The only thing that can really save our country in the long run

Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Right diagnosis, wrong prescription.

Major governmental reform is the only way we'll see a third century IMHO. We no longer have representatives of good faith in Washington.

Here is where you're mistaken.

Term limits are not going to get rid of professional politicians. You'll just get professional politicians who are on the stage for shorter amounts of time. The idea that you'll get a better stripe of elected official is, well, foolish.

As for the corruption of big money, again, right diagnosis, wrong prescription. Here is what we need to do. The FCC, using it's regulatory power (I can hear you now..."boo, hiss"), mandates that in every federal level election (HOR, Senate, President), the candidates who are on the ballot in that state get free advertising for 14 days prior to the election. If a station takes PAC money, they have to offer equal time to the opposition. This is a two week statute every two years...the "injury" from this regulation is almost non-existent and the FCC is within it's rights to stipulate this for the license that the TV/Radio receive. I would not extend it to print media since the FCC does not have a regulatory role with news papers to the best of my knowledge.

Laws that do what the American People are not willing to do are not the answer. The only thing that will save the republic is an engaged populous. Engagement is enabled by leveling the playing field.

We get the government we deserve.
Although I disagree with you about term limits, I like your FCC solution to a degree. It needs some fine tuning, but the principle is good.

Just remember this, when you look at congressional scandals like say the S&L crisis, only one of the Keating 5 had less than 12 years in office, and that was John McCain. All the others had 3 plus terms in office as senators, and one had 6 terms. For an insurance agency, that makes a pretty grim actuarial table about senators and corruption.

I actually agree with her fcc idea on its merits. I've often stated that I believe all campaign ads and debates should be publicly funded and promoted only on public television. PBS etc

I still think term limits are a must.

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