The Only Way To Peace Is Thru Genocide


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday described Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip and vow to impose a complete siege on the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave as "nothing less than genocidal." Hamas militants carried out their deadliest attack in Israel's history on Saturday, when gunmen rampaged through Israeli towns, killing more than 1,000 people and taking scores of hostages to Gaza. Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant drew international condemnation by announcing on Monday a "total blockade" to stop food and fuel reaching Gaza, home to 2.3 million people. Gallant said Israel was battling "beastly people."

"Such blatant dehumanization and attempts to bomb a people into submission, to use starvation as a method of warfare, and to eradicate their national existence are nothing less than genocidal," Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour wrote in a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, seen by Reuters. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said he was "deeply distressed" by Israel's announcement of a complete siege on Gaza. "The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially," Guterres said."

With all of the faux concern and the "what about the innocent Palestinians" BS; how about we be honest and admit that the only way to a peaceful resolution is to eradicate all Palestinians are enough of them to where they are no longer a threat; and since over 50% of Palestinians are children, that means getting rid of a significant portion of them too...and before you clutch your pearls, consider the fact all other options have been tried and failed - there is a reason why genocides in the past were actually been done for a good reason. The United States wouldn't have existed with a fair share of genocide to the Native Americans; yea, we pretend it was bad now, but the end result was good, whether we admit it or not. As Nikki Haley rightfully says; it is time to finish them off.

"This is not just an attack on Israel — this was an attack on America. Finish them, @Netanyahu. They should have hell to pay for what they have just done," the Republican politician said on Sunday - "I'll say this to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hamas did this and you know Iran is behind it. Finish them."

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And let's be honest, we need to finish off Hamas and their ability to re-constitute itself, which means finishing off a major portion of Palestinians as well as finishing off Iran....this must be done if you want peace. And Haley has exposed the terrorist sympathies of one Vivek Ramaswamy who said "shouting 'finish them' is not a coherent solution to a complex problem. "This is the real world, not a video game. @NikkiHaley has foreign policy "experience" & it shows," - Why is he siding with Hamas? As distinguished Senator Lindsey Graham said, this is a holy war...and America must commit to it 100% and represent Jesus in this fight; since as of now, only Jews and Muslims are involved -- in order to fulfill prophecy, our military must be in this fight in order to carry out the will of God and prepare for the return of Jesus as foretold in scripture.

"We’re in a religious war here and I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said as the video came to a close."

Graham is 100% right and as long as Biden and the Dems are in control, they will be on the side of evil....they are more interested in providing military aid to Ukraine (which we should stay out of) instead of sending more aid (including troops) into Israel to right true evil. When Trump is back in power, he will do what is necessary and he will send troops to wipe them out if Israel calls for it...It's time to demand all elected members of congress for to do the same, or be voted out and shamed for being on the side of evil.
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"The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday described Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip and vow to impose a complete siege on the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave as "nothing less than genocidal."
Well, that one sends the irony sensors spinning.

Isn't that pretty the goal of Hamas?
Well, that one sends the irony sensors spinning.

Isn't that pretty the goal of Hamas?
That is genocidal comment from a genocidal society of genocidal Hamas oppression

Take it back you Zionist pig!

There, that should upset them to murder another 1000 babies, and it serves you right!!

"The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday described Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip and vow to impose a complete siege on the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave as "nothing less than genocidal." Hamas militants carried out their deadliest attack in Israel's history on Saturday, when gunmen rampaged through Israeli towns, killing more than 1,000 people and taking scores of hostages to Gaza. Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant drew international condemnation by announcing on Monday a "total blockade" to stop food and fuel reaching Gaza, home to 2.3 million people. Gallant said Israel was battling "beastly people."

"Such blatant dehumanization and attempts to bomb a people into submission, to use starvation as a method of warfare, and to eradicate their national existence are nothing less than genocidal," Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour wrote in a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, seen by Reuters. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said he was "deeply distressed" by Israel's announcement of a complete siege on Gaza. "The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially," Guterres said."

With all of the faux concern and the "what about the innocent Palestinians" BS; how about we be honest and admit that the only way to a peaceful resolution is to eradicate all Palestinians are enough of them to where they are no longer a threat; and since over 50% of Palestinians are children, that means getting rid of a significant portion of them too...and before you clutch your pearls, consider the fact all other options have been tried and failed - there is a reason why genocides in the past were actually been done for a good reason. The United States wouldn't have existed with a fair share of genocide to the Native Americans; yea, we pretend it was bad now, but the end result was good, whether we admit it or not. As Nikki Haley rightfully says; it is time to finish them off.

