The Path To Environmentalism

Very simply, the right wing has come to represent nothing but unbridled greed. They see anything that gets in the way of the gaining of more wealth by the already wealthy as evil. No matter what the cost to the citizens of the nation. For the only people that count in their warped world are the very wealthy.

Worshippers of Mammon, destroyers of nations.
Very simply, the right wing has come to represent nothing but unbridled greed. They see anything that gets in the way of the gaining of more wealth by the already wealthy as evil. No matter what the cost to the citizens of the nation. For the only people that count in their warped world are the very wealthy.

Worshippers of Mammon, destroyers of nations.

Right on Rocks. I call them the modern day Pharisee.
Luke 16:13-15

13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money).”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of man, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valuable in the eyes of man is detestable in God’s sight.

Here is a scathing 1957 review of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, not by a liberal publication, but by the National Review. It serves as a measure of just how far from the mainstream the right has become. They are America's Marxists. Their worship of the opulent has no bounds.

Big Sister Is Watching You - National Review Online


One Big Brother is, of course, a socializing elite (as we know, several cut-rate brands are on the shelves). Miss Rand, as the enemy of any socializing force, calls in a Big Brother of her own contriving to do battle with the other. In the name of free enterprise, therefore, she plumps for a technocratic elite (I find no more inclusive word than technocratic to bracket the industrial-financial-engineering caste she seems to have in mind). When she calls “productive achievement” man’s “noblest activity,” she means, almost exclusively, technological achievement, supervised by such a managerial political bureau. She might object that she means much, much more; and we can freely entertain her objections. But, in sum, that is just what she means. For that is what, in reality, it works out to. And in reality, too, by contrast with fiction, this can only head into a dictatorship, however benign, living and acting beyond good and evil, a law unto itself (as Miss Rand believes it should be), and feeling any restraint on itself as, in practice, criminal, and, in morals, vicious — as Miss Rand clearly feels it to be. Of course, Miss Rand nowhere calls for a dictatorship. I take her to be calling for an aristocracy of talents. We cannot labor here why, in the modern world, the pre-conditions for aristocracy, an organic growth, no longer exist, so that impulse toward aristocracy always emerges now in the form of dictatorship.

Something of this implication is fixed in the book’s dictatorial tone, which is much its most striking feature. Out of a lifetime of reading, I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained. Its shrillness is without reprieve. Its dogmatism is without appeal. In addition, the mind which finds this tone natural to it shares other characteristics of its type. 1) It consistently mistakes raw force for strength, and the rawer the force, the more reverent the posture of the mind before it. 2) It supposes itself to be the bringer of a final revelation. Therefore, resistance to the Message cannot be tolerated because disagreement can never be merely honest, prudent, or just humanly fallible. Dissent from revelation so final (because, the author would say, so reasonable) can only be willfully wicked. There are ways of dealing with such wickedness, and, in fact, right reason itself enjoins them. From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: “To a gas chamber — go!” The same inflexibly self-righteous stance results, too (in the total absence of any saving humor), in odd extravagances of inflection and gesture — that Dollar Sign, for example. At first, we try to tell ourselves that these are just lapses, that this mind has, somehow, mislaid the discriminating knack that most of us pray will warn us in time of the difference between what is effective and firm, and what is wildly grotesque and excessive. Soon we suspect something worse. We suspect that this mind finds, precisely in extravagance, some exalting merit; feels a surging release of power and passion precisely in smashing up the house. A tornado might feel this way, or Carrie Nation.

We struggle to be just. For we cannot help feel at least a sympathetic pain before the sheer labor, discipline, and patient craftsmanship that went to making this mountain of words. But the words keep shouting us down. In the end that tone dominates. But it should be its own antidote, warning us that anything it shouts is best taken with the usual reservations with which we might sip a patent medicine. Some may like the flavor. In any case, the brew is probably without lasting ill effects. But it is not a cure for anything. Nor would we, ordinarily, place much confidence in the diagnosis of a doctor who supposes that the Hippocratic Oath is a kind of curse.

“You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks”
William F. Buckley Jr.
Very simply, the right wing has come to represent nothing but unbridled greed. They see anything that gets in the way of the gaining of more wealth by the already wealthy as evil. No matter what the cost to the citizens of the nation. For the only people that count in their warped world are the very wealthy.

Worshippers of Mammon, destroyers of nations.

"....the right wing has come to represent nothing but unbridled greed."

"Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal.

The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms."
LATimes, 4-28-2010

On the beach.....after predicting 20 foot increase in the oceans.

When will you ever wise up?
So tell us PC, in your words how much environmental protection do you subscribe to? How much poison, toxins and carcinogens in our air and drinking water is acceptable to you? A lot? A little?

How many premature deaths, lung diseases, heart attacks and asthma attacks caused by or exasperated by pollution are within the parameters of your moral compass PC? A lot? A few?

When are you going to start sounding like Edmund Burke, who you said: "Who was Edmund Burke?
The philosopher who is generally considered the father of modern conservatism.

If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke
So tell us PC, in your words how much environmental protection do you subscribe to? How much poison, toxins and carcinogens in our air and drinking water is acceptable to you? A lot? A little?

