The Next Administration

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.
I believe most people today are far less concerned about the distance future than they are the immediate future. They're worried about how they're going to pay the rent or mortgage payment next month, their soon's college tuition next fall, and layoffs. The Tea Party agenda does not address that. Instead it's a plan to radically change the function of government as we know it, revamping the tax codes, eliminating most federal regulation, and shifting power from the federal government to the states. IMHO, most people are not looking to eliminate the federal government, they just want see work in their best interest.

Of course the Statists/Leftists are pro-big-central-government and don't want that messed with. They are more interested in fine tuning a strong central government to focus more on their personal issues and are not, as you say, interested in the big picture.

Tea Partiers have woken up however and know that a big strong central government is NEVER going to provide what they want which is personal liberty with rights secured and self governance. Tea Partiers don't want a benevolent dictatorship or monarchy or any other form of government that assigns the rights people are allowed to have and responsibilities that the people are required to have. The original Tea Party rebelled against that and our Founders gave us a constitution intended to prevent that. Modern Tea Partiers want us to get back to the original consitutional intend re government.
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I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.

So you're one of the people who ISN'T like the Tea Party people, according to that other poster.

No, I think I am very typical of the Tea Party people. Nothing special or different about me at all.

Foxfyre is absolutely typical of the Boomer Tea Partiers. You know, the ones who got on the bandwagon after Ron Paul's (r)Evolution.

Cut taxes, preserve my entitlements, (pass on the debt to the next generation).
Mike K, . . .What the hell does being personable and likeable have to do with being a good/great leader?? You would vote for him again even while admitting that his policies have been largely regarded as failures? You are a fool's fool. History will prove Obama to be THE WORST PRESIDENT --EVER!!! Jimmy Carter is already celebrating that fact. Obama is a LIAR and has lied to us over and over and over again!!! Yet you want to give him four more years!!! People of your ilk really cause me great concern for the direction this country is taking. You probably thought it was okay for Clinton to "not have sex" with Monica Lewinsky too, didn't you? God help you, you surely need it.
kuros, . . . you could learn a lot from hanging out with some of those "Tea Partiers". For instance, most of them were NOT active in politics or political issues for the past twenty or so years. Most of them had gotten disgusted with the lies, mud slinging, etc. so prevalent among politicians and had quite literally "given up" on participating in it. BUT, . . . it became immediately and abundantly apparent that Obama, the Dems, and their far left policies were setting this nation on a path to destruction!!! Soooo, they got up out of their easy chairs and began to speak their minds. For doing this, they were portrayed as extremeists, Nazis (as per Nancy Pelosi), and, don't forget, RACISTS. If you were to walk among them at a Tea Party rally and talk to them, you would readily see that they are none of those things. They simply want our government to act responsibly, to vote sanely, and promote the best interests of this once-great nation as the Founding Fathers intended. They want to protect the U.S. Constitution; they certainly don't want to "reform" it or "make it a living document." The Constitution was composed specifically to LIMIT government BECAUSE they knew that government will eventually grow too big and too powerful IF it were not restricted by a foundational document. They were more wise than we will ever realize!! Their efforts to protect the rights of this nation's citizenry and its novel governmental structure have served us well, but they are in fact being threatened today. Unite with the Tea Party and cry aloud to protect our rights and our Constitution.
So you're one of the people who ISN'T like the Tea Party people, according to that other poster.

No, I think I am very typical of the Tea Party people. Nothing special or different about me at all.

Foxfyre is absolutely typical of the Boomer Tea Partiers. You know, the ones who got on the bandwagon after Ron Paul's (r)Evolution.

Cut taxes, preserve my entitlements, (pass on the debt to the next generation).

I am neither a Boomer nor a Ron Paul fan. And I was beating the Tea Party drums before either Ron Paul or the Tea Party emerged on the scene. And I was among the very first wave of Tea Partiers.

