The nation is split like never before


His words are your source for this moron.
ANd his statement was that when you are rich and famous women LET you do stuff.
Do you know what it means when a women LETS you do something?
That's consent.
YOu are attacking this man for him stating that he has had consensual sexual contact with women.
That is your stated reason for calling him divisive debunked.

So, will you admit you were wrong, or will you double down on being an ass?

If it is not so divisive how come he was slammed by so many people for it? Do you even know what the word means?

Yeah, he said they "let' him do it. His words, not theirs. That's like Charlie Manson saying Sharon Tate 'let' his followers shoot her. Are you this dumb? Of course you are. You're a Deplorable Trump supporter. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

1. That you lefties are good at manufacturing outrage over nothing is not evidence of wrong doing.

2. No, it is like a man was bragging about how being rich and famous led to women being more receptive to his advances.
Shove your serial killer analogies up your dishonest ass.

THe people in this situation who are being divisive are the ones that are viciously smearing good people for supporting a man who admitted that he liked being rich and famous and being liked by women.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.

It began decades ago, but the real rift was created by Obama.
Obama irritated many racist whites. They came out in full force to elect Trump. As a white American I am shocked by the number of white racists in our country.
They are such idiots, they do not feel they are racists. They feel whites are being discriminated against.

Yeah you are a tool, and about as stupid as they come.

His words are your source for this moron.
ANd his statement was that when you are rich and famous women LET you do stuff.
Do you know what it means when a women LETS you do something?
That's consent.
YOu are attacking this man for him stating that he has had consensual sexual contact with women.
That is your stated reason for calling him divisive debunked.

So, will you admit you were wrong, or will you double down on being an ass?

If it is not so divisive how come he was slammed by so many people for it? Do you even know what the word means?

Yeah, he said they "let' him do it. His words, not theirs. That's like Charlie Manson saying Sharon Tate 'let' his followers shoot her. Are you this dumb? Of course you are. You're a Deplorable Trump supporter. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

1. That you lefties are good at manufacturing outrage over nothing is not evidence of wrong doing.

2. No, it is like a man was bragging about how being rich and famous led to women being more receptive to his advances.
Shove your serial killer analogies up your dishonest ass.

THe people in this situation who are being divisive are the ones that are viciously smearing good people for supporting a man who admitted that he liked being rich and famous and being liked by women.
And sexually assaulting them, idiot.

My point stands, Working class whites are Trump's base, they have traditionally been the back bone of this great nation, and for you to consider them deplorable is just you being an asshole. Fuck you.

There is not one FIrst World nation with a sustainable fertility or budget situation, and the solutions of the various political classes are worse than the disease.

INternational liberals had a similar response to Reagan. THey laughed at him as a "hick" and "Cowboy" when he predicted that the Soviet Union would end up on the ash heap of history.

The world can be wrong, and one American can be right.

Fuck them all.

1) That is right. Working class white trailer trash are his Deplorable base. However there is another group of working class - white and otherwise - who are not. And they see him for the Orange Buffoon that he is.

2) LOL re First World budget situation. You haven't a clue. Plenty of first-world countries on this list with whose debt to % if GDP is below 100%. In some cases, well below 100%. Is the United States the World's Most Indebted Country? Not Even Close

3) Long before you brought your Deplorable arse to this board there was a poster who outlined in a clinical timeline on the demise of the Soviet Union. It started in the 1950s, well before Ronnie Raygun came along. He just happened to be the wrong president and the right time. Good on him though. There was a time when I thought I'd never see such a loser president in my life time, then along came Dumbya. And as if to double down, the Deplorables decided to elect the Orange "laughing stock of the world" Buffoon. You couldn't make this shit up.
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1. That you lefties are good at manufacturing outrage over nothing is not evidence of wrong doing.

2. No, it is like a man was bragging about how being rich and famous led to women being more receptive to his advances.
Shove your serial killer analogies up your dishonest ass.

THe people in this situation who are being divisive are the ones that are viciously smearing good people for supporting a man who admitted that he liked being rich and famous and being liked by women.

Typical behaviour. Only a true Deplorable would see themselves as good. I mean they voted for such a disgusting human being and somehow think it is a good thing.
No, by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated.

So failure to lick the boots of you Stalinist thugs is "divisive?"

Daring to have thoughts not proscribed by the party is "divisive?" Failure to bow to our Communist overlords is "divisive?"

The next 16 years are going to be rough for you Comrade.

You Stalinists are dull of wit and evil of heart, you have no clue what you have done. The normals are "woke." You reap the whirlwind now, Comrade.

You'll spout the idiocy that the hate sites that do your thinking for you program you with, you are but a drone in the Stalinist hive, an unthinking node of the collective. But here is what is going to happen - though you will scream NUHN UNH right now. In 2018 the GOP will increase their hold on the Senate and the house. Worse, the leftist bootlickers like McCain will be dumped by their own party, in old Open Borders case, he will be dead. The house will significantly increase the hold of the GOP. Your rulers will condition you to shriek that the Russians hacked the election or that martians interfered or other stupidity, because between now and the election you will be vomiting the script of your politburo that Communism will rule unopposed. Then in 2020, Trump will win reelection. You and your fellow Khmer Rouge will riot and throw a temper tantrum for the ages, you may even get shot by the normals who have had enough of your treason. You will claim the Klingons fixed the election and point to how many more illegals in California voted for Maxine Waters or Kim Jong Un, who ever the fuck you of the traitors party run.

