The Problem with Jade Helm

Well, to be fair, the US has some history invading Texas.
I know the Duggers are way more important. But this talks of everyday American citizens concerns over this government exercise planned.


Jade Helm 15, a large-scale military operation conducted by U.S. Army Special Operations Command and service members from the military’s four branches, scheduled to take place in several states between July 15 and September 15, 2015, has elicited a firestorm of criticism. Many have gone so far as to claim the exercises are a prelude to the imposition of martial law, especially in Texas, one of the states designated as “hostile” territory. However, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) puts the issue in the proper perspective, noting why it’s reasonable that Americans would be concerned about the operation.

Gohmert first reveals his office “has been inundated with calls” regarding the mission, and acknowledges that this “military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law.” “Certainly, I can understand these concerns,” he writes. “When leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, are military veterans, or even ‘cling to guns or religion,’ patriotic Americans have reason to be concerned.”

Gohmert is spot on. In February, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intelligence assessment focused on the threat posed by right-wing, sovereign citizen extremist groups. As reported by the Washington Times, some law enforcement officials believe the threat posed by these groups “is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.”

It’s not the first time DHS has made such a delusional assessment. In 2009 the agency was worried about the possible recruitment of military veterans into such groups, eliciting blowback from rightly offended veterans. Adding to the absurdity (and hypocrisy as well) the February report was released while Obama was conducting his Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, during which the president took great pains to separate such extremism from all things Islamic.

ALL of it here:
The Problem with Jade Helm
The Problem with Jade Helm for Stephanie is WAY more people showed up for it than did for her American Spring. Roll, Stephanie, Roll!
what's worse is watching a liberal circle jerk......:puke3:and them jerking each other off.

it's nasty and ugly
Oh, so now you claim that you have a constitutional right to be a domestic terrorist. You're a piece of shit.


It's only leftwing radicals that think the average citizen, who believes in the constitution, is a bigger threat that Muslim terrorists. It's the Obama administration that tells DHS people to watch veterans, constitutionalists and NRA members while putting radicalized Muslims at the bottom of the watch list.

People are nervous because this administration considers being a patriotic American as suspicious. It's total bullshit.

While Obama thinks it's okay for Iran to have nukes and arms other radicals, he wants to control guns here at home. Border patrol and military people aren't even allowed to carry guns, while drug cartels and gangs run amok with heavy duty weapons.

Standing up for rights is not domestic terrorism. Only brain dead idiots think that way. The reason some leftwing kooks feel that way is because the average American knows freedom and liberty and those are things people innately want and won't give up without a fight.

I am aware many lefties want anything from Marxism to communism and everything in between. It's a tough sell to the American public, who cherish their freedom and liberty. And, like every other dictator in history, it is necessary to disarm, dumb down and program people to obey government in order to take it over. Why wouldn't history repeat itself again?

Some countries slowly fell into socialism because people weren't paying attention and were shamed into allowing government to do things "for the greater good." Others were forced into communism.
Here is more all liberals can joke about. Since you all ride the high horse in your small and shallow mind

American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran, Islamic State, Poll Shows

July 17, 2015 1:58 pm

A majority of U.S. voters don’t believe that President Obama has been “aggressive” enough in his efforts to thwart Islamic State terrorists or disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

According to a Fox News poll released Thursday, 59 percent of American adults agree that the Obama administration has not been aggressive enough in its actions to combat the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL.) Only 29 percent believe the president has been adequately aggressive.

The poll, which was conducted between July 13 and 15, also indicates that Americans believe Obama has been too weak in his actions regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Fifty-one percent think that Obama has not been aggressive enough in trying to stop Iran from expanding its nuclear weapons program, while only 37 percent deem the president’s efforts aggressive enough.

What’s more, a strong majority of Americans — 68 percent — are at least somewhat concerned that the Obama administration has been so eager to attain a deal with Iran that economic sanctions will be eased too much.

all of it here:
American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran Islamic State Poll Shows Washington Free Beacon
Oh, so now you claim that you have a constitutional right to be a domestic terrorist. You're a piece of shit.


It's only leftwing radicals that think the average citizen, who believes in the constitution, is a bigger threat that Muslim terrorists. It's the Obama administration that tells DHS people to watch veterans, constitutionalists and NRA members while putting radicalized Muslims at the bottom of the watch list.

People are nervous because this administration considers being a patriotic American as suspicious. It's total bullshit.

While Obama thinks it's okay for Iran to have nukes and arms other radicals, he wants to control guns here at home. Border patrol and military people aren't even allowed to carry guns, while drug cartels and gangs run amok with heavy duty weapons.

