the real reason Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News: he accused the CIA on air of killing John F Kennedy, according to JFK biographer David Talbot

during WWI, a young Dulles takes his mistress out for dinner and a show, then hands her off to British agents for "terminal interrogation." Charmer.

she was never heard from again
"Too much secrecy can be self-defeating just as too much talking can be dangerous." -- Allen Dulles
Dulles donated money to America First, the campaign to keep the United States out of the gathering tempest in Europe, and helped sponsor a rally honoring Charles Lindbergh, the fair-haired aviation hero who had become enchanted by Hitler’s miraculous revival of Germany. Foster refused to shut down the Berlin office of Sullivan and Cromwell—whose attorneys were forced to sign their correspondence “Heil Hitler”—until his partners (including Allen), fearful of a public relations disaster, insisted he do so. When Foster finally gave in—at an extremely tense 1935 partners’ meeting in the firm’s lavish offices at 48 Wall Street—he broke down in tears.
Like his brother, Allen Dulles was slow to grasp the malevolence of Hitler’s regime. Dulles met face-to-face with Hitler in the Führer’s Berlin office in March 1933. He was ostensibly on a fact-finding mission to Europe for President Roosevelt, but Dulles was particularly interested in determining what Hitler’s rise meant for his law firm’s corporate clients in Germany and the United States. As Dulles subsequently informed Foster, he did not find Hitler particularly alarming. And he was “rather impressed” with Joseph Goebbels, remarking on the Nazi propaganda chief’s “sincerity and frankness.” After Dulles and fellow U.S. statesman Norman Davis returned to the Adlon, their luxury hotel across from the Brandenburg Gate, Davis was unnerved to find the word “Juden” scrawled crudely on the door of his room, even though he was not Jewish. “The conditions are not quite as bad” as anxious reports about Hitler would indicate, Dulles nonetheless wrote Foster from Germany
Dulles donated money to America First, the campaign to keep the United States out of the gathering tempest in Europe, and helped sponsor a rally honoring Charles Lindbergh, the fair-haired aviation hero who had become enchanted by Hitler’s miraculous revival of Germany. Foster refused to shut down the Berlin office of Sullivan and Cromwell—whose attorneys were forced to sign their correspondence “Heil Hitler”—until his partners (including Allen), fearful of a public relations disaster, insisted he do so. When Foster finally gave in—at an extremely tense 1935 partners’ meeting in the firm’s lavish offices at 48 Wall Street—he broke down in tears.
You're talking to yourself.
Quality..not quantity. :)
Dulles’s various financial connections to the Nazi regime prompted FDR to place the Wall Street lawyer under close surveillance when he began working in the OSS’s thirty-sixth-floor suite in Rockefeller Center. Monitoring Dulles proved an easy task since he shared office space with a massive British spy operation run by legendary Canadian secret agent William Stephenson, who would become famous as the “Man Called Intrepid.” At one point, Stephenson’s Rockefeller Center operation—which was tucked away under the colorless name British Security Coordination—grew to as many as three thousand employees. It was a remarkably ambitious covert enterprise, particularly considering that England was operating on friendly soil.
If the John Foster Dulleses of America were destined for heaven—as men of his ilk were always utterly certain—then Douglas would rather end up in hell. “I could perhaps endure [men like Foster] for an evening. But to sit on a cloud with [them] through eternity would be to exact too great a price.”
Hermann Schmitz,the CEO of IG Farben,the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for the production of the gas used in Hitler's death camps,was one of Allan Dulles clients

After D-Day, many IG execs went into panic mode, worrying about their personal survival IG Farben CEO Hermann Schmitz (Carl Bosch’s successor) contacted OSS head Allen Dulles with a peace proposal Before the war, Dulles was at Sullivan & Cromwell, and had represented IG
I'm a liberal and I think the CIA was involved in his assassination. Actually more liberals than conservatives think that way.

The CIA was pro war and conservative and they hated liberal JFK who was anti-war. More liberals than conservatives were anti-war at the time. Lyndon Johnson was a foreign policy conservative and economic liberal. Richard Nixon loved war and he was a conservative.
JFK was responsible for the escalation in Vietnam and the 'domino theory.'
"Dulles would turn his Georgetown home into the center of an anti-Kennedy government in exile."- The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot
W. Averell Harriman's house, where Kennedy's widow stayed, is likely the CIA connection. Familial DNA @ Harriman, Tennessee links not only to CIA employee DNA, it links to Abraham Lincoln familial DNA also CIA-employed.
JFK was hit from the front. Oswald was behind him.
If Ruby had been shot and killed at the scene also, MAYBE a conspiracy has some legs. He wasn't though.

Who would go to jail for the rest of their life for any amount of money? That angle never made sense to me. His motive had to be emotional, not for profit or to pay off a debt as some have suggested.
JFK was hit from the front. Oswald was behind him.
JFK was not hit from the front

He was hit from above and behind

The misinterpretation of his backwards movement is the result of people watching too many movies where people are shot and jerk away from the gun.

Reality does not work that way

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