The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Party That Loses the White House Race

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

That's all social conservatives have. Their views are unpopular so they depend on the supreme court to over turn common sense, except when they don't then they are judicial activists.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

That's all social conservatives have. Their views are unpopular so they depend on the supreme court to over turn common sense, except when they don't then they are judicial activists.

yeah, that's how liberals get all of their shit fuck you, hypocrite.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

That's all social conservatives have. Their views are unpopular so they depend on the supreme court to over turn common sense, except when they don't then they are judicial activists.

yeah, that's how liberals get all of their shit fuck you, hypocrite.

No, that's not how laws are passed, bucky.
Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected. We are going to war.
We have been at war since 9-11. If you are saying we are sending another huge army overseas, that won't happen.
Im not sure we will need to send them overseas.
Not in the US we are not. The military and the LEO who are the bad actors.

Are you denying that Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and others are part of the racist base of the Democrat party?
Once upon a time I was, then the paradigm shifted to the far crazy right. That I am not, you are right, a silly far right conservative.

When our GOP loses this election, the far right contards (the Cruzes) and the hard right cons (the Kasichs) are going to say I told you so.

The crazy rights that just wanted to punish the regular GOP and mainstream leaders are going to pay a very heavy price, just like they did back after the 1964 election when they were sent to the wilderness.

I disagree. Trump supporters aren't going anywhere. The GOP has cultivated this sort of rabid wingnut and now the GOP can't win with them because they are repugnant and since the GOP harbored these idiots in the first place they are more than half of the GOP base.

You guys really fucked yourselves and it started with Reagan.

Congratulations for speaking up about it now...a little late.
Nope, they are not, but there are far too many of them. Yes, you are right about speaking up. The corporatism and neo-cons and social cons were warned about the racists and nativists attaching themselves to the GOP. In 2020, watch: there will be no more than four or five serious candidates in the mainstream. No one will allow the crazies to have this type of power again.

2020? What about now? My god, I've never seen so few profiles in courage than I have of so called moderate Republicans. Is the GOP going to nominate Paul Ryan? The biggest wuss of the House who can't even walk back a Trump endorsement? Every single one of them is falling in front of Trump. Cruz destroyed (thankfully) his future and no one other than .....Kasich? Is that who you are holding out for? Considering almost half of the GOP is solidly behind Trump, Kasich is dead in the water. That's all in the future though. If you really think the GOP can move above and beyond Trump (win or lose, they can't) and that is what is going to save the party then why are you throwing your vote away? News for you, voting for a perpetual losing candidate is not saving your party from Trump.
Aren't you the silly one? Trump is a blow by in history. Our GOP will recover just fine, as did yours from McGovern.

There is little resemblance between McGovern and Trump. I don't so the Democratic party looking back at McGovern with embarrassment. I don't see Democrats having to excuse McGovern's campaign or the votes that he did receive, he simply got his ass kicked.

Trump is different. At some point the Republican party has to forcefully make a turn away from Trump. That doesn't happen with non-endorsement endorsements. It doesn't happen by giving up and voting for a pseudo politician running under the banner of a pseudo political party and ideology. The GOP will only overcome Trump, Trumpism and far right wing morons by directly confronting them. Or, leave the party when you lose.

FYI, the Libertarian party is not the party of moderate Republicans. Vote to get rid of Trump by not throwing your vote away and risking the absolute death of the GOP by not doing enough to get rid of Trump. Solve that problem firs, requires some amount of maturity and foresight to do so, I grant you that. Then again, it's moderate Republicans who stood by and let their party be taken from them to begin with so I feel no sympathy for you guys.

Nice word salad.

The massively failed administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is the cause of the unrest of voters who denied sixteen Republican establishment and elites were quickly disposed of by unknown Donald Trump.

At the same time, were it not for a rigged system, full blown Socialist Bernie Sanders roughed up the coronation of Hillary Clinton. You had to spend tens of millions and thousands of hours to finally reach a chaotic convention. During the battle, Hillary Clinton has been pulled so far toward Socialism that it's impossible for her to shift back toward the center.