You obviously don't know who the Tea Party is and I don't think you have a clue about the inspiration that drives them.
kuros, . . . you could learn a lot from hanging out with some of those "Tea Partiers". For instance, most of them were NOT active in politics or political issues for the past twenty or so years. Most of them had gotten disgusted with the lies, mud slinging, etc. so prevalent among politicians and had quite literally "given up" on participating in it. BUT, . . . it became immediately and abundantly apparent that Obama, the Dems, and their far left policies were setting this nation on a path to destruction!!! Soooo, they got up out of their easy chairs and began to speak their minds.

The bold is where I disagree. Obama's leftism or rightism isn't the point. He serves the mega-rich, the Wall Streeters, and the establishment as much as any over the past 20 years. Obamacare is his greatest accomplishment, IMO. But for some reason, the Tea Partiers believe that socialism means: (1) protecting access to health care for with pre-existing conditions, and (2) preventing health care companies from dropping coverage for those who suffer from serious conditions.

For doing this, they were portrayed as extremeists, Nazis (as per Nancy Pelosi), and, don't forget, RACISTS.

Yeah, and I defended them against the racist charge. No righties were there to see it, though.

If you were to walk among them at a Tea Party rally and talk to them, you would readily see that they are none of those things. They simply want our government to act responsibly, to vote sanely, and promote the best interests of this once-great nation as the Founding Fathers intended. They want to protect the U.S. Constitution; they certainly don't want to "reform" it or "make it a living document." The Constitution was composed specifically to LIMIT government BECAUSE they knew that government will eventually grow too big and too powerful IF it were not restricted by a foundational document. They were more wise than we will ever realize!! Their efforts to protect the rights of this nation's citizenry and its novel governmental structure have served us well, but they are in fact being threatened today. Unite with the Tea Party and cry aloud to protect our rights and our Constitution.

I will not unite with the Baby Boomers until they realize they must PAY THEIR DEBTS NOW and not pass them on to the next generation. I have a lot of common cause with the Ron Paulistas and the (r)Evolution, though.
No, I think I am very typical of the Tea Party people. Nothing special or different about me at all.

Foxfyre is absolutely typical of the Boomer Tea Partiers. You know, the ones who got on the bandwagon after Ron Paul's (r)Evolution.

Cut taxes, preserve my entitlements, (pass on the debt to the next generation).

I am neither a Boomer nor a Ron Paul fan. And I was beating the Tea Party drums before either Ron Paul or the Tea Party emerged on the scene. And I was among the very first wave of Tea Partiers.

You obviously don't know who the Tea Party is and I don't think you have a clue about the inspiration that drives them.

I know enough about the Tea Party to defend the generalization I made. Anyway, the Tea Party was taken over by establishment Republican money and interests. That much is for sure.

BTW, there's an interesting pattern to some posts here. (1) I disagree with what you have said, (2) *claim firsthand experience that can't possibly be verified*, (3) attack poster for not having that knowledge/first-hand experience. Its a pretty lame tactic and a poor substitute for actual arguments and links.
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Foxfyre is absolutely typical of the Boomer Tea Partiers. You know, the ones who got on the bandwagon after Ron Paul's (r)Evolution.

Cut taxes, preserve my entitlements, (pass on the debt to the next generation).

I am neither a Boomer nor a Ron Paul fan. And I was beating the Tea Party drums before either Ron Paul or the Tea Party emerged on the scene. And I was among the very first wave of Tea Partiers.

You obviously don't know who the Tea Party is and I don't think you have a clue about the inspiration that drives them.

I know enough about the Tea Party to defend the generalization I made. Anyway, the Tea Party was taken over by establishment Republican money and interests. That much is for sure.

BTW, there's an interesting pattern to some posts here. (1) I disagree with what you have said, (2) *claim firsthand experience that can't possibly be verified*, (3) attack poster for not having that knowledge/first-hand experience. Its a pretty lame tactic and a poor substitute for actual arguments and links.

Your hollow rhetoric is really unimpressive. Shallow baseless talking points on top of unsubstantiated claims. one right after anoth---Zzzz.

You really are a boring little pecker, kouros.
I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.
I believe most people today are far less concerned about the distance future than they are the immediate future. They're worried about how they're going to pay the rent or mortgage payment next month, their soon's college tuition next fall, and layoffs. The Tea Party agenda does not address that. Instead it's a plan to radically change the function of government as we know it, revamping the tax codes, eliminating most federal regulation, and shifting power from the federal government to the states. IMHO, most people are not looking to eliminate the federal government, they just want see work in their best interest.