How many premature deaths, lung diseases, heart attacks and asthma attacks caused by or exasperated by pollution are within the parameters of your moral compass PC? A lot? A few?

When are you going to start sounding like Edmund Burke, who you said: "Who was Edmund Burke?
The philosopher who is generally considered the father of modern conservatism.

If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke

1. "So tell us PC,..."
So...who would the other Mensa rejects be, as incorporated in "us"?

Unless you have a tapeworm, don't you mean '...tell me..."?

It is well known you have no acquaintances, BoringFriendlessGuy....much less friends. So...stand on your own paws!

2. Here's your inspiration for a Sunday:

Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm, Dare to make it known!

From the hymn “Hold the Fort!” First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois.

Feel inspired?

3. "So tell us PC, in your words ..."
Every single word I use is my own. Yup...I own 'em.
....and I give credit to folks who put them in the order that I quote.
If you believe otherwise, have you considered reporting me to the police?

Or....are there some words in your post that your created on your very own?
Which ones, pray tell?

4. Now, let me rephrase your query. You really mean that you have
no way to respond, much less rebut any of the you resort to

5. "How many premature deaths,....."
This is an easy sophistry to deal with: how may deaths do you feel would be justified to get better gas mileage?

"What would you say, though, if I told you that this “good thing” that the government is forcing on us in the name of “saving the environment” is responsible for no less than 2,000 deaths per year?

Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year."
PJ Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards

How'd ya' like 'my words'?
Just as I predicted. You just can't converse like normal human beings PC. And you can't stop your constant hail of insults. It is how you protect yourself, and hide your deep insecurities.
Just as I predicted. You just can't converse like normal human beings PC. And you can't stop your constant hail of insults. It is how you protect yourself, and hide your deep insecurities.

1. You haven't addressed the OP.

2. You're a natural insult magnet....and I happen to be good at it.

3. If you actually believe that I'm insecure (and we both know you don't) you've lowered the bar on 'stupidity' exponentially.
Then why does your side always end up running, leaving a trail of piddle behind them? Why is it our side can argue issues, while your side always tosses out a bizarre conspiracy theory to deflect from issues?

There's no shame in being fooled. Just admit it and move on, instead of digging in deeper. You have to know on some level how you've been played as a UsefulIdiot, and the sooner you admit it the better. Pretty much the whole planet sees it. You've lost your last few remaining allies in Russia and Australia after their last baking summers, leaving only a dwindling handful of right-wing fringe cultists in the USA and UK.

Holy see alot of clueless posts in different forums on this board, but you talk about beyond clueless, here is the definitive post.:clap2:'re a mental case......"the whole planet sees it":eek:. Nobody cares. The whole planet sees Kim Kardashian has big beautiful boobs. Who cares? :doubt:

"A handful of cultists"............HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!:D:bye1:

The environmentalOCD's have been bragging about their consensus for well over a decade now..........and what do they have to show for it?


Interesting. After all the quotes from various sources, what does PC seem to be saying. Enviromentalists are communists, trying to turn our nation into a communist paradise by insisting on clean air and water.

But that is not the reality. The reality is that the democratic nations are the very ones that have the cleanest air and water of the developed nations. It is precisely the communist or ex-communist nations that have the worst environmental horrors. Russia and China both have huge pollution problems.

So why does PC desire that our nation follow their lead? Perhaps she is a fifth columnist, trying to bring our nation down to the level of Russia and China? And whose direction is she following in this endevour? Not those the democractic leaders of the free nations. Certainly not that of our own nations environmentalists. After all, we want to do all that is possible to avoid the kind of filth that the citizens of these nations wallow in daily. But PC desires that for this nation. Whose directions is she following?
Interesting. After all the quotes from various sources, what does PC seem to be saying. Enviromentalists are communists, trying to turn our nation into a communist paradise by insisting on clean air and water.

But that is not the reality. The reality is that the democratic nations are the very ones that have the cleanest air and water of the developed nations. It is precisely the communist or ex-communist nations that have the worst environmental horrors. Russia and China both have huge pollution problems.

So why does PC desire that our nation follow their lead? Perhaps she is a fifth columnist, trying to bring our nation down to the level of Russia and China? And whose direction is she following in this endevour? Not those the democractic leaders of the free nations. Certainly not that of our own nations environmentalists. After all, we want to do all that is possible to avoid the kind of filth that the citizens of these nations wallow in daily. But PC desires that for this nation. Whose directions is she following?

Mr. R., please report to the "what makes you mad" thread. ;)

Our city recently entered into an aggregation contract in an effort to reduce utility costs for residents. I went to the public information meeting, read the brochure, and asked if a community was required to have a portion of its purchased electricity sourced by renewable/alternative methods.

The answer is no. BUT (and that's a big butt) the lowest rate available is from conventionally generated electricity (coal, oil, nat gas, nuclear). The highest rate available is that which comes from 100% renewable/alternative generated electricity.

I turned to the mayor and asked "where does City Council stand on this"? He said that the City is looking for the lowest rate possible.

