The Pope wants the Ukraine to surrender to Putin


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This is just fascinating to me.

The suggestion from Pope Francis that Ukraine should have the “courage” to raise the “white flag” and negotiate a settlement with (in other words, surrender to) Russia was deeply shocking for Kyiv and its backers. The understandably outraged response from Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, was that the only flag Kyiv would raise was its own: the yellow and blue of Ukraine.
Some may think that the pope’s words are inconsequential to how this war unfolds. It is not the first time Pope Francis has displayed overtly pro-Russian sympathies, nor has the Vatican’s mediation, for instance regarding the liberation of Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia, been successful so far. So what if the pope speaks out again about the war, given that his views are already known and his practical efforts to address the humanitarian dimensions of the war have failed?

So, who here agrees with the Leftist Pope?

Would Jesus tell them to surrender to Putin?

But what of Hamas? Why does our Left-wing Pope not also tell Hamas to surrender to Israel as well?

Lastly, does it take courage to surrender to an adversary or stand up to that adversary knowing the consequences for doing so is grim?

This is just fascinating to me.

The suggestion from Pope Francis that Ukraine should have the “courage” to raise the “white flag” and negotiate a settlement with (in other words, surrender to) Russia was deeply shocking for Kyiv and its backers. The understandably outraged response from Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, was that the only flag Kyiv would raise was its own: the yellow and blue of Ukraine.
Some may think that the pope’s words are inconsequential to how this war unfolds. It is not the first time Pope Francis has displayed overtly pro-Russian sympathies, nor has the Vatican’s mediation, for instance regarding the liberation of Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia, been successful so far. So what if the pope speaks out again about the war, given that his views are already known and his practical efforts to address the humanitarian dimensions of the war have failed?

So, who here agrees with the Leftist Pope?

Would Jesus tell them to surrender to Putin?

But what of Hamas? Why does our Left-wing Pope not also tell Hamas to surrender to Israel as well?

Lastly, does it take courage to surrender to an adversary or stand up to that adversary knowing the consequences for doing so is grim?
Nope. It is just this elected Pontiff, pontificating again.:icon_rolleyes:
I don't know about surrendering but some kind of agreement they could both live with can and should get done... what are you going to do Biden wait for Trump to fix it when he wins?...
It has to be a solid deal where both nations can be independent but cooperative partners... if its not done right it will turn into a gorilla conflict that will last decades... 50 billion dollars we have sent and if our leaders could they would send triple that amount... we don't have the money...
Do something Biden even if its wrong do something... leader of the free world my ass....
The breakaway provinces will formally become Russian, like they voted for in the first place

Ukraine west of Dneiper will likely merge with Poland and BlackRock
I'm not a fan of the leftist Pope but he is correct on this issue.
Yea, people don't know how to react to this question, which is why I asked it.

Time to put on the little thinker for a bit.
Would Jesus have asked the Allies to surrender to Hitler?
At Munich, Chamberlain got an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. Chamberlain said it was 'Peace for our time'. Hitler said he had 'No more territorial demands to make in Europe.

How did that work out?
I'm getting sick of seeing Ukrainians scold us for not sending more money to them... I would tell them to fuck off and fight their own wars... when 40% of fighting age men fled the country like cowards they deserve to lose....
I believe Trumps plan for peace, is to have Ukraine surrender.
You mean Trump and the Pope agree on something? That should be enough for the Left winged Pontif to change his mind.

Yes. He was the ultimate pacifist.


Try again.
Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

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