I think it's a possibility that Donald Trump may be the beginning of a third party. He seems to be willing to take the best of both parties and meld them into a group that the VOTERS like.

I don't like everything Donald Trump has said or done, but .I am 100% certain he will do better than a pathological liar
Aren't you the silly one? Trump is a blow by in history. Our GOP will recover just fine, as did yours from McGovern.

There is little resemblance between McGovern and Trump. I don't so the Democratic party looking back at McGovern with embarrassment. I don't see Democrats having to excuse McGovern's campaign or the votes that he did receive, he simply got his ass kicked.

Trump is different. At some point the Republican party has to forcefully make a turn away from Trump. That doesn't happen with non-endorsement endorsements. It doesn't happen by giving up and voting for a pseudo politician running under the banner of a pseudo political party and ideology. The GOP will only overcome Trump, Trumpism and far right wing morons by directly confronting them. Or, leave the party when you lose.
If you are saying that McGovern was not mentally crazed, OK. But your argument about Trump is specious. He will get his ass kicked. The GOP regulars and mainstream leaders will not put up with him at that. They won't have to.

But they'll still be left with their shrinking racist moron base .. and they have damaged the seriously damaged the party, the brand.

The next republican president hasn't been born yet.

According to Jake the racist morons will somehow disappear overnight. They've been there the past 40 years but somehow they are going to disappear and apparently the GOP or Republicans in general don't have to raise a finger to make it happen. They will somehow automatically begin to attract more than white males.

:0) That's just silly. The GOP doesn't know what to do with the vermin they invited in.

Even if all the racists disappear, how much base will they have left?

The Democrat Party invited in the Occupy Wallstreet movement, the Black Lives Matter, and New Black Panthers. When and how are they going to disappear?
According to Jake the racist morons will somehow disappear overnight. They've been there the past 40 years but somehow they are going to disappear and apparently the GOP or Republicans in general don't have to raise a finger to make it happen. They will somehow automatically begin to attract more than white males.
Show where I said that, or admit you are lying, little one.

Explain how you are getting your party back.

:popcorn: Good question
HJ has some 'splainin' to do first. :popcorn:

I'm not Happy Joy .. although I agree with her.

Tell me how the republicans can quickly reverse course.

Trump has exposed the RW racist lock on the Republican Party. How do they get rid of that?

How does the Democrat Party get rid of this?

New Black Panther's speaking:


Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama speaking to the same group.

The republican party's problem isn't just only old white males are voting for them.

One of their biggest problems is that their economic policy stinks.

I'm sorry but history shows time and time again that when you cut taxes on the rich it sends our economy into a tail spin.

History shows time and time again that when you don't have reasonable and proper laws regulating business it not only harms people but sends our economy into a tail spin.

Their policies concentrate most of the money to just a handful of people. The problem with that is capitalism needs the free flow of money to work. We're a consumer based economy so our economy can't be stable when people don't have money to spend.

One of the main requirements to keep prices down in capitalism is competition. However without the proper legal regulations the only result of unregulated capitalism is monopolies. Where there's no competition to help keep prices down and to allow for new innovations.

For the republican party to recover from the mess they've gotten themselves into they're going to have to change their party from the ground up.
The republican party's problem isn't just only old white males are voting for them.

One of their biggest problems is that their economic policy stinks.

I'm sorry but history shows time and time again that when you cut taxes on the rich it sends our economy into a tail spin.

History shows time and time again that when you don't have reasonable and proper laws regulating business it not only harms people but sends our economy into a tail spin.

Their policies concentrate most of the money to just a handful of people. The problem with that is capitalism needs the free flow of money to work. We're a consumer based economy so our economy can't be stable when people don't have money to spend.

One of the main requirements to keep prices down in capitalism is competition. However without the proper legal regulations the only result of unregulated capitalism is monopolies. Where there's no competition to help keep prices down and to allow for new innovations.

For the republican party to recover from the mess they've gotten themselves into they're going to have to change their party from the ground up.

