The People Who Organized Occupy Wall Street Are Now Suing Each Other


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is such a big delicious slice of Schandenfreude! The OWS moonbats are suing each other over ownership of the Twitter account. Bwahahaha!

Weren't they supposed to be anti private property and stuff?

Considering how the head organizers hung out in luxury hotels instead of the fetid tent swamp...I guess this descent into who gets control of the assets is all too predictable.

Activists who organized the dormant Occupy Wall Street movement are suing another activist for control of the main Twitter account, and one of the plaintiffs says there was no other option but to turn to litigation to solve the dispute.

The conflict centers around @OccupyWallStNYC, one of the main Twitter feeds that distributed information during the movement’s heyday in 2011. The OWS Media Group filed a lawsuit against organizer Justin Wedes on Wednesday, which is also the third anniversary of the beginning of Occupy Wall Street. The group, led by activist Marisa Holmes, is seeking control of the Twitter account as well as $500,000 in damages.

The Twitter account, which used to be shared among several activists, is now under the control of Wedes, who explained his decision to take over the Twitter feed in a blog post in August:

"A thread about “self-promotion” became just another shaming session. If we start from a place of assuming bad intentions – i.e. discouraging “self-promotion” over encouraging solid, relevant content – we will end up with rules that shame rather than empower. Group members took on the task of limiting others to “1 to 2 tweets per day” (or week) on a topic, a form of censorship that would never have been allowed in the earlier days of the boat. I had to say enough!"...

The People Who Organized Occupy Wall Street Are Now Suing Each Other

“We can either go and beat him up or we can go to court,” Holmes, a video editor who was part of the core organizing team of Occupy, told BuzzFeed News. “And quite frankly if we go and beat him up then we could end up with countersuits against us, and that puts us in a more damaging position and we don’t really want to do that anyway.”

The world is full of morons and hypocrites. The reason socialism never works is because it is counter to human nature. It's like trying to make water flow uphill.

There is always someone at the top and people in charge. The most level playing field that exists is capitalism because it doesn't try to turn a sheep into a horse.
I found it very telling that the OWS thugs picked on poor little Oakland as the nexus of Wall Street Greed...the worst demons of which are apparently (and conveniently) a Footlocker and a local sandwich shop.
I found it very telling that the OWS thugs picked on poor little Oakland as the nexus of Wall Street Greed...the worst demons of which are apparently (and conveniently) a Footlocker and a local sandwich shop.

If they had this bullshit in the 1950's, local men would have sent them packing or beat the shit out of them if they didn't cease and desist too-sweet, and the cops would have been busy helping the kids cross the street for school.
This has been playing out over the internet for a long time. It's been the number one internet drama for the past year and then some.
This has been playing out over the internet for a long time. It's been the number one internet drama for the past year and then some.

Drama that few have heard about and even fewer care about?

Hmm, yeah -- big on the internet where 1,000,000 views can be all of 15 people
What The Hell Happened to OccupyWallst Or Our New Boss Justine Tunney MyFDL

Why Does Google Employ a Pro-Slavery Lunatic

Occupying the Throne Justine Tunney Neoreactionaries and the New 1 - The Daily Beast
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The people who started OWS were not the bums and losers in the media. Many worked at places like Wall Street

They were spoiled brats, thugs, and anarchists.
The people who started OWS were not the bums and losers in the media. Many worked at places like Wall Street

They were spoiled brats, thugs, and anarchists.
Yup, losers of "life's lottery" who wanted someone else to pay for their shit decisions. Some of the "I am the 99%" selfies with the sob story on cardboard made me want to send them ricin covered cookies.
OWS was an ineffective movement, much like the riots were in the UK. If they actually had their own political party and tried to enter politics they would have been more effective, as the US needs a third party. But OWS rage quit, and it is as if they were never there.
And now the dreaded CODE PINK has turned on Barry's fool, John "winter soldier" Kerry.


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