The real reason war with Iran is wanted

Although many believe in the official version of what happened on 911, there are those who are aware of what really did occur. To those of us who do know, we tend to follow those who were suppressed, who told the truth, "whistle blowers" as it were.

Oh? You did not know there were whistle blowers? Hmm. . . imagine that. Yeah, there were. But the United States government locked them all away, declaring them mentally unstable, threats to national security, etc. The problem was, they could only hold them for so long; eventually their friends, family and loved ones caused so much of a stir, they had to be released. Not before their careers, reputations, and lives had been ruined. Fortunately for us, many of these individuals are now the source of the most credible intel. that we have regarding what is actually going on in the world today! :eusa_silenced:

I highly recommend the story of Sibel Edmonds and her blog Boiling Frogs for the latest news for what is actually going on in the world.
Sibel Edmonds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970 in Iran)[1] is a Turkish-American[2] former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002, after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleging serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence which, she contended, presented a danger to the United States' security. Her later claims have gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[3]

In March 2012, she published a memoir, titled Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story.[4].

Edmonds testified before the 9/11 Commission, but her testimony was excluded from the official 567 page 9/11 Commission Report.[5]

Mostly the real reason war with Iran will be desired is because Iran is an economic power house. Other regional players in the area look to do business with Iran for this very reason. India, Pakistan, and China all have populous and educated populations that demand energy. Iran can supply this energy. Likewise, Iran has an educated middle and upper class as well. I don't know what people have come to believe of Iran due to the propaganda spread in the west, but there are very advanced sectors in science and industry in Iran. Despite the sanctions in the economic and finance sectors, Iran is doing a decent job circumventing them. Finding independence from the western economic and financial powers is actually a very good thing for Iran when you consider the state of the United States financial system and the crumbling state of the Euro. It would seem that they need Iran more than it needs them. :lol:

So what else to they have to resort to other than resorting to violence like a angry bully trying to steal a nerdy kids lunch money on a school playground? :eusa_eh:
Subverting Sanctions: Iran’s Strategic Economic Development

The ongoing overt and covert war against Iran, instigated by the United States and Israel primarily, seeks to isolate Iran politically, militarily and, most importantly, economically. The Western imperialists have as their goal no less than full-scale war with Iran, a key regional power and one that the United States has failed to control or otherwise manipulate since the revolution of 1979. Their attempts to demonize Iran as an international pariah and an irrational actor on the world stage have been repeatedly thwarted, most recently at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran, where two thirds of the world stood alongside Iran in condemning the sanctions imposed by the US and its European allies. However, Iran’s response to the series of aggressions and provocations by the West is not purely a diplomatic one as evidenced by the summit. Rather, Iran is engaging in a process of economic cooperation and mutual development with powerful regional and international partners – a process which could marry the economic future of Iran with that of other nations – thereby countering the continued attempts at economic strangulation by the West.

Despite all of this, Iran continues to survive economically. Much of this is due to the fact that Iran has effectively cemented its economic relations with key international actors, particularly India, Pakistan, and China, each of whom has resisted pressure from the United States to scale back their dealings with the Islamic Republic. In fact, Bloomberg recently reported that China has continued to purchase Iranian oil in massive amounts despite the sanctions. This demonstrates not only that China wants to continue to do business with Iran, but that Iran sees expanded engagement as the only way to ensure their continued economic growth.

In fact, Iran-China trade is booming as many Western companies pull out of Iran due to the sanctions and international pressure. This has left the door open for China to fill the void, having imported more than $45 billion from Iran in 2011. China is not the only international player to increase Iranian oil imports since the embargo. Countries such as Italy, Japan, and India have also begun to increase their imports of Iranian oil despite the arm-twisting of the US. These major energy importers view Iran not as a pariah state and threat to world peace as Western demagogy would have one believe. Rather, they see in Iran the possibility of a long-term strategic and economic ally that, due to political circumstances, could become heavily dependent on them.

The Islamic Republic has also turned its eyes to the sky in search of development. Iran has recently launched a full-fledged space program and is currently constructing a national space center to be used for the launch of satellites by itself and other Muslim countries. Iran’s foray into the space sector benefits the country in a number of ways. First, and perhaps most importantly, this development is a major propaganda victory for Iran. It catapults the country into the top tier of world powers, gaining Tehran the respect of nations around the world. Beyond the propaganda however, the development of a space program provides fertile ground for Iranian science to make other technological breakthroughs in a number of different sectors. Lastly, the space center helps integrate Iran into the region and Muslim world by making it an attractive partner for other nations wishing to launch satellites or other projects. The space center, like the ports and pipelines, helps Iran overcome the isolation imposed upon it by the US, Europe, and Israel.