Fast forward a week. In the newspaper was a story about the City entering into its contract for aggregation... comprised of 100% renewable/alternative generated electricity. You can probably understand my frustration at this point.

So at the next City Council meeting, I confronted them and reminded the Mayor of his comment to me. (We're a city of about 20,000). He and the City Manager explained the City's relationship to the University, the University's newly-constructed "renewable" steam generation plant (which BTW most often runs off natural gas, not wood chips), and the possibility of future Federal funding as a result of their decision.

I quoted a recent EIA report that credited increased natural gas usage as the major contributing factor for the U.S. having the best air quality in the last 20 years. They nodded.

I also told them "the irony here is that if you want to have the most immediate and profound impact on the environment, you should have accepted a totally conventional generation contract". They nodded.

So, folks, long story longer- it's politics.

BTW I opted out of the bullshit. Fuck 'em.
Just as I predicted. You just can't converse like normal human beings PC. And you can't stop your constant hail of insults. It is how you protect yourself, and hide your deep insecurities.

1. You haven't addressed the OP.

2. You're a natural insult magnet....and I happen to be good at it.

3. If you actually believe that I'm insecure (and we both know you don't) you've lowered the bar on 'stupidity' exponentially.

My honest belief is you have some type of deep psychosis. I suspect it is the manifestation of a very extreme strict authoritarian upbringing.
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Could you all get a room, please?

I would be referring to the righty circle jerk on display here. Nobody wants to see that in public.

No... A minority would rather the public be victimized by the most costly hoax in history, so long as that minority of loons can further their utopian agenda at a ridiculous, and reckless cost to the public. The very public who the enviro-loons are so good at manipulating through their presentation of false data, feel good, costly, and decidedly unproven green technologies. The only circle jerk is the one being perpetrated on the Taxpayers.
Then why does your side always end up running, leaving a trail of piddle behind them? Why is it our side can argue issues, while your side always tosses out a bizarre conspiracy theory to deflect from issues?

There's no shame in being fooled. Just admit it and move on, instead of digging in deeper. You have to know on some level how you've been played as a UsefulIdiot, and the sooner you admit it the better. Pretty much the whole planet sees it. You've lost your last few remaining allies in Russia and Australia after their last baking summers, leaving only a dwindling handful of right-wing fringe cultists in the USA and UK.

Albert Camus said: "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"

These right wing morons always defend the executioners. ALWAYS, without fail. Think about that. Whenever there is any discussion about environment, they always side with the polluters. They are fear filled pieces of human looking flesh that are so overwhelmed and controlled by that fear it prevents them from confronting any possibilities, science or truths that would cause them angst.

If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke

Thank you for adequately confronting these morons who defend the money grubbing status quo sheep and demonizes the rational minority who actually seeks truth simply because it is truth. Truth being the only basis for intelligible action. Instead they cite a bunch if genetic fallacies, thinking that how something started has any bearing on whether it is correct now. It is similar in the way they attack Darwin, thinking this move unseat evolution.
Then why does your side always end up running, leaving a trail of piddle behind them? Why is it our side can argue issues, while your side always tosses out a bizarre conspiracy theory to deflect from issues?

There's no shame in being fooled. Just admit it and move on, instead of digging in deeper. You have to know on some level how you've been played as a UsefulIdiot, and the sooner you admit it the better. Pretty much the whole planet sees it. You've lost your last few remaining allies in Russia and Australia after their last baking summers, leaving only a dwindling handful of right-wing fringe cultists in the USA and UK.

Albert Camus said: "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"

These right wing morons always defend the executioners. ALWAYS, without fail. Think about that. Whenever there is any discussion about environment, they always side with the polluters. They are fear filled pieces of human looking flesh that are so overwhelmed and controlled by that fear it prevents them from confronting any possibilities, science or truths that would cause them angst.

If you can be well without health, you may be happy without virtue.
Edmund Burke

Thank you for adequately confronting these morons who defend the money grubbing status quo sheep and demonizes the rational minority who actually seeks truth simply because it is truth. Truth being the only basis for intelligible action. Instead they cite a bunch if genetic fallacies, thinking that how something started has any bearing on whether it is correct now. It is similar in the way they attack Darwin, thinking this move unseat evolution.

Thomas Jefferson said: "There is not a truth existing which I fear... or would wish unknown to the whole world."

I subscribe to that belief.

"I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
President John F. Kennedy (Speaking at a White House dinner for Nobel Prize winners, 1962)
Just as I predicted. You just can't converse like normal human beings PC. And you can't stop your constant hail of insults. It is how you protect yourself, and hide your deep insecurities.

1. You haven't addressed the OP.

2. You're a natural insult magnet....and I happen to be good at it.

3. If you actually believe that I'm insecure (and we both know you don't) you've lowered the bar on 'stupidity' exponentially.

My honest belief is you have some type of deep psychosis. I suspect it is the manifestation of a very extreme strict authoritarian upbringing.

Thank you, Doctor, I mean Freud
As a psychoanalyst.....Go back to your first job, making fax and modem noises.

Too bad you lost that gig as one of the Village People....'ll pretend you're anything to avoid the truth of the OP.

Reincarnation is your only hope.

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