Of course the Statists/Leftists are pro-big-central-government and don't want that messed with. They are more interested in fine tuning a strong central government to focus more on their personal issues and are not, as you say, interested in the big picture.

Tea Partiers have woken up however and know that a big strong central government is NEVER going to provide what they want which is personal liberty with rights secured and self governance. Tea Partiers don't want a benevolent dictatorship or monarchy or any other form of government that assigns the rights people are allowed to have and responsibilities that the people are required to have. The original Tea Party rebelled against that and our Founders gave us a constitution intended to prevent that. Modern Tea Partiers want us to get back to the original consitutional intend re government.
The magnitude of the changes you describe would certainly require overwhelming support of the American people. A Gallop poll taken after the huge debt limit battle waged by Tea Party supporters in Congress showed the Tea Party support by Americans dropped to a low of 25% while opposition rose. The same thing happen after Tea Party favorite Paul Ryan released his plan to save Medicare. Tea Party ideals sound pretty good to many people until those ideals start turning into action.
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The Next Administration

The next NEW administration?????


Toooooooooooooooooooooo easy.

That'll be (around) January o' 2017!


"We'll take-it-from-there, President Obama!!"
[ame=]Confused Cain Says Abortions Should Be Both Legal And Illegal - YouTube[/ame]
1"I'm not unconditionally opposed to voting Republican. If Huntsman or Romney is nominated..."
See....there ya' go: opposed to voting Republican.

2."...and I would guess that even if Obama got to the debates and said....I'm going to cut spending in Washington by 50% this year, fight any war the GOP wants me to, I'm going to outlaw gay marriage and abortion, and Ann Coulter will be my white house chief of'd still vote Republican..."

If that represents your ability to guess, then don't be buyin' any scratch-off lottery tickets.

3. And based on what your 'guess' suggests about moi, then you should buy a ticket on the clue train...

4.I say what I mean, and I mean what I say: I'm not a politician. I'm an informed who pays attention.
I will vote as William Buckley once suggested: for the most conservative electable candidate.
If President Obama were to see the light, and I could believe that he would perform as you suggest, he'd get my vote.

5. BTW, in including "...fight any war the GOP wants me to,..." you have revealed a huge lacuna in your knowledge American history. It may be the reason for your propensity to pull the lever for Democrats.

Progressives back to Wilson saw war and militarization as the vehicle to change Americans and institute government power.

Herbert Croly, the intellectual link between Wilson and FDR, and founding editor of ‘The New Republic,’ wrote ‘The Promise of American Life,’ wherein we find a veritable checklist of fascist characteristics.: the need to mobilize society like an army, spiritual rebirth, the necessity of revolutionary leaders, reliance on manufactured, unifying national ‘myths,’ contempt for parliamentary democracy, non-Marxist Socialism, nationalism, a spiritual calling for military expansion, the need to make politics into a religion.

b. From Croly: The remedy for ‘chaotic individualism of our political and economic organization’ was a ‘regeneration’ led by a heroic-saint who could overthrow the tired doctrines of liberal democracy in favor of a restored and heroic nation. Herbert Croly, “The Promise of American Life,”p.14 So, where is the line between fascism and Progressivism?

c. . The first true enterprise of this kind was established in the in the United States under the 20th century’s first fascist dictator: Woodrow Wilson. During WW I, under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, American was a fascist nation. p. 9

d. [John] Dewey wrote that the progressive opponents of war were blind to the “immense impetus to reorganization afforded by this war.” ...In other words, they should exploit the opportunities war bestowed for collectivizing America. Croly was pithier: “The American nation needs the tonic of a serious moral adventure.”
War Is the Health of the State

e. I have to believe that you know which party managed us into Vietnam....
The only Democratic candidate, or President I have ever voted for...was Clinton in his first term. I didn't vote in 2000 and 2004, because I was living in Turkey, but I would have voted for Bush in 200 and against him in 2004. So I've voted GOP more! I voted for Reagan twice, Bush1 once, and Clinton once. I won't say who I voted for in 2008, but it wasn't Obama

Was it Gus,no...he's gone.....

