The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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Never, ever have I argued otherwise. I consistently argue in favor of the rights of BOTH people. You are the one who consistently argues against the rights of the Jewish people. Case in point. Your post right above this one:
I was referring to the occupied territories. You don't occupy something you own.
Never, ever have I argued otherwise. I consistently argue in favor of the rights of BOTH people. You are the one who consistently argues against the rights of the Jewish people. Case in point. Your post right above this one:
I was referring to the occupied territories. You don't occupy something you own.
Jews do not "Occupy" their own ancestral homeland of Judea and Samaria.

Judea, from the word Judah, one of Jacob's sons, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

It belongs to the Jewish people. It is in dispute because the Arab Hashemites had taken it by force in 1948 and expelled all of the Jews from their homes and lands there.

And it was not the first time they did it in that century. And then, they tried it again in 1973.

Jewish Ancient homeland cannot ever be considered Arab land, or Roman Land, or Greek Land, or Crusader's land, or British Land, or Ottoman Land...........

It has always been, and will continue to be (including all of TranJordan and Samaria, Jewish ancient homeland.

Repeat your nonsense until all the vultures come down on your garbage. It will not change a thing.
This is off topic, BUT.....

You do not care that there are Arabs and other non Jews in the Knesset, aka, Israeli Parliament.


Find us ONE Non Muslim in ANY of the Parliaments in the Muslim/ Arab world

Take your time :)
In East Jerusalem, what do you call...

...the “Center of Life Policy,” where people who are Palestinian have to continually prove that they live there. And if, for example, Palestinians spend too much time in the West Bank, they lose their residency.
What do you call...

...the Citizenship and Entry Law. It blocks people who have residency in Gaza or the West Bank from marrying people who are citizens of Israel. The point is to prevent a growth of the Palestinian population within Israel.
That's apartheid!
Jews do not "Occupy" their own ancestral homeland of Judea and Samaria.

Judea, from the word Judah, one of Jacob's sons, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

It belongs to the Jewish people. It is in dispute because the Arab Hashemites had taken it by force in 1948 and expelled all of the Jews from their homes and lands there.

And it was not the first time they did it in that century. And then, they tried it again in 1973.

Jewish Ancient homeland cannot ever be considered Arab land, or Roman Land, or Greek Land, or Crusader's land, or British Land, or Ottoman Land...........

It has always been, and will continue to be (including all of TranJordan and Samaria, Jewish ancient homeland.
If Judea and Samaria is in the West Bank, then yes you do. That is land you took during a war. And it is land, you will not ever be allowed to keep.

Repeat your nonsense until all the vultures come down on your garbage. It will not change a thing.
That's not surprising, since you treat everyone like garbage.
This is off topic, BUT.....

You do not care that there are Arabs and other non Jews in the Knesset, aka, Israeli Parliament.


Find us ONE Non Muslim in ANY of the Parliaments in the Muslim/ Arab world

Take your time :)
In East Jerusalem, what do you call...

...the “Center of Life Policy,” where people who are Palestinian have to continually prove that they live there. And if, for example, Palestinians spend too much time in the West Bank, they lose their residency.
What do you call...

...the Citizenship and Entry Law. It blocks people who have residency in Gaza or the West Bank from marrying people who are citizens of Israel. The point is to prevent a growth of the Palestinian population within Israel.
That's apartheid!
You know nothing about the laws and why they do exist.
The Arabs are welcome to apply for citizenship if they live in Israel. Some do, some don't .

If anyone with a green card spends over 6 months outside they USA, goodbye green card :)

There are enough Arab terrorists already living in Israel, as residents or citizens, for Israel to want to have even more of them.

Gotta protect the whole population somehow.

That insults your senses, too bad. That is what vultures do. Feel insulted when things do not go their way, and there aren't enough dead Jews to munch on.
Jews do not "Occupy" their own ancestral homeland of Judea and Samaria.

Judea, from the word Judah, one of Jacob's sons, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

It belongs to the Jewish people. It is in dispute because the Arab Hashemites had taken it by force in 1948 and expelled all of the Jews from their homes and lands there.

And it was not the first time they did it in that century. And then, they tried it again in 1973.

Jewish Ancient homeland cannot ever be considered Arab land, or Roman Land, or Greek Land, or Crusader's land, or British Land, or Ottoman Land...........

It has always been, and will continue to be (including all of TranJordan and Samaria, Jewish ancient homeland.
If Judea and Samaria is in the West Bank, then yes you do. That is land you took during a war. And it is land, you will not ever be allowed to keep.