"This is not just an attack on Israel — this was an attack on America. Finish them, @Netanyahu. They should have hell to pay for what they have just done," the Republican politician said on Sunday - "I'll say this to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hamas did this and you know Iran is behind it. Finish them."

And let's be honest, we need to finish off Hamas and their ability to re-constitute itself, which means finishing off a major portion of Palestinians as well as finishing off Iran....this must be done if you want peace. And Haley has exposed the terrorist sympathies of one Vivek Ramaswamy who said "shouting 'finish them' is not a coherent solution to a complex problem. "This is the real world, not a video game. @NikkiHaley has foreign policy "experience" & it shows," - Why is he siding with Hamas? As distinguished Senator Lindsey Graham said, this is a holy war...and America must commit to it 100% and represent Jesus in this fight; since as of now, only Jews and Muslims are involved -- in order to fulfill prophecy, our military must be in this fight in order to carry out the will of God and prepare for the return of Jesus as foretold in scripture.

"We’re in a religious war here and I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said as the video came to a close."

Graham is 100% right and as long as Biden and the Dems are in control, they will be on the side of evil....they are more interested in providing military aid to Ukraine (which we should stay out of) instead of sending more aid (including troops) into Israel to right true evil. When Trump is back in power, he will do what is necessary and he will send troops to wipe them out if Israel calls for it...It's time to demand all elected members of congress for to do the same, or be voted out and shamed for being on the side of evil.
I would say not necessarily eradicate, but drive them out, at the very least is the only way to a secure situation.
That's what I take "from the River to the Sea" to mean.

And how is it "Genocide" when there are plenty of more Arabs in other countries?
There are plenty of whites in other countries, but we still hear cries of "white genocide" from right-wingers......
So why not call the extermination of Palestinians genocide? Especially if it benefits the rest of the western world
There are plenty of whites in other countries, but we still hear cries of "white genocide" from right-wingers......
So why not call the extermination of Palestinians genocide? Especially if it benefits the rest of the western world

Because they aren't a race, they are barely a nationality, and the goal isn't to kill all of them?

Words mean things.
Because they aren't a race, they are barely a nationality, and the goal isn't to kill all of them?

Words mean things.
Well, white isn't a race

and if you want to be technical, Arabs are considered caucasian......which is a "race"

Seems like your rhetoric is more driven by "they are darker than me, so they are not worthy" vibes
Well, white isn't a race

and if you want to be technical, Arabs are considered caucasian......which is a "race"

Seems like your rhetoric is more driven by "they are darker than me, so they are not worthy" vibes

Armenian Genocide, Holomodor, Holocaust, Cambodian Genocide.

Those were attempts to eradicate a race/nationality.

This isn't one of those.
Armenian Genocide, Holomodor, Holocaust, Cambodian Genocide.

Those were attempts to eradicate a race/nationality.

This isn't one of those.
Cambodians are not a race...

Armenains are not a race

The more you type, the more stupid you look

Just say that if it is the genocide of a particular group that you do not care for at the moment, it doesn't count as genocide

Because I GUARANTEE YOU if you were around during the time we were in Cambodia or Vietnam, you wouldn't give a fuck about them being wiped out and you definitely wouldn't have called it "genocide"
Cambodians are not a race...

Armenains are not a race

The more you type, the more stupid you look

Just say that is the genocide is of a particular group you do not care for a the moment, it doesn't count as genocide

Because I GUARANTEE YOU if you were around during the time we were in Cambodia or Vietnam, you wouldn't give a fuck about them being wiped out and you definitely wouldn't have called it "genocide"

I did say nationality, read my post, dipshit.

I don't have to be around at the time to know it's a genocide. They were determined acts to eliminate people.
I did say nationality, read my post, dipshit.

I don't have to be around at the time to know it's a genocide. They were determined acts to eliminate people.
Actually you didn't -- but since you are getting thoroughly destroyed, you are moving goal posts...and you are still failing...

So wiping out Palestinians is not genocide because?
So wiping out Palestinians is not genocide because?

Who's intent on wiping them out? If Israel wanted to do it, they could be doing it already.

Hamas attacked, Israel is going to respond.

And they will be far more merciful than Hamas when doing it.
Who's intent on wiping them out? If Israel wanted to do it, they could be doing it already.

Hamas attacked, Israel is going to respond.

And they will be far more merciful than Hamas when doing it.
I think they should be wiped out...

Anyhoo....I see you have stopped claiming wiping out Palestinians isn't genocide....

Now you have moved onto "intent" -- which is not necessary in order to call something a genocide....