Iran has had to endure an unprecedented international assault in recent years. Because of the unwillingness of the government and the Iranian people to bend to the will of the Western imperialist ruling class, the Islamic Republic has been attacked quite literally from all sides. Having to endure a covert war of sabotage and terrorism while being demonized internationally, Tehran has managed to repel these attacks to this point. Despite economic hardship caused by the US-imposed sanctions, Iran continues to keep an eye toward development and progress. As the world saw recently at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit, Iran is not as isolated as the US and Israel would like to see. On the contrary, Iran looks to other nations of the world for partners while taking the initiative to build its own future. Of course, nothing infuriates the forces of international finance capital and imperialism more than economic independence. For this reason, Iran will remain the bogeyman for much of the Western world while working to shape its own economic future.

Don't believe lies and propaganda of western media. :eusa_angel:
the islamo nazi pigs are STILL talking about the "ROTHCHILDS" gee-----are they still traveling around on magic carpets too?

What, Rothschild no longer exist? Did they commit suicide? Did they surrender their financial empire?

I deal with big banks at high levels. The idea that the Rothschilds control the banking system and geopolitics is beyond idiotic.
Edit: Actually... I should likely explain that before the thread gets moved. Rothschild is a family banking unit that pretty much controls a shit load of banks. Including massive power in the FED.

No they don't.

This is stupid.

it isn't stupid so much as it's the anti-Semitic line.

lies... lies... and more lies.

but they think jews run everything.

unfortunately, i never got that memo, dammit.
the islamo nazi pigs are STILL talking about the "ROTHCHILDS" gee-----are they still traveling around on magic carpets too?

What, Rothschild no longer exist? Did they commit suicide? Did they surrender their financial empire?

I deal with big banks at high levels. The idea that the Rothschilds control the banking system and geopolitics is beyond idiotic.

Did you tell Rothschilds that? Next time you will take your pay check to a big bank, don't forget to inform Rothschilds they don't control anything.

Although many believe in the official version of what happened on 911, there are those who are aware of what really did occur. To those of us who do know, we tend to follow those who were suppressed, who told the truth, "whistle blowers" as it were.

Oh? You did not know there were whistle blowers? Hmm. . . imagine that. Yeah, there were. But the United States government locked them all away, declaring them mentally unstable, threats to national security, etc. The problem was, they could only hold them for so long; eventually their friends, family and loved ones caused so much of a stir, they had to be released. Not before their careers, reputations, and lives had been ruined. Fortunately for us, many of these individuals are now the source of the most credible intel. that we have regarding what is actually going on in the world today! :eusa_silenced:

I highly recommend the story of Sibel Edmonds and her blog Boiling Frogs for the latest news for what is actually going on in the world.
Sibel Edmonds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970 in Iran)[1] is a Turkish-American[2] former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). Edmonds gained public attention following her firing from her position as a language specialist at the FBI's Washington Field Office in March 2002, after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving foreign nationals, alleging serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence which, she contended, presented a danger to the United States' security. Her later claims have gained her awards and fame as a whistleblower.[3]

In March 2012, she published a memoir, titled Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story.[4].

Edmonds testified before the 9/11 Commission, but her testimony was excluded from the official 567 page 9/11 Commission Report.[5]

Mostly the real reason war with Iran will be desired is because Iran is an economic power house. Other regional players in the area look to do business with Iran for this very reason. India, Pakistan, and China all have populous and educated populations that demand energy. Iran can supply this energy. Likewise, Iran has an educated middle and upper class as well. I don't know what people have come to believe of Iran due to the propaganda spread in the west, but there are very advanced sectors in science and industry in Iran. Despite the sanctions in the economic and finance sectors, Iran is doing a decent job circumventing them. Finding independence from the western economic and financial powers is actually a very good thing for Iran when you consider the state of the United States financial system and the crumbling state of the Euro. It would seem that they need Iran more than it needs them. :lol:

So what else to they have to resort to other than resorting to violence like a angry bully trying to steal a nerdy kids lunch money on a school playground? :eusa_eh:
Subverting Sanctions: Iran’s Strategic Economic Development

