The New Elite-Businesses Offer Perks to Vaccinated Customers


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
Ill :lmao: if people "scorn" me for not wanting to inject an experimental technology in my body that forever changes my RNA.
Soon, they will be requiring people to wear the equivalent of the Jew Star sewn into the clothing of Jewish children in during WWII.

Want to be a member of society but cherish freedom too much? Here, pin this to your clothes you unvaxxed heathen, and remember, you are restricted to just the ghettos.
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
Let me get this straight. You think private business should be regulated to prevent them from offering perks to customers they want to attract or influence? What country are you from, again?
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
Let me get this straight. You think private business should be regulated to prevent them from offering perks to customers they want to attract or influence? What country are you from, again?
Do get it I advocated nothing that you are ascribing to me. I made an observation. This is the state of affairs..and will be the way things are for a while. How it is juxtaposed with our culture wars--further acerbating division..being my focus.
Public health mandates in the private sector are is described in the article. That was settled with smoking bans. Businesses may do as they will..and let the market decide.
I think vaxxing and be a personal decision--hopefully a medical one and not a political one.
Perhaps you might stop that knee from jerking quite so the article...and give it some thought before you post nonsense~
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
I got a free happy ending at the Asian massage parlor with my covid passport.
Soon, they will be requiring people to wear the equivalent of the Jew Star sewn into the clothing of Jewish children in during WWII.

Want to be a member of society but cherish freedom too much? Here, pin this to your clothes you unvaxxed heathen, and remember, you are restricted to just the ghettos.
If it was a free MAGA hat for vaccinations you'd break your leg getting there over hell and high water.
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
Let me get this straight. You think private business should be regulated to prevent them from offering perks to customers they want to attract or influence? What country are you from, again?
Do get it I advocated nothing that you are ascribing to me. I made an observation. This is the state of affairs..and will be the way things are for a while. How it is juxtaposed with our culture wars--further acerbating division..being my focus.
Public health mandates in the private sector are is described in the article. That was settled with smoking bans. Businesses may do as they will..and let the market decide.
I think vaxxing and be a personal decision--hopefully a medical one and not a political one.
Perhaps you might stop that knee from jerking quite so the article...and give it some thought before you post nonsense~
To me, it is the same as getting a better deal on my insurance, because I don't have accidents. They want my business more and figure I will cost them less expense and am better for their business model. Does this mean they scorn people that are not as cautious. Probably.

So what, if they don't want my business, someone does ... :thup:
The kicker is that the vaccinated people are running around talking about what kind of risk the unvaccinated people may present to them.

Guess they don't think that vaccine is as effective as they would like.
Or they are worried about possibly passing the virus on to all the other unvaccinated people they hang out with when they aren't enjoying the perks.

So what, if they don't want my business, someone does ... :thup:
The kicker is that the vaccinated people are running around talking about what kind of risk the unvaccinated people may present to them.

Guess they don't think that vaccine is as effective as they would like.
Or they are worried about possibly passing the virus on to all the other unvaccinated people they hang out with when they aren't enjoying the perks.
I am more than willing to have sex with unvaccinated women.
Soon, they will be requiring people to wear the equivalent of the Jew Star sewn into the clothing of Jewish children in during WWII.

Want to be a member of society but cherish freedom too much? Here, pin this to your clothes you unvaxxed heathen, and remember, you are restricted to just the ghettos.
If it was a free MAGA hat for vaccinations you'd break your leg getting there over hell and high water.
Then why are you for the vaccines? You are the pests of human history. The ones who will sell out your neighbors. Doing your duty for the glory of the all powerful state. Only it won't stop there. Nasty states consolidate and economies get smaller. Many saw this coming as our government has removed more and more rights over the decades. Most of Trump's agendas were backed by near all politicians at one time or another. Somehow we had a 4 year war on most of them that were of sense. Now a few months in with the false one as potentate and the nation is flailing around like a headless chicken.
Soon, they will be requiring people to wear the equivalent of the Jew Star sewn into the clothing of Jewish children in during WWII.