.....Sam Webb?

Well, at least you don't deny that it is the Left that is militarist, and sees same as re-structuring the nation.
Well.....I guess what I really did wasn't as shamefull as I've come to think of it.

I wrote myself in. Myself.....and several friends, got together before voting for a few beers. We all planned to go to the polls together. After much loud politically oriented self righteous blather...and way too much Guiness...this intoxicated mob, led by me, all decided to vote for me for president. Much to my dismay...I didn't win, despite the groundswell of my grass roots movement.

If sober....I'm not sure what I'd have done. I most likely would have voted McCain...but Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, or having her dangly little fingers on the button, would have been so irresponsible.

But anyway....that's what happened.
The only Democratic candidate, or President I have ever voted for...was Clinton in his first term. I didn't vote in 2000 and 2004, because I was living in Turkey, but I would have voted for Bush in 200 and against him in 2004. So I've voted GOP more! I voted for Reagan twice, Bush1 once, and Clinton once. I won't say who I voted for in 2008, but it wasn't Obama

Was it Gus,no...he's gone.....

.....Sam Webb?

Well, at least you don't deny that it is the Left that is militarist, and sees same as re-structuring the nation.
Well.....I guess what I really did wasn't as shamefull as I've come to think of it.

I wrote myself in. Myself.....and several friends, got together before voting for a few beers. We all planned to go to the polls together. After much loud politically oriented self righteous blather...and way too much Guiness...this intoxicated mob, led by me, all decided to vote for me for president. Much to my dismay...I didn't win, despite the groundswell of my grass roots movement.

If sober....I'm not sure what I'd have done. I most likely would have voted McCain...but Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, or having her dangly little fingers on the button, would have been so irresponsible.

But anyway....that's what happened.

Don't forget the call to AA.

"...Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, ..."
I see your point...remember when she sent the Alaska National Guard to attacked North Dakota....
Was it Gus,no...he's gone.....

.....Sam Webb?

Well, at least you don't deny that it is the Left that is militarist, and sees same as re-structuring the nation.
Well.....I guess what I really did wasn't as shamefull as I've come to think of it.

I wrote myself in. Myself.....and several friends, got together before voting for a few beers. We all planned to go to the polls together. After much loud politically oriented self righteous blather...and way too much Guiness...this intoxicated mob, led by me, all decided to vote for me for president. Much to my dismay...I didn't win, despite the groundswell of my grass roots movement.

If sober....I'm not sure what I'd have done. I most likely would have voted McCain...but Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, or having her dangly little fingers on the button, would have been so irresponsible.

But anyway....that's what happened.

Don't forget the call to AA.

"...Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, ..."
I see your point...remember when she sent the Alaska National Guard to attacked North Dakota....
The New Yorker said it best...."Palin coats acid with incoherance and cheery musical inflections that induce a fight or flight response in the listener"....or something to that effect.

Who are you leaning towards in 2012 for president Pchick?
Well.....I guess what I really did wasn't as shamefull as I've come to think of it.

I wrote myself in. Myself.....and several friends, got together before voting for a few beers. We all planned to go to the polls together. After much loud politically oriented self righteous blather...and way too much Guiness...this intoxicated mob, led by me, all decided to vote for me for president. Much to my dismay...I didn't win, despite the groundswell of my grass roots movement.

If sober....I'm not sure what I'd have done. I most likely would have voted McCain...but Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, or having her dangly little fingers on the button, would have been so irresponsible.

But anyway....that's what happened.

Don't forget the call to AA.

"...Palin was on the ticket. Exposing our great nation to the dangers of that ninny ever being in charge of an army, ..."
I see your point...remember when she sent the Alaska National Guard to attacked North Dakota....
The New Yorker said it best...."Palin coats acid with incoherance and cheery musical inflections that induce a fight or flight response in the listener"....or something to that effect.

Who are you leaning towards in 2012 for president Pchick?

