to use the "animals commit homosexual acts" argument.

Wouldn't the simple fact that it " feel good" mean it was natural in a christian eyes? Why else would God make it feel good? If he thought it was wrong, he would have made it feel bad. Also why would he make some people sterile, if the whole purpose of us being here is to procreate?

Because God works in mysterious ways.

Yeah that is a cop-out.

I don't know.

My favorite is when they say adopted children are abnormal, my cousin need medical help getting pregnant, I guess she isn't natural either.
Gay sex acts are not natural nor normal and no, what goes on in the animal world cannot be used to justify that homosexuality is natural because homosexual acts amongst animals is not seen as being normal in itself.

Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

Thats not being desperate consider that using animals as examples for whats natural is dumb argument considering that animals are known to eat their own young, commit incest and even eat their own feces. Male lions are known to kill the offspring of the previous male lion who headed the pride. These things are all natural to animals, now using your logic, if a new husband kills his wife's children from a previous marriage, he should not be charged with murder because its "natural" do to the fact that lions do it nature. Homosexuals and idiots who use the "homosexuality is natural because animals do it" are being biasedly selective.

I never said natural=good/OK

All I said was it's natural
Oh come on now you're just being desperate.

But fine if what happens amongst animals can't qualify as natural what the hell does? Plants fungi and bacteria don't even have genders (I think).

Thats not being desperate consider that using animals as examples for whats natural is dumb argument considering that animals are known to eat their own young, commit incest and even eat their own feces. Male lions are known to kill the offspring of the previous male lion who headed the pride. These things are all natural to animals, now using your logic, if a new husband kills his wife's children from a previous marriage, he should not be charged with murder because its "natural" do to the fact that lions do it nature. Homosexuals and idiots who use the "homosexuality is natural because animals do it" are being biasedly selective.

I never said natural=good/OK

All I said was it's natural

No it isn't, its a choice.

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