The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

17 TRILLION, where the f have you been. The debt was 23 trillion in March before the democrat congress voted to increase it by 10%. and currently it stands a 27 trillion and is moving up by the nano second. China owns around 50% of our debt and that is why we are in trouble. If they own your debt---they own you! But we want to see you get you money's worth (rolling my eyes). Don't believe me? Check for yourself.
America will NEVER owe a penny of debt to China. China will always owe the US. Whether anyone wants to acknowledge this or not, we own debt from other countries, whose asses we saved in World War 2. Without the hundreds of thousands of lives we sacrificed/lost in the Pacific war, China would not exist today. It would have been a colony of Japan, if the Japs had not wiped them out entirely.

European countries are along the same line - England, France, Denmark, etc

The idea of America owing anything to China is preposterous, and that is without even looking at the damage China has done to America from the man-made Covid virus.
17 TRILLION, where the f have you been. The debt was 23 trillion in March before the democrat congress voted to increase it by 10%. and currently it stands a 27 trillion and is moving up by the nano second. China owns around 50% of our debt and that is why we are in trouble. If they own your debt---they own you! But we want to see you get you money's worth (rolling my eyes). Don't believe me? Check for yourself.
America will NEVER owe a penny of debt to China. China will always owe the US. Whether anyone wants to acknowledge this or not, we own debt from other countries, whose asses we saved in World War 2. Without the hundreds of thousands of lives we sacrificed/lost in the Pacific war, China would not exist today. It would have been a colony of Japan, if the Japs had not wiped them out entirely.

European countries are along the same line - England, France, Denmark, etc

The idea of America owing anything to China is preposterous, and that is without even looking at the damage China has done to America from the man-made Covid virus.
I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is that we've been selling ourselves to China for years by buying all their shit and not selling an equal or greater amount to them.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
This is the data regardless of who you think is really responsible for how or why it happened. Trump is President and this happened on his watch. I'm sure the supporters of every President in history would like to erase data like this, but that is not how it works.
"The data" as you call it, is invalid by referring it to Trump. The "on his watch" BS is a fabricated Democrat propaganda, part of the whole scheme to destroy the economy in 2020, in time for the presidential election.

How this "works" is nothing but a SCAM. You thought you could fool us . That failed.
Last edited:
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
This is the pathetic, lying left, doing what they do. Responding to FACTS with ridiculous, empty rhetoric. Disgusting. A cancer in America, that we need to get out of the country. Send it away.
I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is that we've been selling ourselves to China for years by buying all their shit and not selling an equal or greater amount to them.
Yeah. But that was with the 4 defeatist ex-presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes). Trump stopped giving China unrestricted access to our stores (economy), and put us back on the right track. Globalist idiots are stealing the election now, and if Biden becomes president, we'll be right back to selling out to China again. All the good Trump did, will be reversed.
I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is that we've been selling ourselves to China for years by buying all their shit and not selling an equal or greater amount to them.
Yeah. But that was with the 4 defeatist ex-presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes). Trump stopped giving China unrestricted access to our stores (economy), and put us back on the right track. Globalist idiots are stealing the election now, and if Biden becomes president, we'll be right back to selling out to China again. All the good Trump did, will be reversed.
all Trump's achievement are total b******* propaganda. How is Hong Kong doing, or is there a news blackout on that on the propaganda machine? All he's done is screw our farmers and others with this ridiculous trade wars and tariffs. China is laughing at his incompetence.
Allow me to sift through all the bull shit here.

The president cannot create jobs but he can create an effect the economy and it is the economy that creates jobs. Bill Clinton didn’t create jobs but he also stayed out of the way while the economy did. Specifically the new tech industry.

Obama didn’t create jobs but he did stifle the economy. Yes, it recovered under his watch but that was despite his efforts.

Trump didn’t create jobs but he enabled the economy by eliminating most of the regulations that Obama and others put in place.

The only thing a president can do is affect the economy.
all Trump's achievement are total b******* propaganda. How is Hong Kong doing, or is there a news blackout on that on the propaganda machine? All he's done is screw our farmers and others with this ridiculous trade wars and tariffs. China is laughing at his incompetence.
YOU are total b******* propaganda. Even flaming liberals like Geraldo Rivera and Jake Tapper (CNN) have congratulated President Trump on his magnificent Operation Warp Speed accomplishment.
Even the Obama-friendly BEA (even after they cooked their books against Trump) still show GDP growth %s highly favorable to Trump, such as the infamous "V GRAPH" showing Obama's last years of sinking GDP, immediately followed by Trump's 1st 2 years of rising GDPs. BEA also now shows our most recent quarter being 33.1% GDP growth, highest (by far) in US history (and that is in spite of the Democrat lockdowns and blockage of the stimulus checks$$, and doing all they can to keep the economy down during the election year).

And do you dispute the over 30,000 Dow Jones numbers ? > Highest in US history (as well as the NASDQ and S & P)? Even CNN and MSNBC don't dispute that. They also don't dispute that blacks, Hispanics, Asians, & folks without high school diplomas have had their lowest unemployment in US history. They also don't dispute that since 2017, we have had the highest median wage in US history.