Want to be a member of society but cherish freedom too much? Here, pin this to your clothes you unvaxxed heathen, and remember, you are restricted to just the ghettos.
If it was a free MAGA hat for vaccinations you'd break your leg getting there over hell and high water.
Making up shit again because you cannot refute My statements?

I don't now, nor will I ever, wear apparel for political affiliations.

So, run along now and go suck on a car exhaust pipe.
Soon, they will be requiring people to wear the equivalent of the Jew Star sewn into the clothing of Jewish children in during WWII.

Want to be a member of society but cherish freedom too much? Here, pin this to your clothes you unvaxxed heathen, and remember, you are restricted to just the ghettos.
If it was a free MAGA hat for vaccinations you'd break your leg getting there over hell and high water.
Then why are you for the vaccines? You are the pests of human history. The ones who will sell out your neighbors. Doing your duty for the glory of the all powerful state. Only it won't stop there. Nasty states consolidate and economies get smaller. Many saw this coming as our government has removed more and more rights over the decades. Most of Trump's agendas were backed by near all politicians at one time or another. Somehow we had a 4 year war on most of them that were of sense. Now a few months in with the false one as potentate and the nation is flailing around like a headless chicken.
I was paid to take mine.. It was easy money.
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
I got a free happy ending at the Asian massage parlor with my covid passport.

Was the guy fat?
Does this mean that gym owners who don't require masks won't be arrested? Bars and restaurants won't have to require masks?
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.

It's a personal choice to get the vaccination but I believe it's a bad choice to not get it.

I wouldn't be surprised if far right winger sued businesses or employers over this. In which case it will be interesting to see how the cause is ruled.

I know some states have already passed legislation to outlaw vaccination documents. I wonder what will happen to employers in those states who require vaccination for an employee to go to work.
So it has come to this...those who vax will be full participators in our society,,those who do not will be scorned..and relegated to the back of the bus..for the foreseeable future:

At Fort Bragg, soldiers who have gotten their coronavirus vaccines can go to a gym where no masks are required, with no limits on who can work out together. Treadmills are on and zipping, unlike those in 13 other gyms where unvaccinated troops can’t use the machines, everyone must mask up and restrictions remain on how many can bench-press at one time.
Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced that sporting venues and churches would be able to increase capacity by adding sections for the vaccinated.
Inside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, where lines not long ago snaked for miles with people seeking coronavirus vaccines, a special seating area allows those who are fully inoculated to enjoy games side by side with other fans.
When Bill Dugan reopens Madam’s Organ, his legendary blues bar in Washington, D.C., people will not be allowed in to work, drink or play music unless they can prove they have had their shots. “I have a saxophone player who is among the best in the world. He was in the other day, and I said, ‘Walter, take a good look around because you’re not walking in here again unless you get vaccinated.’”
Evite and Paperless Post are seeing a big increase in hosts requesting that their guests be vaccinated.
As the United States nudges against the soft ceiling of those who will willingly take the vaccine, governments, businesses and schools have been extending carrots — actually doughnuts, beers and cheesecake — to prod laggards along. Some have even offered cold hard cash: In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine this week went so far as to say that the state would give five vaccinated people $1 million each as part of a weekly lottery program.
Now, private employers, restaurants and entertainment venues are looking for ways to make those who are vaccinated feel like V.I.P.s, both to protect workers and guests, and to possibly entice those not yet on board.
Come summer, the nation may become increasingly bifurcated between those who are permitted to watch sports, take classes, get their hair cut and eat barbecue with others, and those who are left behind the spike protein curtain.
Access and privilege among the vaccinated may rule for the near future, in public and private spaces.
I got a free happy ending at the Asian massage parlor with my covid passport.
I didn't know that they had gay Asian massage parlors for you, Moon.
This will last until the families of the vaxxed file lawsuits against employers who require the vax.

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