The New Secretary of Education and "jobs"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I have seen many instances where representatives of teachers' unions complain that charter schools and vouchers (both supported by B. DeVos) will cost "jobs."

But this is patent nonsense. Worst case, they could result in the loss of a job or two for unionized teachers, but in those cases, an equal number of teacher jobs would be created in the private or charter schools.

So the claim of "lost jobs" is not only false, but OBVIOUSLY false. And yet the Media invariably allows these claims to go unchallenged, reporting them as factual assertions.

Is it, or is it not, the job of journalists to report what is said, along with supporting or refuting facts? This is done with The Donald EVERY TIME HE SAYS ANYTHING THAT IS EVEN QUESTIONABLE. Counter "facts" re reported in the same article.
They take money away from public schools, soon you will have only schools that teach young earth creationism. Devos is a lunatic.
Penny, in one case (charter schools) the money goes from one public school to another. In the other case, a STUDENT leaves the public school, and a fraction of the cost to educate her follows.
I have seen many instances where representatives of teachers' unions complain that charter schools and vouchers (both supported by B. DeVos) will cost "jobs."

But this is patent nonsense. Worst case, they could result in the loss of a job or two for unionized teachers, but in those cases, an equal number of teacher jobs would be created in the private or charter schools.

So the claim of "lost jobs" is not only false, but OBVIOUSLY false. And yet the Media invariably allows these claims to go unchallenged, reporting them as factual assertions.

Is it, or is it not, the job of journalists to report what is said, along with supporting or refuting facts? This is done with The Donald EVERY TIME HE SAYS ANYTHING THAT IS EVEN QUESTIONABLE. Counter "facts" re reported in the same article.

Those new jobs will be at even lower salary than public school teachers are currently forced to suffer. Those schools will also have lowered qualifications and lower standards.
This is basic economics:

The more you pay teachers, the more desirable the occupation becomes. The more desirable an occupation becomes, the more people who apply for jobs. The more people who apply for jobs, the more choice (and thus better options) schools have to employ the best people for the jobs.

This isn't rocket science.

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