Repeat your nonsense until all the vultures come down on your garbage. It will not change a thing.
That's not surprising, since you treat everyone like garbage.
You have it upside down.

It was Judea and Samaria for thousands of years, and called the "West bank" only as long as the Hashemite Jordanians managed to steal it, for about 19 years.

It continues to be Judea and Samaria, and always will be.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, Sour Grapes, et al,

It makes absolutely no difference today, on the accuracy of your tear-jerking criticism of the decisions made between 1918 (Armistice of Mudros when the Ottoman Empire surrendered) and 1949 (when the four Israel-Arab took effect).

Those rights were recognized PROVIDED you did not prejudice the existing, indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you did. Then, as the British were leaving, you took even more land that you were originally given.

You violated the Mandate, you violated the rights of the non-Jewish population, which was the majority at that time; and you've been violating human rights and dignity ever since.

You are an evil, apartheid nation, with no regard for human life. And your actions have completely shit on the memories of everyone who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

No criticism you make today, makes any different on the effective control the Israelis not maintain. There is no practical way of giving a territorial advantage to the Hostile Arab Palestinians that have a standing policy:

ψ The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

ψ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.

ψ Hamas and its allies told the protesters that the “March of Return” marked the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

Most Respectfully,
Really Rocco,your belief that a load of NON JEWISH converts,should have any claim to Palestine is in can these Converts have any claim to this Land ?????only the Semitic Palestinians and Jew have claim to this Land....not some Gypo's from Central Asia and their claim anything else is Bull...…..all Zionists should be returned to their Country of Origin and leave the Semitic Peoples to enjoy life....with respect...steven

Only Jews themselves get to decide who is part of their tribe.
Your opinions are meaningless.

Are You an Aborigine kangaroo,
or are You just parking Your racist ass on a foreign land without being called for?
I'm right though as need to be nasty about our First Nation Peoples,the Aboriginals who mastered this Land over 60,000 years ago.

You have a problem...….It is you yourself
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, Sour Grapes, et al,

It makes absolutely no difference today, on the accuracy of your tear-jerking criticism of the decisions made between 1918 (Armistice of Mudros when the Ottoman Empire surrendered) and 1949 (when the four Israel-Arab took effect).

Those rights were recognized PROVIDED you did not prejudice the existing, indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you did. Then, as the British were leaving, you took even more land that you were originally given.

You violated the Mandate, you violated the rights of the non-Jewish population, which was the majority at that time; and you've been violating human rights and dignity ever since.

You are an evil, apartheid nation, with no regard for human life. And your actions have completely shit on the memories of everyone who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

No criticism you make today, makes any different on the effective control the Israelis not maintain. There is no practical way of giving a territorial advantage to the Hostile Arab Palestinians that have a standing policy:

ψ The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

ψ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.

ψ Hamas and its allies told the protesters that the “March of Return” marked the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

Most Respectfully,
Really Rocco,your belief that a load of NON JEWISH converts,should have any claim to Palestine is in can these Converts have any claim to this Land ?????only the Semitic Palestinians and Jew have claim to this Land....not some Gypo's from Central Asia and their claim anything else is Bull...…..all Zionists should be returned to their Country of Origin and leave the Semitic Peoples to enjoy life....with respect...steven

Only Jews themselves get to decide who is part of their tribe.
Your opinions are meaningless.

Are You an Aborigine kangaroo,
or are You just parking Your racist ass on a foreign land without being called for?
I'm right though as need to be nasty about our First Nation Peoples,the Aboriginals who mastered this Land over 60,000 years ago.

You have a problem...….It is you yourself

What is the problem?

Tell me, You don't call Yourself indigenous or even native Australian right?
My wive's uncles who have been living in Australia for 4 generations don't call themselves that either, they're simply Jews citizens of Australia, as there're Afghani and Japanese citizens of Australia.

The problem is on Team P side which needs Jews to make Arabs indigenous to Judea.
It doesn't really go further than that, even the Canaanite claim was taught to Arabs by a Jewish Youth movement, Canaanism was an alternative political philosophy. Certain Jews thought that by bringing the Hebrew to the whole region would also revive an alternative culture to the Arab one, on the basis of which we could find more common ground.

But the Arabs in Levant really have no idea of who or what were the Canaanites, they always end up comparing them to Arabs. If they knew they wouldn't claim to be a tribe of Greek sea people, but Moabites, just to have a basic royal family claim .But they insist on calling themselves "invaders" in the Canaanite language.

