The real reason Trump was indicted

Like clockwork, a democrat gets the presidency and teabaggers whine about the debt.

Is the Trump administration responsible for 25% of national ...

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Jan 23, 2023 — The national debt level went up by $7.8 trillion during President Donald Trump's time in office, according to U.S. treasury data.

NOT a peep, in 4 years of Trump.
Trump does not write the budget

Congress - aka the swamp - does
Trump's indictment is a victory for democracy and the rule of law.

Every American should be proud that in the United States no one is above the law, including former presidents.

Sure we should, we shouldn't care about the many other politicians in high office that get away with more blatant corruption every day. Just so Trump is not above the law, if the rest are, especially if they have a D after their name, it's a win!!
after 40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, we're pretty damn close to a banana republic right now. great job! The worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness Etcetera Etcetera ever anywhere. wake up and smile the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
Stop spending $10M on gender studies as part of pandemic relief and we can talk about “tax giveaways”. You people not only spend too much, you waste taxpayer dollars and fight any attempt to curb spending.
Democrats looking at Biden’s sinking poll numbers and that he plans on running in 2024, pushed for this bullshit indictment to hand Trump the nomination because as in 2016, they think they have a better chance of keeping the White House running against Trump. History repeats itself.
Frickin lame dude, is that the best you can cook?
Xiden and K Hillary can rake in hundreds of millions from pay for play scams and selling classified documents

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