The Real Destroyers of the American Ideal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Certainly not to take away from the immense evil that the school system and the mass media have done to society, they are not the primary cause of losing what the Founders gave us.

1. In recent decades, judges- particularly Justices of the Supreme Court- have misused the Constitution, and have written into American law their own ideas of "evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society." Chief Justice Earl Warren put that in Trop v. Dulles, in 1958.

2. The unspoken subtext in Warren's words is the view that if the judges' concept of decency differs from all their predecessors, well, then, today's judges must be superior to them because they have "evolved" within their "maturing" society.

a. And, if it happens that the judges' views differ from those of the majority of the electorate, that only shows how much further the judges have evolved, and how superior they really are.

3. Justice Wm. Brennan, Jr…1985 Georgetown speech supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

He put aside the Constitution as a guide, "because we cannot discern how the Framers would apply moral-philosophic natural law to modern problems. Brennan denies any “static meaning,” but looks, instead, for ‘adaptability.”

By this, he denies the meaning of the actual words of the Constitution. So, Brennan twists the document to produce what he deems good consequences. By that endeavor “the rule of law and not of men” becomes impossible.

a. It is the same narcissistic view that allows the current President to change laws passed by the authorized body...Congress.

4. Not all judges are corrupters of our system. For instruction on how the job should be done, we turn to Chief Justice Rehnquist:

"Once we have abandoned the idea that the authority of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional is somehow tied to the language of the Constitution that the people adopted, a judiciary exercising the power of judicial review appears in a
quite different light.

Judges then are no longer the keepers of
the covenant;
instead they are a small group of fortunately
situated people with a roving commission to second-guess
Congress, state legislatures, and state and federal administrative
officers concerning what is best for the country."

5. What are the traits that identify those incorrectly raised to the level of 'judge'?

a. Those willing to substitute their views for those of the Founders.

b. Those who make decisions not directly related to the words of the Constitution.

c. Those who hesitate to send back to the states those issues so identified by the Constitution.

d. Those too weak to escape from law school's teaching: the 'case law method.'
The problem is legal education:

"Prospective lawyers do not study the continental, English, and colonial antecedents of the federal Constitution of 1787, where the Constitution was written, or the ratification debates that led to the implementation.

Instead, they imbibe the latest opinions on constitutional matters from the courts, and particularly from the Supreme Court. Those opinions, and not the Constitution's text as understood by the people when they ratified it, are what law schools teach as "constitutional law."
Kevin R.C.Gutzman, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution"

It all changed in the Progressive era:

a. Progressive Roscoe Pound changed the way law is taught today.

"Roscoe Pound sought to adjust principles and doctrines of law to the realities of the human condition…. wanted to extract wisdom from German social science to apply to American law.: law must leave "conceptions" and open itself up to social realities of the modern world.”… the backwardness of law in meeting social ends,…” ,…” roscoe pound and jurisprudence and 1903 and nebraska and harvard law school

He was perhaps the chief U.S. advocate of sociological jurisprudence, which holds that statutes and court decisions are affected by social conditions; his ideas apparently influenced the New Deal programs of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
roscoe-pound: Web Search Results from

b. "According to Pound and other advocates of sociological jurisprudence, law’s purpose is to achieve social aims. Legal rules, including constitutional rights, cannot be deduced from first principles. Judges should therefore consider the public interest and “social facts” when interpreting the Constitution."
Roscoe Pound, Enemy of American Constitutionalism | The Volokh ConspiracyThe Volokh Conspiracy
Thank heavens for bold SCOTUS judges who understand that we live in the 21st century, so much different fundamentally than the world of the Founders.

Thank you for unwittingly posting the OP of your career.

Any clear-headed reader clearly understands your arguments undermined your OP.
Thank heavens for bold SCOTUS judges who understand that we live in the 21st century, so much different fundamentally than the world of the Founders.

Thank you for unwittingly posting the OP of your career.

Any clear-headed reader clearly understands your arguments undermined your OP.

Watch how easily I prove that your "bold SCOTUS judges" are corrupt....and you are a fool, in one simple step.

And it will be so simple that even you will be able to understand it.

Any judge or Justice who desires a change in the Constitution knows full well that there is only one way to do so.

Can you guess what that is?

Hint: see Article V of the Constitution.

Only a moron who hates the Constitution, and America, would claim that any judge can simple ignore same.
Raise your paw.

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