The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.
That is true. That is Palestinian land as defined by international borders. The Palestinians are citizens of their territory by treaty, by international and domestic law. With this comes the universal, inherent, inalienable rights.
  1. The right to self determination without external interference.
  2. The right to independence and sovereignty.
  3. The right to territorial integrity.
Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others. So, when the Palestinians make this claim it is in compliance with international law.

The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.

And how do You view the Arab attempt to cede the land to Syria under the rule of a King from Mecca in this context?
ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.
That is true. That is Palestinian land as defined by international borders. The Palestinians are citizens of their territory by treaty, by international and domestic law. With this comes the universal, inherent, inalienable rights.
  1. The right to self determination without external interference.
  2. The right to independence and sovereignty.
  3. The right to territorial integrity.
Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others. So, when the Palestinians make this claim it is in compliance with international law.

The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.
Palestinians shouldn't be claiming land that belongs to the Israelites.
blah blah blah. All this bickering would be over with if the Jews would stop pussy footing around and fight a real war against their enemy. Kill on sight until they surrender unconditionally or leave whichever comes first. All those terrorist crowding the fence should've been machine gun downed, not pot shotted.
You terrorize them on a daily basis, but call them the terrorists.

You're just an inhuman piece of shit.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, Sour Grapes, et al,

It makes absolutely no difference today, on the accuracy of your tear-jerking criticism of the decisions made between 1918 (Armistice of Mudros when the Ottoman Empire surrendered) and 1949 (when the four Israel-Arab took effect).

Those rights were recognized PROVIDED you did not prejudice the existing, indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you did. Then, as the British were leaving, you took even more land that you were originally given.

You violated the Mandate, you violated the rights of the non-Jewish population, which was the majority at that time; and you've been violating human rights and dignity ever since.

You are an evil, apartheid nation, with no regard for human life. And your actions have completely shit on the memories of everyone who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

No criticism you make today, makes any different on the effective control the Israelis not maintain. There is no practical way of giving a territorial advantage to the Hostile Arab Palestinians that have a standing policy:

ψ The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

ψ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.

ψ Hamas and its allies told the protesters that the “March of Return” marked the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

Most Respectfully,
You can't give what you don't have. Those territories are not yours and they never will be yours. Your only option, is to get the fuck off that land.
Again, the rights of an indigenous peoples are not GIVEN -- they are inherent, inviolable rights. Its not a grant, its only a recognition of inherent, inviolable rights.

In 1923 the rights of the Jewish people to the Mandate for Palestine were recognized by the international community and in law. Those rights are not conditional and those rights were not recognized for any other peoples.
And those Arabs have rights to.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, Sour Grapes, et al,

It makes absolutely no difference today, on the accuracy of your tear-jerking criticism of the decisions made between 1918 (Armistice of Mudros when the Ottoman Empire surrendered) and 1949 (when the four Israel-Arab took effect).

Those rights were recognized PROVIDED you did not prejudice the existing, indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you did. Then, as the British were leaving, you took even more land that you were originally given.

You violated the Mandate, you violated the rights of the non-Jewish population, which was the majority at that time; and you've been violating human rights and dignity ever since.

You are an evil, apartheid nation, with no regard for human life. And your actions have completely shit on the memories of everyone who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

No criticism you make today, makes any different on the effective control the Israelis not maintain. There is no practical way of giving a territorial advantage to the Hostile Arab Palestinians that have a standing policy:

ψ The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

ψ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.

ψ Hamas and its allies told the protesters that the “March of Return” marked the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

Most Respectfully,
You can't give what you don't have. Those territories are not yours and they never will be yours. Your only option, is to get the fuck off that land.
Make them leave. Fight a real war. Win or Lose like a man. Then accept things the way they are when you lose.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Billo_Really, Sour Grapes, et al,

It makes absolutely no difference today, on the accuracy of your tear-jerking criticism of the decisions made between 1918 (Armistice of Mudros when the Ottoman Empire surrendered) and 1949 (when the four Israel-Arab took effect).