But I would think, cutting off power and water to someone isn't meant with good intentions...
I think they should be wiped out...

Anyhoo....I see you have stopped claiming wiping out Palestinians isn't genocide....

Now you have moved onto "intent" -- which is not necessary in order to call something a genocide....

But I would think, cutting off power and water to someone isn't meant with good intentions...

It sure as hell is. What happened to the native Americans for example was exploitation, not genocide.
Originally posted by Mac1958
Well, that one sends the irony sensors spinning.

Isn't that pretty the goal of Hamas?

No... this is the garbage poured over your head by the western press since you were born.

The goal of Hamas is the creation of a religious dictatorship in Palestine where Jews would be protected as "people of the book" but wouldn't have the right to proselytize... something Jews don't do anyway.

Their goal is bad enough in and of itself without the need to add grotesque caricatures.

"The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday described Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip and vow to impose a complete siege on the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave as "nothing less than genocidal." Hamas militants carried out their deadliest attack in Israel's history on Saturday, when gunmen rampaged through Israeli towns, killing more than 1,000 people and taking scores of hostages to Gaza. Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant drew international condemnation by announcing on Monday a "total blockade" to stop food and fuel reaching Gaza, home to 2.3 million people. Gallant said Israel was battling "beastly people."

"Such blatant dehumanization and attempts to bomb a people into submission, to use starvation as a method of warfare, and to eradicate their national existence are nothing less than genocidal," Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour wrote in a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, seen by Reuters. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said he was "deeply distressed" by Israel's announcement of a complete siege on Gaza. "The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially," Guterres said."

With all of the faux concern and the "what about the innocent Palestinians" BS; how about we be honest and admit that the only way to a peaceful resolution is to eradicate all Palestinians are enough of them to where they are no longer a threat; and since over 50% of Palestinians are children, that means getting rid of a significant portion of them too...and before you clutch your pearls, consider the fact all other options have been tried and failed - there is a reason why genocides in the past were actually been done for a good reason. The United States wouldn't have existed with a fair share of genocide to the Native Americans; yea, we pretend it was bad now, but the end result was good, whether we admit it or not. As Nikki Haley rightfully says; it is time to finish them off.

"This is not just an attack on Israel — this was an attack on America. Finish them, @Netanyahu. They should have hell to pay for what they have just done," the Republican politician said on Sunday - "I'll say this to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hamas did this and you know Iran is behind it. Finish them."

And let's be honest, we need to finish off Hamas and their ability to re-constitute itself, which means finishing off a major portion of Palestinians as well as finishing off Iran....this must be done if you want peace. And Haley has exposed the terrorist sympathies of one Vivek Ramaswamy who said "shouting 'finish them' is not a coherent solution to a complex problem. "This is the real world, not a video game. @NikkiHaley has foreign policy "experience" & it shows," - Why is he siding with Hamas? As distinguished Senator Lindsey Graham said, this is a holy war...and America must commit to it 100% and represent Jesus in this fight; since as of now, only Jews and Muslims are involved -- in order to fulfill prophecy, our military must be in this fight in order to carry out the will of God and prepare for the return of Jesus as foretold in scripture.

"We’re in a religious war here and I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said as the video came to a close."

Graham is 100% right and as long as Biden and the Dems are in control, they will be on the side of evil....they are more interested in providing military aid to Ukraine (which we should stay out of) instead of sending more aid (including troops) into Israel to right true evil. When Trump is back in power, he will do what is necessary and he will send troops to wipe them out if Israel calls for it...It's time to demand all elected members of congress for to do the same, or be voted out and shamed for being on the side of evil.
I couldnt help but notice that you werent making threads when Hamas was rampaging in Israel. You only had an issue once Israel responded. You siding with terrorists against jews comes as a surprise to no one.
No... this is the garbage poured over your head by the western press since you were born.

The goal of Hamas is the creation of a religious dictatorship in Palestine where Jews would be protected as "people of the book" but wouldn't have the right to proselytize... something Jews don't do anyway.

Their goal is bad enough in and of itself without the need to add grotesque caricatures.

Bullshit. They goal of Hamas is to drive every Jew out of Israel.
Israel was on the verge of a peaceful accord with Saudi Arabia when they were attacked by monsters who beheaded children and burned people alive. Now Hamas supporters try to claim that the monsters are really the victims. No surprise.
Originally posted by martybegan
Bullshit. They goal of Hamas is to drive every Jew out of Israel.

Still less brutal than the garbage Mac has been swallowing since he was a lil Mac by several orders of magnitude.

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