Anyhow the only traces of indigenous culture of the Canaanite period can be seen in the Jewish Hebrew culture, the only ones who have the language, bases all its' heritage on the seasons of that specific land...and basically the only extensive source of knowledge about that culture.
How so?
Do You think a tribe is obliged to accept anyone, or is it just a special demand for Jews?
If only Jews can decide, you are obviously not a democracy.

You are an apartheid nation, worse than South Africa.

Using Your logic Greece is an apartheid as well, because Arabs and Turks who live in Greece are not called ethnic Greeks, what's that has to do with democracy?

I don't think there're many places in the middle east such as Israel, where a wide variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions feel comfortable to express their identity simultaniously without stepping on each other's feet, in spite of all the clashes it's not Vatican or Mecca and Medina. It's not even Italy where mosques were banned.
And it is land, you will not ever be allowed to keep.

Well ... see ... you say that.


There isn't a power on earth that can take it away.
Jews do not "Occupy" their own ancestral homeland of Judea and Samaria.

Judea, from the word Judah, one of Jacob's sons, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

It belongs to the Jewish people. It is in dispute because the Arab Hashemites had taken it by force in 1948 and expelled all of the Jews from their homes and lands there.

And it was not the first time they did it in that century. And then, they tried it again in 1973.

Jewish Ancient homeland cannot ever be considered Arab land, or Roman Land, or Greek Land, or Crusader's land, or British Land, or Ottoman Land...........

It has always been, and will continue to be (including all of TranJordan and Samaria, Jewish ancient homeland.
If Judea and Samaria is in the West Bank, then yes you do. That is land you took during a war. And it is land, you will not ever be allowed to keep.

Repeat your nonsense until all the vultures come down on your garbage. It will not change a thing.
That's not surprising, since you treat everyone like garbage.
If Judea and Samaria is in the West Bank, then yes you do. That is land you took during a war. And it is land, you will not ever be allowed to keep.
The Palestinians just call it occupied Palestine.
You know nothing about the laws and why they do exist.
The Arabs are welcome to apply for citizenship if they live in Israel. Some do, some don't .

If anyone with a green card spends over 6 months outside they USA, goodbye green card :)

There are enough Arab terrorists already living in Israel, as residents or citizens, for Israel to want to have even more of them.

Gotta protect the whole population somehow.

That insults your senses, too bad. That is what vultures do. Feel insulted when things do not go their way, and there aren't enough dead Jews to munch on.
Don't give me that shit! Those same laws don't apply to Jews. That is an apartheid system.
Using Your logic Greece is an apartheid as well, because Arabs and Turks who live in Greece are not called ethnic Greeks, what's that has to do with democracy?

I don't think there're many places in the middle east such as Israel, where a wide variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions feel comfortable to express their identity simultaniously without stepping on each other's feet, in spite of all the clashes it's not Vatican or Mecca and Medina. It's not even Italy where mosques were banned.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens and don't live under the same laws as Jewish-Israelis do.
Using Your logic Greece is an apartheid as well, because Arabs and Turks who live in Greece are not called ethnic Greeks, what's that has to do with democracy?

I don't think there're many places in the middle east such as Israel, where a wide variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions feel comfortable to express their identity simultaniously without stepping on each other's feet, in spite of all the clashes it's not Vatican or Mecca and Medina. It's not even Italy where mosques were banned.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens and don't live under the same laws as Jewish-Israelis do.

What do You mean that there's a law that Rabbis are not allowed to circumcise Arabs?
In Israel an Arab Judge sends a President and PM's to jail.
There's no other country in the middle east where Palestinian Arabs enjoy more rights and freedom.

If You have a better settlement, show me an example.
Using Your logic Greece is an apartheid as well, because Arabs and Turks who live in Greece are not called ethnic Greeks, what's that has to do with democracy?

I don't think there're many places in the middle east such as Israel, where a wide variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions feel comfortable to express their identity simultaniously without stepping on each other's feet, in spite of all the clashes it's not Vatican or Mecca and Medina. It's not even Italy where mosques were banned.
Palestinians are treated like 2nd class citizens and don't live under the same laws as Jewish-Israelis do.

Do you mean Israeli Arabs? They are full citizens. My grandmother was treated by Arab doctors and nurses in Haifa. Do you mean Palestinians on the West Bank? They are under the PA's control.
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