The problem I have with liberalism

Liberalism has no true leader.
Liberalism has no real vision.
Liberalism has lost touch with everyday working Americans in its' embracing of elitist academics, media, and Hollywood types.

It is a joy to behold.

Liberalism created this country and wrote its Constitution. It has nothing to do with "academics, media and Hollywood types".
The Constitution is its "leader".

Good luck tearing that down.

It's already been torn down. The joke's on you.
Is that it's based on nothing but lies. For example:

1) The idea that minorities are oppressed by the white majority in America. Complete bullshit

2) when they tell us all cultures are equal. No they're not. This should be obvious to anyone with any shred of objectivity.

3) the way they totally disregard the life of the unborn in the context of the abortion debate and frame it as a womens rights issue. Um excuse me, abortion is not just about womens rights, if we're being honest, which is never the case with liberals.

4) How about when liberals tell us that middle class spending is the key to growing in an economy? No it's not. And don't even get me started on how the left blames every problem on the wealthy not paying enough taxes, and when they say that when the government taxes the wealthy more there no negative consequences. The lefts' rules about economics are pure fiction.

5) What about the lie that there is an epidemic of law enforcement murdering black and hispanics in this country. That's bullshit right there.

6) And then there's the left ignoring black on black violence. When they are confronted with it as an issue, what to they do? Blame white people.

7) The Israeli palestian conflict is a great example of liberal bullshit. The israeli's never stole the palestinians' land. Sorry never happened. And there is one side right now that wants peace and is civilize - that is the Israel side.

8) Deficits and debt. Liberals are so full of shit about this. The only thing liberals want to cut spending on is the military. Every other spending program they want to increase tenfold, and they want to start a billion new ones. It's amazing how liberals can look us in the eye and tells us they care about debt or deficits.

These are just a few ways off the top of my head in which the left is dishonest. Feel free to add to the list.

too bad you haven't a clue.

reality: so-called "conservatives" have never solved a problem.


The Republican Party solved the problem of you traitorous democrats and your addiction to slavery well enough. Play semantics all you want, you so-called 'liberals' have never been anything of the sort.

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