The only real difference between the D and R on the 1.9T Covid Stimulus is whether Biden will get to claim a win if the economy turns.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
There's the well politicized differences on min wage, but few if any oppose an increase, it's just the size. There's an issue of whether health insurance for laid off workers can be in a tax bill and not subject to filibuster. But you could get a 60 vote compromise on either of those issues.

The Gop is just saying "there's money already allocated."

“The administration has not indicated a willingness to come down from its $1.9 trillion figure and that's a major obstacle,” Collins told reporters. “We have indicated a willingness to come up from our $618 billion, but unfortunately the White House seems wedded to a figure that really can't be justified given the hundreds of billions of dollars that are still in the pipeline from the December [$900 billion coronavirus relief] bill,” she added (The Hill).
In fact, the gop is now betting on blaming Biden for not opening schools by somehow forcing teachers to come to work. btw, they aren't federal employees. LOL

And what's teachers not teaching have to do with a covid stimulus.
There's the well politicized differences on min wage, but few if any oppose an increase, it's just the size. There's an issue of whether health insurance for laid off workers can be in a tax bill and not subject to filibuster. But you could get a 60 vote compromise on either of those issues.

The Gop is just saying "there's money already allocated."

“The administration has not indicated a willingness to come down from its $1.9 trillion figure and that's a major obstacle,” Collins told reporters. “We have indicated a willingness to come up from our $618 billion, but unfortunately the White House seems wedded to a figure that really can't be justified given the hundreds of billions of dollars that are still in the pipeline from the December [$900 billion coronavirus relief] bill,” she added (The Hill).
In fact, the gop is now betting on blaming Biden for not opening schools by somehow forcing teachers to come to work. btw, they aren't federal employees. LOL

And what's teachers not teaching have to do with a covid stimulus.
I want all the schools to open and in most cases, schools are open...

But to assume teachers aren't working just because they are teaching remotely is stupid......I know too many teachers to be so arrogant to believe teaching remotely isn't work....
I never saw a pork-infested 'WQish ist' turn an economy around...itfailed to do so when the Democrats & Barry took over they took over the House & Congress.
It’s about PORK, rewarding incompetence and fiscal irresponsibility over those that actually need assistance in keeping a roof over their head. Just for the sake of argument; why not reduce the amount to just financial assistance directed to those that are in need? As always the swamp titles a Bill with a palatable title demonstrating they actually give a dam while at the same time surreptitiously packing it with political payback and PORK! Time to wake up America!
I haven't been in school for 40 years (graduated in 1989). If this happened during my time, I wouldn't mind taking a couple of weeks off from school. But a whole year? I would certainly miss my friends. I would certainly miss learning. Even though, at that time, we didn't have all this "woke" nonsense.
We all learned the same stuff. I attended a vocational school toward the end of my Sophomore year. Just so I could learn a trade. I tried out a few. But I wanted to learn more about Computer Tech. So, that was what I wanted to learn and stuck with it until I graduated. I wasn't the top of my class. But I wasn't at the low end of the totem pole either.

My point being, I think these kids seriously need to go back to school. I haven't check any of the status on how the USA ranks among the rest of the world. But I can bet you, we aren't at Number 1. And I am sure we haven't been for a long time.

Children need some platform (or place) to learn how to deal with real issues at home and in their life. Learning from Remote Classes won't cut it. It isn't the same thing as being there physically [as well, as mentally].

Teachers are there for a reason. They are there to teach (from what I learned of their duties). When teacher and school officials (as well, as the entire school board) bicker and somehow "decide what is best for the kids", that is wrong. It's just another excuse to corrupt the kids' mind even more. And that isn't healthy in the long run.
Teacher's Unions now update the CDC on the Wuhanvirus instead of the other way around.
Yeah but what's that got to do with a tax and spending bill? IF I was a teacher, I'd want the vaccine before going into a class of thirty plus "kiddies." The CDC is probably right that the statistical danger is pretty small for adults around grade school age kids. But I doubt I'd agree that when I signed a contract with a local school (not even the state) I agreed to take the personal risk.

The Gop is saying its' the fed govt's job to make teachers go back. It's not. The fed govt can help local schools make the schools as safe as possible, but that's the extent of it's power.
Teacher's Unions now update the CDC on the Wuhanvirus instead of the other way around.
Yeah but what's that got to do with a tax and spending bill? IF I was a teacher, I'd want the vaccine before going into a class of thirty plus "kiddies." The CDC is probably right that the statistical danger is pretty small for adults around grade school age kids. But I doubt I'd agree that when I signed a contract with a local school (not even the state) I agreed to take the personal risk.

The Gop is saying its' the fed govt's job to make teachers go back. It's not. The fed govt can help local schools make the schools as safe as possible, but that's the extent of it's power.

Teacher's want guarantee's. There are none when it comes to Covid. They need to follow the science, not dictate it.

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