Watch this space for further developments.
1. It has become a waste of time to discuss whether or not Obama can/will win.
He is more burned than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadoran beach.

a. Even Democrats are scorching him. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., announced his retirement from Congress this afternoon -- and he issued a scathing parting shot at President Obama's track record on his way out." Announcing Retirement, Dem Congressman Bashes Obama - Hotline On Call

b. His poll numbers are down with every constituent group.

c. Think he can come back? Two words: Unemployment, Debt.


2. Oscar Wilde: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

a. There is a very good chance the Republicans will controll the Executive, and the Legislative. Good? Are you happy with the current results of such a monopoly?

b. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

c. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge: 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)

d. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

3. The good news? If the Republicans keep their promises, they should have at least eight years....and a couple of supreme court justices.

a. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

4. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Oh, come now!!! You actually think that somebody from that motley group of GOP losers can beat Obama??? We'll just see, won't we?? :)
1. It has become a waste of time to discuss whether or not Obama can/will win.
He is more burned than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadoran beach.

a. Even Democrats are scorching him. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., announced his retirement from Congress this afternoon -- and he issued a scathing parting shot at President Obama's track record on his way out." Announcing Retirement, Dem Congressman Bashes Obama - Hotline On Call

b. His poll numbers are down with every constituent group.

c. Think he can come back? Two words: Unemployment, Debt.


2. Oscar Wilde: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

a. There is a very good chance the Republicans will controll the Executive, and the Legislative. Good? Are you happy with the current results of such a monopoly?

b. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

c. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge: 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)

d. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

3. The good news? If the Republicans keep their promises, they should have at least eight years....and a couple of supreme court justices.

a. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

4. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Oh, come now!!! You actually think that somebody from that motley group of GOP losers can beat Obama??? We'll just see, won't we?? :)
Expect anything.....this is brought to you by the same people who said Obama was a Muslim, and he wants to destroy the economy, and he wants to control every aspect of your life, and he wasn't born in the US
1. It has become a waste of time to discuss whether or not Obama can/will win.
He is more burned than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadoran beach.

a. Even Democrats are scorching him. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., announced his retirement from Congress this afternoon -- and he issued a scathing parting shot at President Obama's track record on his way out." Announcing Retirement, Dem Congressman Bashes Obama - Hotline On Call

b. His poll numbers are down with every constituent group.

c. Think he can come back? Two words: Unemployment, Debt.


2. Oscar Wilde: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

a. There is a very good chance the Republicans will controll the Executive, and the Legislative. Good? Are you happy with the current results of such a monopoly?

b. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

c. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge: 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)

d. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

3. The good news? If the Republicans keep their promises, they should have at least eight years....and a couple of supreme court justices.

a. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

4. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Oh, come now!!! You actually think that somebody from that motley group of GOP losers can beat Obama??? We'll just see, won't we?? :)

Remember when I asked you how long before you removed his pic from your avi?

I see you threw him under the bus.

Most appropriate thing you've done.
So...which Republican are you going to honor in that spot?
1. It has become a waste of time to discuss whether or not Obama can/will win.
He is more burned than Edgar Winter on an Ecuadoran beach.

a. Even Democrats are scorching him. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., announced his retirement from Congress this afternoon -- and he issued a scathing parting shot at President Obama's track record on his way out." Announcing Retirement, Dem Congressman Bashes Obama - Hotline On Call

b. His poll numbers are down with every constituent group.

c. Think he can come back? Two words: Unemployment, Debt.


2. Oscar Wilde: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

a. There is a very good chance the Republicans will controll the Executive, and the Legislative. Good? Are you happy with the current results of such a monopoly?

b. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

c. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge: 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)

d. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

3. The good news? If the Republicans keep their promises, they should have at least eight years....and a couple of supreme court justices.

a. "The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03

4. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Oh, come now!!! You actually think that somebody from that motley group of GOP losers can beat Obama??? We'll just see, won't we?? :)
Expect anything.....this is brought to you by the same people who said Obama was a Muslim, and he wants to destroy the economy, and he wants to control every aspect of your life, and he wasn't born in the US

To expect anything in life is good advice. But I also completely get your other point. Thanks for your input. :)

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