The real Tea Party, the con artists.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2014
...No Worse Enemy
Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich

Meet Sal Russo, the man accused of running a faux veterans charity and Tea Party PAC -- to shadily pocket millions

"One of the more amusing aspects of the right-wing freakout over the former chief IRS jackbooted thug Lois Lerner – and her battalion of brown-shirted CPAs allegedly putting the strong arm on the poor little Tea Party groups — is the extent to which so much of right-wing “activism” is made up of professional grifters who really are defrauding the government (but, more importantly, defrauding grassroots conservatives themselves). You’d think they’d be grateful that somebody is trying to put a stop to this thievery, but no. They’d rather line the pockets of a cynical right-wing flim-flam artist than pay the bills for the military, the roads, the untainted meat and the police protection they all enjoy.

Yesterday, I wrote about the resurgence of the Abramoff con game down in Alabama. Now Pro Publica exposes yet another scam from one of the right wing’s most prolific scammers, a man named Sal Russo. In an act of chutzpah that’s aggressive even by conservative hustler standards, Russo is accused of making millions by skimming large sums of money from his veteran’s charity called Move America Forward. According to the report, his group has been bilking large sums from Americans who contribute to the charity for the purpose of sending care packages to troops overseas. The investigation shows that while they routinely steal other charities’ photos and letters from grateful soldiers and use phony documents and fake affiliations in their non-stop email fundraising, whatever care packages they do produce are actually full of donated goods prepared by volunteers. Most of the money goes to “overhead” otherwise known as the pockets of the principles in Move America Forward."

Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich -
Con artists in politics......that can't be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich

Meet Sal Russo, the man accused of running a faux veterans charity and Tea Party PAC -- to shadily pocket millions

"One of the more amusing aspects of the right-wing freakout over the former chief IRS jackbooted thug Lois Lerner – and her battalion of brown-shirted CPAs allegedly putting the strong arm on the poor little Tea Party groups — is the extent to which so much of right-wing “activism” is made up of professional grifters who really are defrauding the government (but, more importantly, defrauding grassroots conservatives themselves). You’d think they’d be grateful that somebody is trying to put a stop to this thievery, but no. They’d rather line the pockets of a cynical right-wing flim-flam artist than pay the bills for the military, the roads, the untainted meat and the police protection they all enjoy.

Yesterday, I wrote about the resurgence of the Abramoff con game down in Alabama. Now Pro Publica exposes yet another scam from one of the right wing’s most prolific scammers, a man named Sal Russo. In an act of chutzpah that’s aggressive even by conservative hustler standards, Russo is accused of making millions by skimming large sums of money from his veteran’s charity called Move America Forward. According to the report, his group has been bilking large sums from Americans who contribute to the charity for the purpose of sending care packages to troops overseas. The investigation shows that while they routinely steal other charities’ photos and letters from grateful soldiers and use phony documents and fake affiliations in their non-stop email fundraising, whatever care packages they do produce are actually full of donated goods prepared by volunteers. Most of the money goes to “overhead” otherwise known as the pockets of the principles in Move America Forward."

Wingnut scams the troops: How Tea Party quack uses fake charities to get rich -

Well first off you are late to the party. Lakhota and Sallow both have running threads on this bullshit.

And yes I can call bullshit because right smack dab in the middle of the ProPublicus hit piece is a little nugget.

The IRS has audited the so called fake charity and there were no irregularities.

Plus one should note that ProPublicus has some serious left wing whackos on its board including one Henry Gates Jr.

You know. The racist black professor buddy of Obama's.

AND ProPublicus is funded by the Sandler Foundation who fund many left wing organizations.

From a post I made last night after I did some digging around.

ProPublicus is supported by the Sandler Foundation.

Look who else the Sandler Foundation supports. :lol:

Center for American Progress

Does the name ring a freaking bell people or freaking what?


Guess who the founder of this organization is?

Founder John Podesta

Center for American Progress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And apart from ProPublicus and Center for American Progress guess who else the Sandler Foundation gives money to?

Ta da!!!!!!!!!!

Human Rights Watch and the ACLU. Freaking all lefties.

ProPublicus an independent investigative publication? Kiss my ass.
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And from the original hit piece, this little gem. Move America Forward to date has been audited and passed with flying colors.

The former executive director, Shawn Callahan, left in 2012 and does not seem to have been replaced. Callahan also didn’t respond to questions, although last year, he defended the group to ProPublica in an email and said Move America Forward had been audited recently by the IRS. (The IRS does not comment on individual taxpayers.)

“I personally oversaw the audit where I worked with the IRS as they went over every penny spent with a fine-tooth comb,” Callahan wrote in March 2013. “As expected, they reported that we were in full compliance and all our expenditures were appropriate.”

Exclusive: ?Pro-Troop? Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead - The Daily Beast

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