The real reason Trump was indicted

Libs want to turn America into a banana republic
Nope, not even close.

biden and trump are BOTH way too old, and neither should run in 2024.
I'll be pissed if the (D) nominate biden in 2024.
Because he is OLD
after 40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates, we're pretty damn close to a banana republic right now. great job! The worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness Etcetera Etcetera ever anywhere. wake up and smile the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
What did Joe and the ho do for two years when they had it all?
the Republicans have basically been in charge since LBJ except for Obamacare And finally some infrastructure spending again. You people have absolutely no clue. GOP tax rates and give away to the rich have caused the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world

I keep telling you magic mushrooms and posting is NOT good for you!
Clearly they're working on both Trump and DeSantis at the same time in the same way for the same reason.
Democrats looking at Biden’s sinking poll numbers and that he plans on running in 2024, pushed for this bullshit indictment to hand Trump the nomination because as in 2016, they think they have a better chance of keeping the White House running against Trump. History repeats itself.


donny was indicted because donny is a fucking criminal.
They thought Trump was magnificent. Trump communicates and behaves like they do.

I love that image, it is so spot on. Trump has been terrible at handling his inheritance. Had he just deposited it into an ETF, like SPY, he would be far wealthier today and he could have spent all the free time he had chasing even more pornstars. Trump was born on third base, now he is caught in a pickle between second and third. How do you do that?

Strength, Trump is a bully, period. But he has no personal ability to support that. It is disgraceful that he ever graced the White House with his presence. That place has been the home of real men. They split wood, they rode horses, they shot shotguns. Trump plays golf, sorry, but I am not impressed. Kennedy could have taken him in a fight and Kennedy was one sickly little individual. Tiny hands that are probably as soft as a baby's ass because he has never done any real work his entire life. How the hell a blue collar worker would support him is beyond me.

And then there is intelligence. OMG, Trump is a total dumbass. One of his college professors famously stated that Trump was the dumbest student he ever had. I mean I understand speaking on a fourth grade level in order to appeal to your base, but damn, speaking at a fourth grade level is a stretch for Trump. Why people can't see that is also lost on me.
I love that image, it is so spot on.
I've spent seven years trying to understand this, asking a zillion questions, listening to all the rhetoric. I understand it now more than I did, but I think I've hit a dead end on the rest. So I've kind of given up for now.

Clearly he fills a huge need for them. And that need must be so profound and so desperate that this has gone far beyond politics for them. It's a lifestyle for them. Consuming. And they fly into a rage and the flip of a switch. The real "TDS". Like you, I just can't make a logical connection here.

Maybe one day I'll have it figured out, or maybe I'll stumble across a study or book that describes it. Probably not soon. But as I always say, this isn't about him. This isn't political, it's sociological. Psychological. And we god damn well have to figure out what it means about this country.

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