The peaceful Muslim majority is irrelevant.

The irony is the strongest voices for helping the refugees and helping them resettle in the US are coming not from politicians but from American churches.
The Christians in the region are being all sides in the conflict...............Of course Churches want to save the Christians............

The question still the hell do we vet them..............which ones are lying just to get in here and attack.............
"So true. Evil people in the past, like Hitler, relied on the majority being silent."

Indeed, so true. The same "evil" that put Japanese-American families in internment camps while people looked the other way.
60 Million died in that War..................and the policy then was we can't take the chance of some of them attacking from within..........................Even though most were loyal Americans..........................We were in the fight of our lives back least they weren't one of the 60 million who died..........

Spare me the self righteous posts of how America sucks again..................

If a small percentage of the Syrians are ISIS, and conduct attacks like in Paris then it isn't worth it..............We should set up a safe zone there..........get Europe on board WITH TROOPS and end this mess.

Oh geez, get a grip.

The Japanese Internment was wrong - way wrong - they were horribly treated and apologies and reparations came far far too late. That's not an "America sucks again" post - that's a statement of historical reality and if you can't own up to mistakes there is little hope for the future.

Small inconvenience when the entire world was fighting and dying.

Tell that to them.
Fine...........where are they...............Back then my parents and their relatives didn't give a shit..........
Agreed, their silence is being interpreted as complicity. Too bad that's the way it is. So instead of a lot of meaningless "condemnation" how about this: Everyone knows there are incubator Mosques everywhere hiding and supporting these lunatics. Let's see some good Muslims stand up and turn them in. Let's see some action from the good Muslims of the world, not just empty "condemnation".
"So true. Evil people in the past, like Hitler, relied on the majority being silent."

Indeed, so true. The same "evil" that put Japanese-American families in internment camps while people looked the other way.

But one doesn't excuse the other

To the title; No they're not "irrelevant".
They are crucial allies in this fight.
"So true. Evil people in the past, like Hitler, relied on the majority being silent."

Indeed, so true. The same "evil" that put Japanese-American families in internment camps while people looked the other way.
So adopt a few...

Got a spare bedroom???

If the chance arose, and I was suitable, I would. The disadvantage is I live well away from urban or employment areas and there is no mass transit. But there are other ways of helping. If they came to my area, and I've not heard of any - I would see what I could do to help.
So, IOW, since you are aloof to the reality of the threat, you are irrelevant, too.
So true. Evil people in the past, like Hitler, relied on the majority being silent. People are often threatened into silence. Speaking out against powerful people is dangerous and they know that. If they were to speak out in large numbers and organizations, like CAIR, were to lead the way, it would likely change the perception people have of Muslims. When we get mostly silence or are called Islamophobic, they come off as defensive and appear more sympathetic to the terrorists than the victims.

All I see is CAIR and other outspoken Muslims worried more about themselves and they tend to accuse others of being unfair rather than taking steps to separate themselves from the radicals. We are told not to judge them, yet they act more hostile towards us than the terrorists.

We see Obama and others doing the same. They make excuses for ISIS and other terrorists and blame the victims rather than firmly denounce the radicals. When Charlie Hebdo was attacked, they acted like they had it coming for insulting Islam. Whose side would you guess they are on based on that?

Muslims get offended when we get outraged about radical Muslims. Maybe if they joined us in the outrage instead of being silent or defensive, there would be more trust. It makes no sense that they continue to blame the victims or foreign policy for the evil instead of blaming those who have no conscience or concern for humanity. They say chickens have come home to roost, though we haven't seen these kind of attacks from other countries. And they always quote the Koran when killing, so it is a big part of why they do what they do.

You don't drive millions of Muslims to be cold blooded killers. They have to be raised that way. The percentage of Muslims who are radical roughly equal the population of this country. That is a lot of evil. I would think the peaceful majority that we always hear about would let themselves be known instead of criticizing us.

It's not happening that way, so they may as well support the terrorists since they have done nothing to stop them.
We all know we have many Muslim Americans who don't like us but like living here. We're just something they have to put up with
Of course they are not silent. It's called damage control. A large percentage of the so called peaceful muslims support terrorism. And have you ever heard the Iranian President condemning the Muslim Brotherhood? You know. The group he sends millions of dollars to?

The polls taken of Muslims living in the U.S. are a concern. The majority of those living here want to make it illegal to insult Islam and too many think it should be a crime punishable by death. A large majority want sharia law to trump our constitution.

Polls taken in Britain and other countries are equally alarming with a majority believing sharia law should be the law of the land and some say it's okay to beat women. A tv show popular with Muslim men actually gave instructions on beating the women, telling them where to strike them and such. And too many agree with killing infidels or those who insult Islam.

Their beliefs are not in line with our constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly the way they deny women any rights. One poster here said that Muslims give women the rights they need. It means they have a right to obey and serve their men. And if they do that well, they won't get beaten.
Of course they are not silent. It's called damage control. A large percentage of the so called peaceful muslims support terrorism. And have you ever heard the Iranian President condemning the Muslim Brotherhood? You know. The group he sends millions of dollars to?

The polls taken of Muslims living in the U.S. are a concern. The majority of those living here want to make it illegal to insult Islam and too many think it should be a crime punishable by death. A large majority want sharia law to trump our constitution.

Polls taken in Britain and other countries are equally alarming with a majority believing sharia law should be the law of the land and some say it's okay to beat women. A tv show popular with Muslim men actually gave instructions on beating the women, telling them where to strike them and such. And too many agree with killing infidels or those who insult Islam.