Standing up for rights is not domestic terrorism. Only brain dead idiots think that way. The reason some leftwing kooks feel that way is because the average American knows freedom and liberty and those are things people innately want and won't give up without a fight.

I am aware many lefties want anything from Marxism to communism and everything in between. It's a tough sell to the American public, who cherish their freedom and liberty. And, like every other dictator in history, it is necessary to disarm, dumb down and program people to obey government in order to take it over. Why wouldn't history repeat itself again?

Some countries slowly fell into socialism because people weren't paying attention and were shamed into allowing government to do things "for the greater good." Others were forced into communism.

they don't care about anyone else. so it's a waste of time
Here is more all liberals can joke about. Since you all ride the high horse in your small and shallow mind

American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran, Islamic State, Poll Shows

July 17, 2015 1:58 pm

A majority of U.S. voters don’t believe that President Obama has been “aggressive” enough in his efforts to thwart Islamic State terrorists or disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

According to a Fox News poll released Thursday, 59 percent of American adults agree that the Obama administration has not been aggressive enough in its actions to combat the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL.) Only 29 percent believe the president has been adequately aggressive.

The poll, which was conducted between July 13 and 15, also indicates that Americans believe Obama has been too weak in his actions regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Fifty-one percent think that Obama has not been aggressive enough in trying to stop Iran from expanding its nuclear weapons program, while only 37 percent deem the president’s efforts aggressive enough.

What’s more, a strong majority of Americans — 68 percent — are at least somewhat concerned that the Obama administration has been so eager to attain a deal with Iran that economic sanctions will be eased too much.

all of it here:
American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran Islamic State Poll Shows Washington Free Beacon

LOL, a Fox News Poll.
Oh, so now you claim that you have a constitutional right to be a domestic terrorist. You're a piece of shit.


It's only leftwing radicals that think the average citizen, who believes in the constitution, is a bigger threat that Muslim terrorists. It's the Obama administration that tells DHS people to watch veterans, constitutionalists and NRA members while putting radicalized Muslims at the bottom of the watch list.

People are nervous because this administration considers being a patriotic American as suspicious. It's total bullshit.

While Obama thinks it's okay for Iran to have nukes and arms other radicals, he wants to control guns here at home. Border patrol and military people aren't even allowed to carry guns, while drug cartels and gangs run amok with heavy duty weapons.

Standing up for rights is not domestic terrorism. Only brain dead idiots think that way. The reason some leftwing kooks feel that way is because the average American knows freedom and liberty and those are things people innately want and won't give up without a fight.

I am aware many lefties want anything from Marxism to communism and everything in between. It's a tough sell to the American public, who cherish their freedom and liberty. And, like every other dictator in history, it is necessary to disarm, dumb down and program people to obey government in order to take it over. Why wouldn't history repeat itself again?

Some countries slowly fell into socialism because people weren't paying attention and were shamed into allowing government to do things "for the greater good." Others were forced into communism.

they don't care about anyone else. so it's a waste of time

What a dingbat.
You know Carla is right at home. nasty to the core of her soul
Here is more all liberals can joke about. Since you all ride the high horse in your small and shallow mind

American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran, Islamic State, Poll Shows

July 17, 2015 1:58 pm

A majority of U.S. voters don’t believe that President Obama has been “aggressive” enough in his efforts to thwart Islamic State terrorists or disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

According to a Fox News poll released Thursday, 59 percent of American adults agree that the Obama administration has not been aggressive enough in its actions to combat the Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL.) Only 29 percent believe the president has been adequately aggressive.

The poll, which was conducted between July 13 and 15, also indicates that Americans believe Obama has been too weak in his actions regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Fifty-one percent think that Obama has not been aggressive enough in trying to stop Iran from expanding its nuclear weapons program, while only 37 percent deem the president’s efforts aggressive enough.

What’s more, a strong majority of Americans — 68 percent — are at least somewhat concerned that the Obama administration has been so eager to attain a deal with Iran that economic sanctions will be eased too much.

all of it here:
American Voters See Obama as Too Weak Against Iran Islamic State Poll Shows Washington Free Beacon


This thread is about Jade Helm and the United States' invasion of.....the United States. Let's keep it on topic, mkay?
And then you have the clowns on this board leading another HATE fest

it never ends. this board has went down hill because of them

whatever. I wont recommend anyone join here
lets hope it comes to all your neighbor hoods, towns and cities NEXT
You deserve it
Why thank you...When there is an exercise on the bases around here, all the local restaurants, bars, etc. see an uptick in sales. It's good for the economy. So yes....I also hope it comes to our neighborhood, town and city. :D

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