The Radical Right

I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

Well your best bet would be to go out and spend some time with some "baggers" and see what they are really like ,rather then reading an opinion from someone else to form your conclusions.

Less chance of being wrong .

They only want affirmation, they don't seek opinions.
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?
So far, she has flatly refused to produce any.
I put up a position here, so far you've added nothing useful at all. I cannot believe you are a moderator.
Bite me. Your OP is nothing but bigoted opinion, with zero proof to back it up...Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance? Get over yourself.

Yup, she's got an opinion, different than your opinion. Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance? , you say? And yourself? You are one of the most bigoted, opinionated without evidence folks on the Board. Just sayin.
I heard this, in essence last night and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It sums up my feelings in the best possible way and apologies to Aaron Sorkin for paraphrasing:

The tea party isn't what it started out to be.It has been hijacked by the radical right wing extremists.

Back in 1968 when Davis and Hayden organized the SDS it was for the express purpose of stopping the Vietnam war. But it got co-opted by the likes of Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman and the yippies. The yippies, as it turned out were about flipping off the establishment, not trusting anybody over 30 and getting high. And that is how the left progressives were percieved for the next 40 years. Passing out daisys and smoking pot.

I understood the tea party in the beginning just as I understood the SDS. It was a grass roots middle class movement responding spontaineously to bad trends, a stagnent economy and sloppy government. But the radical right, in the form of the Koch brothers and other special interests moved in and polarized it into something that is now not only unrecognizable but ineffectual because they have lost their credibilty

The radical right has hi-jacked the republican party which in turn has enslaved the republican middle. with one possible exception. NOBODY would have run Abby Hoffman or Jerry Rubin for any office and no candidate would have sought their endorsement. Can you see Kennedy in a photo op with Bernadine Dorhn?

Hoffman and Rubin weren't democrats and neither are the Koch brothers republicans.

That's what I have so far, I'm still building on it.:D

Well your best bet would be to go out and spend some time with some "baggers" and see what they are really like ,rather then reading an opinion from someone else to form your conclusions.

Less chance of being wrong .

I've been to the meetings which, oddly enough is why the original opinion struck a chord with me. I haven't been lately because I sensed something there that didn't ring true. And to be truthful I put it out of my head til just recently. Upon checking in I was put off, to say the least. And I was amazed over how much the agenda had changed.
I wonder if it's just me or is my original supposition correct. Now how that makes me a liar or a troll will probably follow me to my grave without an answer.:D
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You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Go back and read Vidi, because your rant is off chord.
Poor Candyslice can't defend their own position. Sad, the thread could have had so many opportunities for dialog.

LOL I've yet to see you post anything...ever...that could be confuse with "dialogue"
He did ask her to back up her bigoted opinions being presented as fact in the OP, which she has yet to and is unlikely to do.

But we're supposed to remain all nice and civil with bigots, right?

I see all of you have failed basic reading comprehension. Why dont you ask an adult to explain her original post to you...especially the last few sentences.
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LOL I've yet to see you post anything...ever...that could be confuse with "dialogue"
He did ask her to back up her bigoted opinions being presented as fact in the OP, which she has yet to and is unlikely to do.

But we're supposed to remain all nice and civil with bigots, right?

Isee all of you have failed basic rading comprehension. Why dont you ask an adult to explain her original post to you...especially the last few sentences.

It looks like you failed English and writing. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So far, she has flatly refused to produce any.

I put up a position here, so far you've added nothing useful at all. I cannot believe you are a moderator.
Bite me.

Your OP is nothing but bigoted opinion, with zero proof to back it up...Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance?

Get over yourself.

Prove it yourself. Youve made the "bigot" accusation. She has posted NOTHING bigoted in the original post. Simply her opinion on how the far right movement of the right met with a simlar fate as the far left movement of the 60's.
He did ask her to back up her bigoted opinions being presented as fact in the OP, which she has yet to and is unlikely to do.

But we're supposed to remain all nice and civil with bigots, right?

Isee all of you have failed basic rading comprehension. Why dont you ask an adult to explain her original post to you...especially the last few sentences.

It looks like you failed English and writing. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I actually corrected the typos before you had a chance to post. You see that is called recognizing and correcting. In order to do such things one has to have the wisdom to understand one is not perfect. Something you fail at on an hourly basis huh Trolly troll?
I put up a position here, so far you've added nothing useful at all. I cannot believe you are a moderator.
Bite me.

Your OP is nothing but bigoted opinion, with zero proof to back it up...Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance?

Get over yourself.

Prove it yourself. Youve made the "bigot" accusation. She has posted NOTHING bigoted in the original post. Simply her opinion on how the far right movement of the right met with a simlar fate as the far left movement of the 60's.

Vidi you may as well be talking to a brick wall. Cooler heads will prevail. :lol:
Bite me.

Your OP is nothing but bigoted opinion, with zero proof to back it up...Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance?

Get over yourself.

Prove it yourself. Youve made the "bigot" accusation. She has posted NOTHING bigoted in the original post. Simply her opinion on how the far right movement of the right met with a simlar fate as the far left movement of the 60's.

Vidi you may as well be talking to a brick wall. Cooler heads will prevail. :lol:

Papa is nothing but a troll. And Oddball barely above assclown status. I love how they ignore the fact that the answer to their question has already been provided but continue to ask the same inane question over and over thinking that by doing so theyll disrupt the conversation. Diversionary cowards.
You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?


Yes, the ones in your head creating a noise off chord.
You have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

already answered and provided. Try reading the thread.
I put up a position here, so far you've added nothing useful at all. I cannot believe you are a moderator.
Bite me.

Your OP is nothing but bigoted opinion, with zero proof to back it up...Yet everyone else is supposed to provide posts of substance?

Get over yourself.

Prove it yourself. Youve made the "bigot" accusation. She has posted NOTHING bigoted in the original post. Simply her opinion on how the far right movement of the right met with a simlar fate as the far left movement of the 60's.

Except she hasn't proven it.

She said it.

No proof.

Oh wait, except that she said that one of the groups that attends Tea Party functions is making use of the progressive playbook...I guess that's what makes the tea party extremist now? That they're using some of the same shit stirring tactics the left has used for years?
Well Im relying rather heavily on historical fact where Rubin and Hoffman were concerned. I lived through that era, was involved and Im pretty sure I got it right.

I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

already answered and provided. Try reading the thread.

Not by the OP. Your opinion I couldn't care less about.
I was referring to your claims regarding the Tea Party, but I suspect you knew that. So, I'll asked you have some evidence of this or is it just because you say so?

already answered and provided. Try reading the thread.

Not by the OP. Your opinion I couldn't care less about.

Then you have your answer but you expect her to repost whats already been posted just to satisfy your ego?

Get over yourself, loser.
already answered and provided. Try reading the thread.

Not by the OP. Your opinion I couldn't care less about.

Then you have your answer but you expect her to repost whats already been posted just to satisfy your ego?

Get over yourself, loser.

So you speak for others? Still don't care about your opinion.

The OP can either use grown up words and defend her claim or not.
Not by the OP. Your opinion I couldn't care less about.

Then you have your answer but you expect her to repost whats already been posted just to satisfy your ego?

Get over yourself, loser.

So you speak for others? Still don't care about your opinion.

The OP can either use grown up words and defend her claim or not.

Careful you dont break your neck turning that giant head of yours.

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