For you to refer to these accomplishments as "total b******* propaganda" does nothing to the accomplishments. It only does one thing. It establishes you as an laughingstock, of zero credibility in this forum. Not my problem.

And the presidents who China laughed at (and conspired with) are Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, in that order. And Trump has been tough on China, with Chinese imports reduced immensely. Trump is the last person the Chinese are laughing at.
Last edited:
Allow me to sift through all the bull shit here.

The president cannot create jobs but he can create an effect the economy and it is the economy that creates jobs. Bill Clinton didn’t create jobs but he also stayed out of the way while the economy did. Specifically the new tech industry.

Obama didn’t create jobs but he did stifle the economy. Yes, it recovered under his watch but that was despite his efforts.

Trump didn’t create jobs but he enabled the economy by eliminating most of the regulations that Obama and others put in place.

The only thing a president can do is affect the economy.
Not a bad assessment. Yes Trump's economy success, was due to easing of business regulations, but also by his lowering of the corporate tax, and immensely reducing Chinese imports.
I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is that we've been selling ourselves to China for years by buying all their shit and not selling an equal or greater amount to them.
Yeah. But that was with the 4 defeatist ex-presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes). Trump stopped giving China unrestricted access to our stores (economy), and put us back on the right track. Globalist idiots are stealing the election now, and if Biden becomes president, we'll be right back to selling out to China again. All the good Trump did, will be reversed.
I agree again! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is just an extension of the trade war. Unleash a flu and tell everyone it is the end of the world, shut down economies and education. All domestic business shuts down and goes broke. Producers reduce their production and the democrats raid the treasury to make sure you can buy all the CHINESE SHIT that you want online. I am amazed that our useless MSM covers for this crap.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
I really don't give a s*** about the gun question. As far as I'm concerned they could sell everything up to machine gun small machine guns. I'd like to own one LOL. I care about a living wage healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and a good ID card to end more illegals. like every other modern country has. And mainly taxing our ridiculously rich rich more like their Fair share. And you people block all that stuff for God knows what reason. Now it has been proved without a question that trickle down does not trickle down it trickles up. we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever thanks to the greedy idiot Rich GOP and their brainwashed idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots. you people are smart you know every detail of ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies from the only tiny little media out of all the media in the world that agrees with you. Pathetic. But Republican voters have always been pathetic. It's just now the silent majority are the loudmouth brainwashed majority. try to BBC for Christ's sake the best media in the world. Or anything not owned by Rupert f****** Murdock or hangers on on the internet and Rush limbaugh. Poor America. This last 4 years shows what you get with your b*******. The biggest con man fraud and worst businessman ever. Too bad you don't know any facts.
17 TRILLION, where the f have you been. The debt was 23 trillion in March before the democrat congress voted to increase it by 10%. and currently it stands a 27 trillion and is moving up by the nano second. China owns around 50% of our debt and that is why we are in trouble. If they own your debt---they own you! But we want to see you get you money's worth (rolling my eyes). Don't believe me? Check for yourself.
America will NEVER owe a penny of debt to China. China will always owe the US. Whether anyone wants to acknowledge this or not, we own debt from other countries, whose asses we saved in World War 2. Without the hundreds of thousands of lives we sacrificed/lost in the Pacific war, China would not exist today. It would have been a colony of Japan, if the Japs had not wiped them out entirely.

European countries are along the same line - England, France, Denmark, etc

The idea of America owing anything to China is preposterous, and that is without even looking at the damage China has done to America from the man-made Covid virus.
Christ man. The Chinese lost many millions dead in world war II. And of course we're talking about the fact that the Chinese own 5% or so of American debt because they paid for it cash. Absolutely idiotic world war II unbelievable. LOL. They really should stop buying up Ivory rhinoceros horn etc and bats or whatever. But they did not tell the orange clown to totally screw up the whole world's reaction to it the pandemic that is.Conservatives around the world the idiots that they are oops brainwashed functional idiots, all refused to follow mandates etc etc. And countries tried to reopen before they were ready like the orange clown, the leader of the Free world omg.
17 TRILLION, where the f have you been. The debt was 23 trillion in March before the democrat congress voted to increase it by 10%. and currently it stands a 27 trillion and is moving up by the nano second. China owns around 50% of our debt and that is why we are in trouble. If they own your debt---they own you! But we want to see you get you money's worth (rolling my eyes). Don't believe me? Check for yourself.
America will NEVER owe a penny of debt to China. China will always owe the US. Whether anyone wants to acknowledge this or not, we own debt from other countries, whose asses we saved in World War 2. Without the hundreds of thousands of lives we sacrificed/lost in the Pacific war, China would not exist today. It would have been a colony of Japan, if the Japs had not wiped them out entirely.