Their beliefs are not in line with our constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly the way they deny women any rights. One poster here said that Muslims give women the rights they need. It means they have a right to obey and serve their men. And if they do that well, they won't get beaten.
Islam is straight from the mind of the Devil. I honestly believe Mohammad had demonic help writing those insane scribblings.
I honestly don't have a problem with Muslims, nor even accepting properly vetted refugees, but here's the deal:

IF we ignore the whatever 20% of Muslim's that are "radicals" and however many of them 'might' be implanted with these refugees, then you bastard anti-gun nutters best stop pissing and moaning about the 10-15 nut bags who get a hold of a gun and shoot up a school or theater. Deal?
I honestly don't have a problem with Muslims, nor even accepting properly vetted refugees, but here's the deal:

IF we ignore the whatever 20% of Muslim's that are "radicals" and however many of them 'might' be implanted with these refugees, then you bastard anti-gun nutters best stop pissing and moaning about the 10-15 nut bags who get a hold of a gun and shoot up a school or theater. Deal?
The calls for a ban on guns will never end. We will get them, eventually.
So you'll sacrifice the Constitutional rights of American's for "Safety" but not for the "supposed rights" of non-American foreigners? I'm not sure I agree with this as a national policy.
So you'll sacrifice the Constitutional rights of American's for "Safety" but not for the "supposed rights" of non-American foreigners? I'm not sure I agree with this as a national policy.
The Constitution can be changed. The right to own firearms is no longer necessary, especially for the average person.

But when it suits people, all Muslims are responsible. Then when it doesn't suit them, they're not responsible, but they're just silent, in which case they're responsible anyway.

The last Paris attack so many people complained, and did so for months, about how the Muslims were silent. Until you actually go and look on the internet and see how many Muslims AREN'T SILENT and voiced their opposition. But the right decided to ignore these people, so the could tell them how silent they were being.

Just because you have your fingers in your ears, doesn't mean others are being silent.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre"

November 14, 2015

"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the attacks a "crime against humanity" and Qatari Foreign Minister Khaled al-Attiyah, who said they were "heinous"."

"Indonesian President Joko Widodo, leader of the world's most populous Muslim nation, said that "Indonesia condemns the violence that took place in Paris.""

"Kuwaiti leader Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks "criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values" while the Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to "root out this dangerous and destructive plague"."

I'm sorry, Muslims are staying silent? Fuck off are they.

you obv don't know the Quran. And he is lying.

But when it suits people, all Muslims are responsible. Then when it doesn't suit them, they're not responsible, but they're just silent, in which case they're responsible anyway.

The last Paris attack so many people complained, and did so for months, about how the Muslims were silent. Until you actually go and look on the internet and see how many Muslims AREN'T SILENT and voiced their opposition. But the right decided to ignore these people, so the could tell them how silent they were being.

Just because you have your fingers in your ears, doesn't mean others are being silent.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre"

November 14, 2015

"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the attacks a "crime against humanity" and Qatari Foreign Minister Khaled al-Attiyah, who said they were "heinous"."

"Indonesian President Joko Widodo, leader of the world's most populous Muslim nation, said that "Indonesia condemns the violence that took place in Paris.""

"Kuwaiti leader Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks "criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values" while the Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to "root out this dangerous and destructive plague"."

I'm sorry, Muslims are staying silent? Fuck off are they.

you obv don't know the Quran. And he is lying.

I'm sorry, did you just fart?
Of course they are not silent. It's called damage control. A large percentage of the so called peaceful muslims support terrorism. And have you ever heard the Iranian President condemning the Muslim Brotherhood? You know. The group he sends millions of dollars to?

The polls taken of Muslims living in the U.S. are a concern. The majority of those living here want to make it illegal to insult Islam and too many think it should be a crime punishable by death. A large majority want sharia law to trump our constitution.

Polls taken in Britain and other countries are equally alarming with a majority believing sharia law should be the law of the land and some say it's okay to beat women. A tv show popular with Muslim men actually gave instructions on beating the women, telling them where to strike them and such. And too many agree with killing infidels or those who insult Islam.

Their beliefs are not in line with our constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly the way they deny women any rights. One poster here said that Muslims give women the rights they need. It means they have a right to obey and serve their men. And if they do that well, they won't get beaten.
Islam is straight from the mind of the Devil. I honestly believe Mohammad had demonic help writing those insane scribblings.

What about Christianity? I mean, Christians started this whole thing.
Of course they are not silent. It's called damage control. A large percentage of the so called peaceful muslims support terrorism. And have you ever heard the Iranian President condemning the Muslim Brotherhood? You know. The group he sends millions of dollars to?

The polls taken of Muslims living in the U.S. are a concern. The majority of those living here want to make it illegal to insult Islam and too many think it should be a crime punishable by death. A large majority want sharia law to trump our constitution.

Polls taken in Britain and other countries are equally alarming with a majority believing sharia law should be the law of the land and some say it's okay to beat women. A tv show popular with Muslim men actually gave instructions on beating the women, telling them where to strike them and such. And too many agree with killing infidels or those who insult Islam.

Their beliefs are not in line with our constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly the way they deny women any rights. One poster here said that Muslims give women the rights they need. It means they have a right to obey and serve their men. And if they do that well, they won't get beaten.
Islam is straight from the mind of the Devil. I honestly believe Mohammad had demonic help writing those insane scribblings.

What about Christianity? I mean, Christians started this whole thing.
It is a simple fact that you can be anything you want to be, online. Why do you insist on being a clueless idiot?

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