The Party of Hate and Fear

Citing Joe McCarthy is ...ho hum...typical of the left. Democrats were in charge during the alleged era of "McCarthyism" and Harry Truman brought us HUAC (House unAmerican activities Committee). It wasn't Joe McCarthy who subpoenaed writers and Hollywood types before hearings to grill them about Communism, it was Harry Truman and HUAC.. The federal government had no power to "blacklist" anyone, Hollywood blacklisted their own because they were afraid of loosing a buck and through the efforts of the left wing media they managed to blame a single republican senator. America is still the most tolerant Nation in the world but the radical left can't leave it alone. They thrive on anger and resentment and if they can't find it they will troll for it or invent it. Angry lesbians could have gone to the bakery on the other side of town to get a freaking wedding cake but they were trolling for discrimination and they deliberately picked on Christians. Angry lesbians could have gone to the next county to get a marriage license but they picked on a Christian woman clerk just to make everyone's life miserable. The left wing hypocrites cheer when the president puts up a Christmas tree in the White House but the ACLU threatens every little village in the freaking Country with a law suit that will bankrupt them if they dare allow a Christmas tree on public property. The Attorney General of the United States refuses to enforce federal law regarding illegal "sanctuary cities" but she issues a blanket threat to all citizens that they will be arrested by federal officers if they dare insult a Muslem. Left wing federal judges ordered the demolition of a half century old Korean War monument because some agnostic was offended by a Christian Cross but if anybody suggests that maybe somebody should scrutinize Mosques for possible terrorist cells they are accused of intolerance and bigotry.

The 1953 congress had the Republican party holding the majority for both the House and Senate. Albeit narrow margins, but they were the party in charge. The hysteria that McCarthy brought to America had everyone running for cover lest they be dumped into the same ash can of history. McCarthy was undone in the end by the House of Representatives who finally got fed up with his crazy antics and censored him. That's right, it was the Republican Party who cleaned up their own mess for once and your revisionist history is all wrong as usual.

The rest of your screeching and howling is just as wrong and has to do with this country's interpretation of equal justice for all and the ACLU leads that battle for every single one of us. The ACLU defended the KKK's right to march in Jewish Skokie Illinois, has defended the Westboro Baptist Church's right to free speech and even defended Rush Limbaugh at one point. I happily point out that the judge who ordered the cross removed from the Korean War monument was appointed by George W. Bush.

The fact that you are completely wrong in every single point you brought up should be a painful reminder to you of the value of discovering the truth before you honk out another big booger of stupidity.
in whitehall 's defense, he is an overt partisan hack
Citing Joe McCarthy is ...ho hum...typical of the left. Democrats were in charge during the alleged era of "McCarthyism" and Harry Truman brought us HUAC (House unAmerican activities Committee). It wasn't Joe McCarthy who subpoenaed writers and Hollywood types before hearings to grill them about Communism, it was Harry Truman and HUAC.. The federal government had no power to "blacklist" anyone, Hollywood blacklisted their own because they were afraid of loosing a buck and through the efforts of the left wing media they managed to blame a single republican senator. America is still the most tolerant Nation in the world but the radical left can't leave it alone. They thrive on anger and resentment and if they can't find it they will troll for it or invent it. Angry lesbians could have gone to the bakery on the other side of town to get a freaking wedding cake but they were trolling for discrimination and they deliberately picked on Christians. Angry lesbians could have gone to the next county to get a marriage license but they picked on a Christian woman clerk just to make everyone's life miserable. The left wing hypocrites cheer when the president puts up a Christmas tree in the White House but the ACLU threatens every little village in the freaking Country with a law suit that will bankrupt them if they dare allow a Christmas tree on public property. The Attorney General of the United States refuses to enforce federal law regarding illegal "sanctuary cities" but she issues a blanket threat to all citizens that they will be arrested by federal officers if they dare insult a Muslem. Left wing federal judges ordered the demolition of a half century old Korean War monument because some agnostic was offended by a Christian Cross but if anybody suggests that maybe somebody should scrutinize Mosques for possible terrorist cells they are accused of intolerance and bigotry.

The 1953 congress had the Republican party holding the majority for both the House and Senate. Albeit narrow margins, but they were the party in charge. The hysteria that McCarthy brought to America had everyone running for cover lest they be dumped into the same ash can of history. McCarthy was undone in the end by the House of Representatives who finally got fed up with his crazy antics and censored him. That's right, it was the Republican Party who cleaned up their own mess for once and your revisionist history is all wrong as usual.

The rest of your screeching and howling is just as wrong and has to do with this country's interpretation of equal justice for all and the ACLU leads that battle for every single one of us. The ACLU defended the KKK's right to march in Jewish Skokie Illinois, has defended the Westboro Baptist Church's right to free speech and even defended Rush Limbaugh at one point. I happily point out that the judge who ordered the cross removed from the Korean War monument was appointed by George W. Bush.

The fact that you are completely wrong in every single point you brought up should be a painful reminder to you of the value of discovering the truth before you honk out another big booger of stupidity.
in whitehall 's defense, he is an overt partisan hack

I see, so Whitehall is simply exceedingly spleenful, vicious, wishy-washy, blasphemous, inarticulate, disaffected, uppity, fork-tongued, sanguinolent, and oppressive. Sorry for the synathroesmus, but his confidants are suckers for rallying chants, regurgitated, standardized slogans and other behavioral reinforcements especially when they have forgotten their anti-psychotic meds.
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us
Sorry, I thought this thread was about the democrats and their links to KKK, Jim Crow and the Communist Party USA just to mention a few, again sorry-carry on...:bye1:
Syria paid the price for being Israel's neighbor.

Syria paid the price for liberalism. The world would be at peace forever were it not for liberals trying to control powerful central governments.

That's very true. Damn those uber liberals George W. & Dick .

dear, care to tell us what your point is?? Do you have any idea??
Syria paid the price for liberalism. The world would be at peace forever were it not for liberals trying to control powerful central governments


lol. what?

Remember that global warming is leading to sexual dysfunction in men and the rise of ISIS.
Yeah, Dems got that fear mongering thing down pat.
lol. what?

very very simple. there are no revolutionary conservatives in the ME like Washington and Jefferson who want freedom from central govt. Instead they all want to powerful liberal govt in order to exercise liberal control over the people. This is happening because liberals blocked the shot heard around the world fired by Washington and Jefferson!!.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
lol. what?

very very simple. there are no revolutionary conservatives in the ME like Washington and Jefferson who want freedom from central govt. Instead they all want to powerful liberal govt in order to exercise liberal control over the people. This is happening because liberals blocked the shot heard around the world fired by Washington and Jefferson!!.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

oh I understand your POV completely...


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