European countries are along the same line - England, France, Denmark, etc

The idea of America owing anything to China is preposterous, and that is without even looking at the damage China has done to America from the man-made Covid virus.
Christ man. The Chinese lost many millions dead in world war II. And of course we're talking about the fact that the Chinese own 5% or so of American debt because they paid for it cash. Absolutely idiotic world war II unbelievable. LOL. They really should stop buying up Ivory rhinoceros horn etc and bats or whatever. But they did not tell the orange clown to totally screw up the whole world's reaction to it the pandemic that is.Conservatives around the world the idiots that they are oops brainwashed functional idiots, all refused to follow mandates etc etc. And countries tried to reopen before they were ready like the orange clown, the leader of the Free world omg.
It's not a pandemic man. The mortality rate is less than 2% and 94% of those are over 50 with comorbidities. You people are gullible and deserve what you get.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
I really don't give a s*** about the gun question. As far as I'm concerned they could sell everything up to machine gun small machine guns. I'd like to own one LOL. I care about a living wage healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and a good ID card to end more illegals. like every other modern country has. And mainly taxing our ridiculously rich rich more like their Fair share. And you people block all that stuff for God knows what reason. Now it has been proved without a question that trickle down does not trickle down it trickles up. we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever thanks to the greedy idiot Rich GOP and their brainwashed idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots. you people are smart you know every detail of ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies from the only tiny little media out of all the media in the world that agrees with you. Pathetic. But Republican voters have always been pathetic. It's just now the silent majority are the loudmouth brainwashed majority. try to BBC for Christ's sake the best media in the world. Or anything not owned by Rupert f****** Murdock or hangers on on the internet and Rush limbaugh. Poor America. This last 4 years shows what you get with your b*******. The biggest con man fraud and worst businessman ever. Too bad you don't know any facts.
Triggered much?
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
Only on the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron period no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane. The Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now, that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Keep voting against your own interests, hater dupe. Yes super religious conspiracy nut Job ignoramuses are Republicans..... Whether you like it or not the age of information and transportation is going to make the world smaller and more internationalist if you like. Our problem is do not invest in our people and country anymore because no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their Fair share. Only the brainwash makes this mess possible. Everything you know is wrong.
Only among information-deprived, victims of liberal OMISSION media do we hear such amazing blather as >> "no one is talking about gun confiscation except for criminals and the insane."

No one except for Joe Biden who has mentioned during the campaign months, that he would impose a $200 tax on every gun owned by an American, a $200 tax on every magazine in gun owners' possession, + taxes$$ on engraving and other requirements.
This is the jist of the so-called "Gun Buy Back" idea ( a false names, since the govt never owned these guns in the first place)

The goofy idea that >> "Republicans have been redistributing to the greedy idiot GOP Rich for 40 years now" is just that - Goofy. The reality is that the working class and poor have never been better off than during the 4 years of Donald Trump's administration. This is when we got the LEAST INEQUALITY, and the MOST UPWARD MOBILITY.

Under Trump's administration, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, most Amerians were employed than any time in US history, unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled was lowest in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever, and we had the highest median wage in US history.

Liberals carelessly throw around the "Republicans are for the rich" narrative relentlessly fed to them by the leftist media and politicians, but the facts show a completely different picture, which liberals either are oblivious to (since their media does not report these facts) or they just are too deep in brainwashing to be objective.

Speaking of being for the rich, it is they who will not be bothered by Biden's gun CONFISCATION plan which propose to confiscate every gun and magazine on which a $200 tax per item, is not paid. Clearly, it is the poor who will not be able to pay this insane (unconstitutional) tax, and will lose their guns (which they paid good money for).

It is also the poor who need their guns the most, since it is they who live in high crime areas, where they need to defend themselves much more than the rich, who live in low crime areas, and enjoy fences and gates around their homes, and other security protections. So much for Biden and Democrats caring about the poor :rolleyes: .
Fear mongering bologna from the GOP propaganda machine. The criminals and the insane only.
You're a fool.
I really don't give a s*** about the gun question. As far as I'm concerned they could sell everything up to machine gun small machine guns. I'd like to own one LOL. I care about a living wage healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and a good ID card to end more illegals. like every other modern country has. And mainly taxing our ridiculously rich rich more like their Fair share. And you people block all that stuff for God knows what reason. Now it has been proved without a question that trickle down does not trickle down it trickles up. we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever thanks to the greedy idiot Rich GOP and their brainwashed idiots like you oops brainwashed functional idiots. you people are smart you know every detail of ridiculous phony scandals and conspiracies from the only tiny little media out of all the media in the world that agrees with you. Pathetic. But Republican voters have always been pathetic. It's just now the silent majority are the loudmouth brainwashed majority. try to BBC for Christ's sake the best media in the world. Or anything not owned by Rupert f****** Murdock or hangers on on the internet and Rush limbaugh. Poor America. This last 4 years shows what you get with your b*******. The biggest con man fraud and worst businessman ever. Too bad you don't know any facts.
Triggered much?
Tell us what you really think. HaHaHaHa!

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