Those rights were recognized PROVIDED you did not prejudice the existing, indigenous, non-Jewish population. But you did. Then, as the British were leaving, you took even more land that you were originally given.

You violated the Mandate, you violated the rights of the non-Jewish population, which was the majority at that time; and you've been violating human rights and dignity ever since.

You are an evil, apartheid nation, with no regard for human life. And your actions have completely shit on the memories of everyone who lost their lives in the Holocaust.

No criticism you make today, makes any different on the effective control the Israelis not maintain. There is no practical way of giving a territorial advantage to the Hostile Arab Palestinians that have a standing policy:

ψ The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

ψ Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal [spheres]; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle.

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.

ψ Hamas and its allies told the protesters that the “March of Return” marked the beginning of the “liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

Most Respectfully,
You can't give what you don't have. Those territories are not yours and they never will be yours. Your only option, is to get the fuck off that land.

Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people longer than London has been for the Brits.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Let's see if we can find, find anything at all, that is actually "TRUE."

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.
That is true. That is Palestinian land as defined by international borders.

First: The boundary, like many boundaries throughout the world, changes over time to accommodate new conditions. What you are calling an international border is not now, nor has it ever been, an international border. It is a series of segments that today consist of the Borders of Egypt and Jordan (by treaty), the enforced border of the Golan Heights annexation and the Blue Line segment under the 2000 letter with Lebanon.

Second: The territory the Hostile Arab Palestinians, and yourself, call the international border "which is a whole nation of the Palestinian" IS NOT the "nation of Palestine." It was the territory formerly under the Mandate of Palestine, and considered the Government of Palestine as administered solely by British Serving Officers and Foreign Service Officers, as lead by the High Commissioner. That government was a legal entity that dissolved on the termination of the Mandate and was succeeded by the UN Palestine Commission, the successor government. The State of Israel was declared and recognized and altered the boundaries yet again. The 1948 War initiated by the Arab League, washed-out the opening boundaries of Israel and substituted the demarcations of the four Armistice Agreements, with Israel and the four principle conflict parties. The Armistice Lines with Egypt were dissolved in 1979 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Egypt. The Armistice Lines with Jordan were dissolved in 1994 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Jordan. the formed Armistice Line with Syria was dissolved under the Annexation Law. The Armistice Line or border with Lebanon is currently under the demarcation agreed upon in the Letter dated 12 June 2000 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon.

Third: The so-called "State of Palestine," does not have any actual sovereign borders it controls. The Term Palestine, since 2012, can only now → generally recognized as the Government of Palestine.

The Palestinians are citizens of their territory by treaty, by international and domestic law. With this comes the universal, inherent, inalienable rights.

None of this gets them citizenship. The Article 30, Treaty of Lausanne, only formalizes the citizenship already in force by the High Commissioner.

  1. The right to self determination without external interference.
  2. The right to independence and sovereignty.
  3. The right to territorial integrity.


These three "Rights" that the Arab Palestinians claim are just as applicable to the → (wait for it) → the Israelis. The difference is that the Jewish people participated in the program if establishing self-governing institutions → and the Steps Preparatory to Independence. → That culminated in the creation of a nation in 1948. The Arab Palestinians rejected each invitation to join the process and instead decided to issue threats and embark on a path of violence.

has the right to violate the rights of others. So, when the Palestinians make this claim it is in compliance with international law.

These three RIGHTS of the Palestinians do not establish an obligation for any nation → least of all the State of Israel.

I think that the currents events of the day show that the Hostile Arab Palestinian puppets of HAMAS do not have the slightest respect for those very same rights when dealing with Israel; which built a nation that is higher on the Human Development Index than any other nation in the Middle East (including oil-rich nations).
The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.

"RESPECT" is earned. And what have the Arab Palestinians done that the Israels, or anyone else, should give them respect?

Most Respectfully,
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Let's see if we can find, find anything at all, that is actually "TRUE."

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.
That is true. That is Palestinian land as defined by international borders.

