The powers that be as well as most of us are stuck in partisan mode...what now?

Fuck you and your partisan BS.

[ame=]Richie Havens - Freedom (Woodstock 1969) **With Lyrics** - YouTube[/ame]

oops...I just posted liberals in which conservatives cannot relate bad.
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Fuck me? Damn a little over the top don't ya think? I was just having fun till you started.....

[ame=]Godsmack - Cryin' Like A Bitch!! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Conservative Christian, Right Wing Republican... - YouTube[/ame]
lol...WWF? I think I win....over your wrestling video. Youngin's have no appreciation for the classics.

[ame=]Steppenwolf - Monster - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=]Five Finger Death Punch - Hard To See (LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]
You are not even in tune to your own generation....

[ame=]Rage Against The Machine - ''Testify'' (Official Music Video). - YouTube[/ame]
Sure I am....

[ame=]Dio - Rainbow in the Dark - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (live) - YouTube[/ame]
We just HAD a depression as bad as the 30's, but the Dems got in FAST...still cost about 5 TRILLION DOLLARS so Pubs could say it wasn't a problem. And Obama IS that change, and change the GD channel...
I wish I could. I nearly destroyed my life with my mistakes at a young age. I'm no leader outside of my small world. We need inspirational figures, like Obama pretended to be but real ones.

I don't see any, do you?

I think you don't give yourself as much credit as you should. Even on a small scale, we need leaders. If we dont have good leaders on a small scale we can never get one on the national level.

Look around and you may find more than you realize.
[ame=]S.O.S. BAND-SANDS OF TIME - YouTube[/ame]

You can't win. I love it all. :)
I think it's going to take one whopper of a depression, as bad or worse than the 1930s. We need an attitude adjustment, brought on by major changes in the standard of living. If it ain't bad enough, nothing substantial will change. As to when, who the hell knows.

We do need to humble ourselves and it may be a depression that does that. Or it may be war. Iran is cutting off their oil supply. The world is changing quickly.

We all have a choice to make. Do we humble ourselves or do we let God humble us?
We just HAD a depression as bad as the 30's, but the Dems got in FAST...still cost about 5 TRILLION DOLLARS so Pubs could say it wasn't a problem. And Obama IS that change, and change the GD channel...

Please. We havent seen anything. You think people are suffering now, see what happens if Obama gets reelected.
Oops....non partisan.

[ame=]Neil Young - Everybody Knows This is Nowhere - YouTube[/ame]
I wish I could. I nearly destroyed my life with my mistakes at a young age. I'm no leader outside of my small world. We need inspirational figures, like Obama pretended to be but real ones.

I don't see any, do you?

I think you don't give yourself as much credit as you should. Even on a small scale, we need leaders. If we dont have good leaders on a small scale we can never get one on the national level.

Look around and you may find more than you realize.

I have convinced my brother to give up pot and change the direction in his life. I can have a small impact on my girls. And maybe a bit on the people that work for me but I sealed my future when I made the dumb decisions as a teen that I made. And honestly I'm not mature enough to do anything but keep myself out of trouble at this point. And you all know that is a tough battle for me lol.

I will put up yard signs and maybe work a phone bank or go door to door this election cycle but its all for another wannabe. Ross Perot was the last person I truly felt passionate about. And then I didn't know jack about politics.

Thanks for the confidence though.
We, as well as our elected leaders, can argue till the moon finally leaves our orbit. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time.

I had hoped that the Tea Party uprising would inspire critical thinking but as recent votes have shown it hasn't accomplished squat. We have an unfunded "tax holiday" that does nothing but rob the social security system for the sake of political expediency. The system is broken and all we've done is throw another spoke into the wheel.
I mention this, not to divide, but to show the disfunctionality of our elected leaders. The bipartisan opposition to this bill proves some are aware of the danger, alas they are the minority. So everyone gets an extra 40 bucks in their paychecks today only to fond their retirement 40 years from now nonexistent.

That's just an example. Imagine that shortsightedness 100 fold and you get an idea of how our current leaders are functioning.

When does it end? When do we wake up? When does DC realize America doesn't give a fuck about left or right but rather the stability of their lives and the lives of their children?

Our system has become so corrupted by money. And I'm not talking about just big corporate money but rather all of it. What can we do? What will it take?
If your think that money and success are ever going to provide you with meaning in your life - take a good look at Whitney Houston and think again!

People have been sold a "bill of goods" about prosperty, success and the "American dream." Even the small minority that achieve it are basically no happier than the rest of us - and most are probably alot less.

Happiness and contentment come from within - if you're depending on some outside source to supply it then you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment.

End of sermon!
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We, as well as our elected leaders, can argue till the moon finally leaves our orbit. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time.

I had hoped that the Tea Party uprising would inspire critical thinking but as recent votes have shown it hasn't accomplished squat. We have an unfunded "tax holiday" that does nothing but rob the social security system for the sake of political expediency. The system is broken and all we've done is throw another spoke into the wheel.
I mention this, not to divide, but to show the disfunctionality of our elected leaders. The bipartisan opposition to this bill proves some are aware of the danger, alas they are the minority. So everyone gets an extra 40 bucks in their paychecks today only to fond their retirement 40 years from now nonexistent.

That's just an example. Imagine that shortsightedness 100 fold and you get an idea of how our current leaders are functioning.

When does it end? When do we wake up? When does DC realize America doesn't give a fuck about left or right but rather the stability of their lives and the lives of their children?

Our system has become so corrupted by money. And I'm not talking about just big corporate money but rather all of it. What can we do? What will it take?
If your think that money and success are ever going to provide meaning for your life - take a good look at Whitney Houston and think again!

People have been sold a "bill of goods" about prosperty, success and the "American dream." Even the small minority that achieve it are basically no happier than the rest of us - and probably a lot less.

Happiness and contentment come from within - if you're depending on some outside source then you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment.

Where in the op did you get the perception it was about me or my perceived success?

It's about our nations future and our children, or in my case grandchildren.

Just look at the statistics for college kids leaving school now. If you can't see the mess were in then were in a much bigger mess if others think like you.
We, as well as our elected leaders, can argue till the moon finally leaves our orbit. Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time.

I had hoped that the Tea Party uprising would inspire critical thinking but as recent votes have shown it hasn't accomplished squat. We have an unfunded "tax holiday" that does nothing but rob the social security system for the sake of political expediency. The system is broken and all we've done is throw another spoke into the wheel.
I mention this, not to divide, but to show the disfunctionality of our elected leaders. The bipartisan opposition to this bill proves some are aware of the danger, alas they are the minority. So everyone gets an extra 40 bucks in their paychecks today only to fond their retirement 40 years from now nonexistent.

That's just an example. Imagine that shortsightedness 100 fold and you get an idea of how our current leaders are functioning.

When does it end? When do we wake up? When does DC realize America doesn't give a fuck about left or right but rather the stability of their lives and the lives of their children?

Our system has become so corrupted by money. And I'm not talking about just big corporate money but rather all of it. What can we do? What will it take?

I share your frustration with the system as it currently stands.

Sadly most of us are stuck voting for one party or the other even though voters on both sides sense (correctly) that neither party is really offering any REAL solutions to this nation's problems.

So both us, probably, end up voting for the LEAST REPREHENSIBLE candidate.

The power of this good cop/bad cop duelopoly is that it sucks all the other political oxygen out of the room leaving us ALL with no real alternative but to vote for the guys we loath the least.

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