Oh, you'll pout NUHN UHN just like a good little Brown Shirt, but WHEN this comes to pass, because it will, try and remember that you were told it would go this way. You Communist have poked the normals with a sharp stick, repeatedly - now we are awake and paying attention to your treason.
Trump and his followers are not true Republicans with conservative values. Trump and supporters have hijacked the Republican party.
Trumpsters can best be described as white nationalists.

You're right to panic. The normals have never stood up to you Stalinists before. You riot and crush civil rights with little more than a disapproving look. But now the nation is actively pushing back against your treason, and you have no idea what to do. You sure don't have the force of arms to pull of the coup you are engaged in. Your rulers swore America would fall without resistance.

We're taking our nation back Comrade. Trump is just a bitter taste of what is to come. We intend to restore the Bill of Rights, ALL of it. Freedom of speech, no more will taxpayer funds be furnished to leftist institutions that outlaw thought and competing ideas. No more will police use guns to crush religious rights, the days of "bake the cake peasant" and at an end. And yes, we will not only have arms, and yes, I mean guns, but we will have guns with that scary plastic you demonize. We will keep them and BEAR them, just as that Constitution you have worked so hard to destroy states. The age of you Stalinists is coming to a close, your rule is done. The normals are woke.
Hatred of anyone to the right of Pol Pot. Mostly hatred of whites, straight men, and Christians.

You're a Stalinist.

Don't hate any of those people. However, some are misguided. At the risk of sounding like we're in the school yard, your straight white Christian males are the ones trying to enforce their world view on others.

Oh, we see that Comrade Brown Shirt.


If he's not a conservative, then why do you hate him so much?

Trump is an impediment to the Stalinist agenda.

Simple as that. The Communists truly believed that America would be over by now. Hillary in, one more Marxist on SCOTUS, and America gone for good.

Elmer and the other Stalinists are in shock that their victory in ending the Constitution and particularly the Bill of Rights did not come to pass.

Your words.

"by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated."

You lefties don't like it when we point out that words have real meanings and that what you like to think in your head doesn't justify your shit.

How am I wrong? The dumb things he says are divisive...and?

Far less divisive than the dumb things you say.
That is very creative come back. A come back you would expect to hear on a grade school playground. I know you are but what am I.

You are indeed a racist. I merely noted that the finger you pointed at the Americans you so bitterly hate left thee fingers pointing back at you. Virtually any post from you and your fellow Stalinists is infantile, grade school level demagoguery. Without slander and libel, you would be struck mute.
You have to be kidding. You obviously will never reproduce because you're too fucking stupid to get the task done.
Of course, we understand that part of this hated of Trump is rooted in envy. He gets laid whereas you get the "let's just be friends" line.

He gets laid by 'grabbing' women's pussies? hhhmmm...interesting...
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Just admit you have never had sex with a women. I can't vouch for animals, though.

Many a pillow has Elmer's teeth, er I mean Tooth mark in it....
i see it more like the Smart VS the Terminally Stupid

Yup, rational thinking versus emotional irrational thinking.

None of the Trump haters wants to hear what they can do to make themselves and their country better. They want to hear what will be given to them for free.
The problem is that often unity will promote the unity from one side, and cause division on the other, while those who see only unity shout out that they're the patriots because they blah blah blah, while all the while they're causing the bullshit that stops unity in the first place.

The Republicans are hardly a party of unity, now are they? They like the idea of unity, but unity by them forcing others to do what they want them to do.

Hence why they like war, it causes everyone to be patriotic and support their ideas of bomb, killing, death and destruction, and giving legitimate reasons to take away liberty, freedom and a voice, in exchange for their idea of security which is more violence for them to be tough against.

I'm calling BULLSHIT on your argument.

Has it EVER occurred to you that the two party system is an illusion?
How many "Republican" politicians don't support the wishes of the conservative voter base? Why do you think that is? Why is it that even with a "Republican controlled" legislature and "Republican" President, they STILL cannot get a damn thing done?

Maybe, just maybe because a higher order wants it that way? That same higher order makes it illegal for you to generate wind power on your own property, store rainwater, and forbids growing food on your own land....

As long as you're hung up on it being a Republican vs Democrat thing only, you're the blinded one.

It's not that it's an illusion.

What you're talking about is that because there are two parties that need to appeal to a large percentage of the country (like more than 25%, Trump got a little more than 25% of the potential votes last year) that they don't bother appealing to what the voters actually want, they TELL THEM what they want. The Koch brothers have changed the political landscape by convincing right wingers to become more right wing, for example, but they're not the only ones by far. The Democrats do the same thing. The amount the CDU spent on the Germany election that's just finished was about the same as ONE SENATOR spent to win his race in Pennsylvania. That money is being spent on telling people what to think, mostly through advertisements, but not always the normal advertisement, sometimes it's writing articles and placing them in certain magazines with a distinct bias etc.

This is why I support Proportional Representation.
The good news is that he is loved in Kenya, Tanzania, The Philippines, Vietnam, Russia and Nigeria. Wow, would love to live in those places. Meanwhile he is hated is such third world shit holes as Australia, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, UK. Canada, Spain, Italy and Argentina.

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

INternational liberals had a similar response to Reagan. THey laughed at him as a "hick" and "Cowboy" when he predicted that the Soviet Union would end up on the ash heap of history.

The world can be wrong, and one American can be right.

Fuck them all.
Notice that Herr Gump never answered my question about whether he had ever touched a woman's genitals. It's a dilemma for him. If he says "no," we all laugh at him, and if he says "yes," then he unmasks himself as a giant hypocrite.

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