First: The boundary, like many boundaries throughout the world, changes over time to accommodate new conditions. What you are calling an international border is not now, nor has it ever been, an international border. It is a series of segments that today consist of the Borders of Egypt and Jordan (by treaty), the enforced border of the Golan Heights annexation and the Blue Line segment under the 2000 letter with Lebanon.

Second: The territory the Hostile Arab Palestinians, and yourself, call the international border "which is a whole nation of the Palestinian" IS NOT the "nation of Palestine." It was the territory formerly under the Mandate of Palestine, and considered the Government of Palestine as administered solely by British Serving Officers and Foreign Service Officers, as lead by the High Commissioner. That government was a legal entity that dissolved on the termination of the Mandate and was succeeded by the UN Palestine Commission, the successor government. The State of Israel was declared and recognized and altered the boundaries yet again. The 1948 War initiated by the Arab League, washed-out the opening boundaries of Israel and substituted the demarcations of the four Armistice Agreements, with Israel and the four principle conflict parties. The Armistice Lines with Egypt were dissolved in 1979 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Egypt. The Armistice Lines with Jordan were dissolved in 1994 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Jordan. the formed Armistice Line with Syria was dissolved under the Annexation Law. The Armistice Line or border with Lebanon is currently under the demarcation agreed upon in the Letter dated 12 June 2000 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon.

Third: The so-called "State of Palestine," does not have any actual sovereign borders it controls. The Term Palestine, since 2012, can only now → generally recognized as the Government of Palestine.

The Palestinians are citizens of their territory by treaty, by international and domestic law. With this comes the universal, inherent, inalienable rights.

None of this gets them citizenship. The Article 30, Treaty of Lausanne, only formalizes the citizenship already in force by the High Commissioner.

  1. The right to self determination without external interference.
  2. The right to independence and sovereignty.
  3. The right to territorial integrity.

These three "Rights" that the Arab Palestinians claim are just as applicable to the → (wait for it) → the Israelis. The difference is that the Jewish people participated in the program if establishing self-governing institutions → and the Steps Preparatory to Independence. → That culminated in the creation of a nation in 1948. The Arab Palestinians rejected each invitation to join the process and instead decided to issue threats and embark on a path of violence.

has the right to violate the rights of others. So, when the Palestinians make this claim it is in compliance with international law.

These three RIGHTS of the Palestinians do not establish an obligation for any nation → least of all the State of Israel.

I think that the currents events of the day show that the Hostile Arab Palestinian puppets of HAMAS do not have the slightest respect for those very same rights when dealing with Israel; which built a nation that is higher on the Human Development Index than any other nation in the Middle East (including oil-rich nations).
The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.

"RESPECT" is earned. And what have the Arab Palestinians done that the Israels, or anyone else, should give them respect?

Most Respectfully,
I know, the Palestinians don't have rights, blah, blah, blah.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Let's see if we can find, find anything at all, that is actually "TRUE."

ψ The unity of the Palestinian land: The West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip and the occupied land of 1948, one land with all its geography, it is one unit, not part separated from the other, which is a whole nation of the Palestinian people.
That is true. That is Palestinian land as defined by international borders.

First: The boundary, like many boundaries throughout the world, changes over time to accommodate new conditions. What you are calling an international border is not now, nor has it ever been, an international border. It is a series of segments that today consist of the Borders of Egypt and Jordan (by treaty), the enforced border of the Golan Heights annexation and the Blue Line segment under the 2000 letter with Lebanon.