The ongoing overt and covert war against Iran, instigated by the United States and Israel primarily, seeks to isolate Iran politically, militarily and, most importantly, economically. The Western imperialists have as their goal no less than full-scale war with Iran, a key regional power and one that the United States has failed to control or otherwise manipulate since the revolution of 1979. Their attempts to demonize Iran as an international pariah and an irrational actor on the world stage have been repeatedly thwarted, most recently at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran, where two thirds of the world stood alongside Iran in condemning the sanctions imposed by the US and its European allies. However, Iran’s response to the series of aggressions and provocations by the West is not purely a diplomatic one as evidenced by the summit. Rather, Iran is engaging in a process of economic cooperation and mutual development with powerful regional and international partners – a process which could marry the economic future of Iran with that of other nations – thereby countering the continued attempts at economic strangulation by the West.

Despite all of this, Iran continues to survive economically. Much of this is due to the fact that Iran has effectively cemented its economic relations with key international actors, particularly India, Pakistan, and China, each of whom has resisted pressure from the United States to scale back their dealings with the Islamic Republic. In fact, Bloomberg recently reported that China has continued to purchase Iranian oil in massive amounts despite the sanctions. This demonstrates not only that China wants to continue to do business with Iran, but that Iran sees expanded engagement as the only way to ensure their continued economic growth.

In fact, Iran-China trade is booming as many Western companies pull out of Iran due to the sanctions and international pressure. This has left the door open for China to fill the void, having imported more than $45 billion from Iran in 2011. China is not the only international player to increase Iranian oil imports since the embargo. Countries such as Italy, Japan, and India have also begun to increase their imports of Iranian oil despite the arm-twisting of the US. These major energy importers view Iran not as a pariah state and threat to world peace as Western demagogy would have one believe. Rather, they see in Iran the possibility of a long-term strategic and economic ally that, due to political circumstances, could become heavily dependent on them.

The Islamic Republic has also turned its eyes to the sky in search of development. Iran has recently launched a full-fledged space program and is currently constructing a national space center to be used for the launch of satellites by itself and other Muslim countries. Iran’s foray into the space sector benefits the country in a number of ways. First, and perhaps most importantly, this development is a major propaganda victory for Iran. It catapults the country into the top tier of world powers, gaining Tehran the respect of nations around the world. Beyond the propaganda however, the development of a space program provides fertile ground for Iranian science to make other technological breakthroughs in a number of different sectors. Lastly, the space center helps integrate Iran into the region and Muslim world by making it an attractive partner for other nations wishing to launch satellites or other projects. The space center, like the ports and pipelines, helps Iran overcome the isolation imposed upon it by the US, Europe, and Israel.

Iran has had to endure an unprecedented international assault in recent years. Because of the unwillingness of the government and the Iranian people to bend to the will of the Western imperialist ruling class, the Islamic Republic has been attacked quite literally from all sides. Having to endure a covert war of sabotage and terrorism while being demonized internationally, Tehran has managed to repel these attacks to this point. Despite economic hardship caused by the US-imposed sanctions, Iran continues to keep an eye toward development and progress. As the world saw recently at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit, Iran is not as isolated as the US and Israel would like to see. On the contrary, Iran looks to other nations of the world for partners while taking the initiative to build its own future. Of course, nothing infuriates the forces of international finance capital and imperialism more than economic independence. For this reason, Iran will remain the bogeyman for much of the Western world while working to shape its own economic future.

Don't believe lies and propaganda of western media. :eusa_angel:

There is much Truth in what you say Mister,China,India are in Iran for the long haul,they need the oil etc., America and Israel more so are gradually being sidelined,this has become quite obvious.Also with all the Israeli threat,the Iranians will not take a backwards step.America don't need another conflict.
Last edited:
Edit: Actually... I should likely explain that before the thread gets moved. Rothschild is a family banking unit that pretty much controls a shit load of banks. Including massive power in the FED.

No they don't.

This is stupid.

it isn't stupid so much as it's the anti-Semitic line.

lies... lies... and more lies.

but they think jews run everything.

unfortunately, i never got that memo, dammit.

I don't like Obama either... I must be a raciest.

I'm sorry Jill... You are what you claim others to be.