Aside from your post being made up of total lies, It is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who got us into this disastrous economy and worldwide chaos. For example, President Ronald Reagan's tax cuts led to over a quarter of a century of a growing economy.

President Obama holds the distinctive pride of being the only President in HISTORY to NOT have a single year of the GDP being above 3%. Complete failure. During the Jimmy Carter years it was called malaise.
Markle, you are a dumb fuck. You would have us go back to the 2008 debacle that Bush and the GOP orchestrated. Under the policy that you espouse the market went down to 6500, and we were losing 500,000 to 750,000 jobs a month. Under President Obama, we have had over 70 months of job growth and the market is over 18,000. And you want to call that a bad economy?

Yes, there are people out of work. And there are 5 and 1/2 million jobs going begging. You see, we have far too many unskilled workers in an automated economy, and not enough skilled workers. We need to educate and train our workers. But the GOP fights every education and training bill that is presented.
You've never been a conservative Jake.
Once upon a time I was, then the paradigm shifted to the far crazy right. That I am not, you are right, a silly far right conservative.

When our GOP loses this election, the far right contards (the Cruzes) and the hard right cons (the Kasichs) are going to say I told you so.

The crazy rights that just wanted to punish the regular GOP and mainstream leaders are going to pay a very heavy price, just like they did back after the 1964 election when they were sent to the wilderness.
LOL, come on jake; I'm the most far right on this forum and no one leads a more tamer or saner life than me around here.
The days of local politics belonging to Cal Rampton are over. Us rwnj's still control local politics.
Markle, you are a dumb fuck. You would have us go back to the 2008 debacle that Bush and the GOP orchestrated. Under the policy that you espouse the market went down to 6500, and we were losing 500,000 to 750,000 jobs a month. Under President Obama, we have had over 70 months of job growth and the market is over 18,000. And you want to call that a bad economy?

Yes, there are people out of work. And there are 5 and 1/2 million jobs going begging. You see, we have far too many unskilled workers in an automated economy, and not enough skilled workers. We need to educate and train our workers. But the GOP fights every education and training bill that is presented.
ya, that great society bill really worked out didn't it. what's it up to 16-17 trillion now
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There is little resemblance between McGovern and Trump. I don't so the Democratic party looking back at McGovern with embarrassment. I don't see Democrats having to excuse McGovern's campaign or the votes that he did receive, he simply got his ass kicked.

Trump is different. At some point the Republican party has to forcefully make a turn away from Trump. That doesn't happen with non-endorsement endorsements. It doesn't happen by giving up and voting for a pseudo politician running under the banner of a pseudo political party and ideology. The GOP will only overcome Trump, Trumpism and far right wing morons by directly confronting them. Or, leave the party when you lose.
If you are saying that McGovern was not mentally crazed, OK. But your argument about Trump is specious. He will get his ass kicked. The GOP regulars and mainstream leaders will not put up with him at that. They won't have to.

But they'll still be left with their shrinking racist moron base .. and they have damaged the seriously damaged the party, the brand.

The next republican president hasn't been born yet.

According to Jake the racist morons will somehow disappear overnight. They've been there the past 40 years but somehow they are going to disappear and apparently the GOP or Republicans in general don't have to raise a finger to make it happen. They will somehow automatically begin to attract more than white males.

:0) That's just silly. The GOP doesn't know what to do with the vermin they invited in.

Even if all the racists disappear, how much base will they have left?

They'll have Jake?
plz, don't do that to us rwnj's.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected. We are going to war.
We have been at war since 9-11. If you are saying we are sending another huge army overseas, that won't happen.
Once again jake shows his ignorance of the Bible.
The LORD will put hooks in their mouths and draw all nations to the valley of decision
Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected. We are going to war.
We have been at war since 9-11. If you are saying we are sending another huge army overseas, that won't happen.
Im not sure we will need to send them overseas.
Not in the US we are not. The military and the LEO who are the bad actors.

Are you denying that Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and others are part of the racist base of the Democrat party?
NBPP is racist, as are the KKK and the white supremacist groups that ally with the racist base of the GOP, which includes you, keys. Do you want to make a comment that makes sense?
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.

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