Second: The territory the Hostile Arab Palestinians, and yourself, call the international border "which is a whole nation of the Palestinian" IS NOT the "nation of Palestine." It was the territory formerly under the Mandate of Palestine, and considered the Government of Palestine as administered solely by British Serving Officers and Foreign Service Officers, as lead by the High Commissioner. That government was a legal entity that dissolved on the termination of the Mandate and was succeeded by the UN Palestine Commission, the successor government. The State of Israel was declared and recognized and altered the boundaries yet again. The 1948 War initiated by the Arab League, washed-out the opening boundaries of Israel and substituted the demarcations of the four Armistice Agreements, with Israel and the four principle conflict parties. The Armistice Lines with Egypt were dissolved in 1979 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Egypt. The Armistice Lines with Jordan were dissolved in 1994 and replaced by the new Treaty negotiated International Boundary with Jordan. the formed Armistice Line with Syria was dissolved under the Annexation Law. The Armistice Line or border with Lebanon is currently under the demarcation agreed upon in the Letter dated 12 June 2000 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon.

Third: The so-called "State of Palestine," does not have any actual sovereign borders it controls. The Term Palestine, since 2012, can only now → generally recognized as the Government of Palestine.

The Palestinians are citizens of their territory by treaty, by international and domestic law. With this comes the universal, inherent, inalienable rights.

None of this gets them citizenship. The Article 30, Treaty of Lausanne, only formalizes the citizenship already in force by the High Commissioner.

  1. The right to self determination without external interference.
  2. The right to independence and sovereignty.
  3. The right to territorial integrity.

These three "Rights" that the Arab Palestinians claim are just as applicable to the → (wait for it) → the Israelis. The difference is that the Jewish people participated in the program if establishing self-governing institutions → and the Steps Preparatory to Independence. → That culminated in the creation of a nation in 1948. The Arab Palestinians rejected each invitation to join the process and instead decided to issue threats and embark on a path of violence.

has the right to violate the rights of others. So, when the Palestinians make this claim it is in compliance with international law.

These three RIGHTS of the Palestinians do not establish an obligation for any nation → least of all the State of Israel.

I think that the currents events of the day show that the Hostile Arab Palestinian puppets of HAMAS do not have the slightest respect for those very same rights when dealing with Israel; which built a nation that is higher on the Human Development Index than any other nation in the Middle East (including oil-rich nations).
The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.

"RESPECT" is earned. And what have the Arab Palestinians done that the Israels, or anyone else, should give them respect?

Most Respectfully,
I know, the Palestinians don't have rights, blah, blah, blah.

Of course they do, the Jewish Palestinians worked and established a vibrant state,
those on the other side of the river should try that too, rather than trying to overthrow governments and drag their own dead on the streets.

But who need life when there's Jihad and "honor"...
And those Arabs have rights to.
Never, ever have I argued otherwise. I consistently argue in favor of the rights of BOTH people. You are the one who consistently argues against the rights of the Jewish people. Case in point. Your post right above this one:

You can't give what you don't have. Those territories are not yours and they never will be yours. Your only option, is to get the fuck off that land.
Where does it say that you can kick out the local citizens and steal their land?

Where did I say that you could?
That is what happened. You seem to agree with that.

What happened was some of the local citizens were hostile and began a civil war to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State. As a result of that conflict (still on-going) a great many people on both sides were displaced.
The Palestinians are not asking for anything special. They merely ask that their inalienable rights be respected.

Their inalienable rights will be respected. As soon as the hostilities cease.

One of the requirements of Statehood and recognition is peace and security. And recognition of equal rights and self-determination.

Article 1
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
  1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
  3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
  4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Their inalienable rights will be respected. As soon as the hostilities cease.
So, when is Israel going to cease hostilities.

Israel ceased hostilities in 1947, again in 1949, again in 1967, in 1973, in 1979, in 1993, in 1994, again in 2005, and again in 2009, and 2012, and 2014.

When will Arab Palestinians cease the hostilities? For example, the ones they started just this spring?
How so?
Do You think a tribe is obliged to accept anyone, or is it just a special demand for Jews?
If only Jews can decide, you are obviously not a democracy.

You are an apartheid nation, worse than South Africa.
This is off topic, BUT.....

You do not care that there are Arabs and other non Jews in the Knesset, aka, Israeli Parliament.


Find us ONE Non Muslim in ANY of the Parliaments in the Muslim/ Arab world

Take your time :)
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