And I can't believe you negged me. Damn.
The true blue reason a war with Iran is wanted.
We don't need there oil, we now have the technology to produce energy indefinitely within the United States, but what we do need is to strip the Iranians of there DIGNITY, losing a war to an ALL female US Military force would bring about shame & disgrace to all Iranians and there children to come, this shame and disgrace within the Arab world will echo in the history books for the next 1000 years, and know this, when the great grand children of Iranians are working in the Iran oil fields, they will most likely have a Caucasian/Christian boss, that will walk by, take of his shoe, and slap the filthy Iranian worker in the FACE, for the reason of GP, and the only thing the Iranian worker will do is just CRY.
The true blue reason a war with Iran is wanted.
We don't need there oil, we now have the technology to produce energy indefinitely within the United States, but what we do need is to strip the Iranians of there DIGNITY, losing a war to an ALL female US Military force would bring about shame & disgrace to all Iranians and there children to come, this shame and disgrace within the Arab world will echo in the history books for the next 1000 years, and know this, when the great grand children of Iranians are working in the Iran oil fields, they will most likely have a Caucasian/Christian boss, that will walk by, take of his shoe, and slap the filthy Iranian worker in the FACE, for the reason of GP, and the only thing the Iranian worker will do is just CRY.

What a bizzare Post,Firstly Iranians are not Arabs but Persians you Fool,secondly WHY would the US go into another War they have no chance of winning,Why don't you apply for the Military you scumbag,instead of sending your women.I Persians have always been fighters,like the Afghans,once the US Military and their allies leave things will revert back to the tribal Afghani ways.....this war has caused too many American and allies lives,and money.It's time to come home.

You do realize that a war with Iran will be a hundred times worse.the:cool:
islamo nazi threats I was young in 1967----the first blustering islamo nazi pig I experienced was GAMEL ABDUL NASSER ----I was so young and naive that I believed him and his pack of dogs. I actually watched ---on TV ---the entire UN proceedings related to "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" and lots of interviews with islamo nazi pig diplomats. ---from late May 1967 to mid June. At first the arab dogs and their fellow dogs were SMILING BROADLY ---constantly. dreaming of rape and pillage (and actually claiming it would happen) then the WAR BEGAN---june. The first day EVEN BIGGER GRINS----second day---still grinning------by the fourth day they looked confused ---well---then it was over and one of the dog diplomats actually CRIED I was young and felt sorry for him------but the best part were the DENIALS all the filth spouted by the dog diplomats was attributed to the ----arabic language -----which according to the defenders of filth is "HYPERBOLIC"
Ok, let me explain this in laments terms for you, its not about oil, it all about proving to the rest of the world, WHO has the biggest dick.
Think of Iran as a young woman laying on a bed, waiting.
Do you know what she is waiting for........ She is waiting to be FUCCKED !!!!!
....and the long big cock of the United States is going to VIOLATE that pusssy,......again, & Again,................... and AGAIN !!!!
Until all Arabs, Persians, Muslims, Mud People, or what ever you want to call them finally realize and understand,............... WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE ON THIS EARTH ?
And that is the United State of America.
Since Iran has always been peaceful and has never threatened anyone, only a hard core warmonger would want to attack such a moderate and peaceful people.

Oh wait......
WHY would the US go into another War they have no chance of winning,:

Because US elites need it. True, they would prefer to go after Iran AFTER the elections, but if Israel will be insistent, US will have no choice...
The good news is that people can CHOOSE sides-----no longer are you stuck ------anyone who favors the Iranian position is free to go there and fight for Iran. -----except for one group. Lots of Iranians ----in the USA seem to be attracted to christianity. If you are an Iranian who fled Iran as a muslim and converted to christianity either for marriage or conviction----DO NOT RETURN ------they will execute you.
Just as Gamal Abdul Nasser -----did what he did in 1967 ie, handed Gaza and the west bank to Israel on a silver platter ------(being a secret mossad agent) ---so ACHMADINEJAD ---is handing Iran over to the (evil) WEST------(being a secret mossad agent) Remember when ---(well actually three separate times) ACHMADINEJAD annuonced in the UN that "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR ALL PEOPLE" was that not a clever MOSSAD ploy? The mossad had him say that in order to solidify an alliance of ------christians and hindus and atheists and homo sexuals and people with normal brains---AGAINST IRAN clever ---huh?
same ignorant assholes hating Jews.....This shit gets old people.

a lot older than some people can possible know----unless they have read the islamo nazi propaganda what was promulgated in the 1930s----some people might think that people like mememe and Liq and georgie and tinnie are "ORIGINAL THINKERS"
Israeli PM is trying to convince UN of the necessity to bomb Iran:


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