The Myth of Innocent Palestinians - 75% Support the Slaughter of Innocent Civilians


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Arab World for Research and Development conducted a poll and found all but a minuscule handful support murdering civilians.

Well, as Karma says, Karma does.

And some polls from before the 10/7 terrorist attack:

3/4 want more terrorist groups:

As I have posted previously on this site, these poll results pretty much put an end to any thoughts of a two-state solution. The second "state," producing nothing of value, would merely exist for the purpose of harassing and ultimately eliminating the State of Israel. There must be only one State in the Holy Land, and those who will not pledge their allegiance to that state must be deported to other Islamist shit-hole countries, where they will be at home. They are generic Arabs who are linguistically, culturally and ethnically aligned with most of the former Ottoman empire. Make them go someplace else.

Remember that those same countries have been "cleansed" of Jews for the past 100 years, so there is a precedent for massive relocation.
Arab World for Research and Development conducted a poll and found all but a minuscule handful support murdering civilians.

Well, as Karma says, Karma does.

And some polls from before the 10/7 terrorist attack:

3/4 want more terrorist groups:

Racist society
They see their innocent neighbors lying dead in the street and you expect them to be different?
As I have posted previously on this site, these poll results pretty much put an end to any thoughts of a two-state solution. The second "state," producing nothing of value, would merely exist for the purpose of harassing and ultimately eliminating the State of Israel. There must be only one State in the Holy Land, and those who will not pledge their allegiance to that state must be deported to other Islamist shit-hole countries, where they will be at home. They are generic Arabs who are linguistically, culturally and ethnically aligned with most of the former Ottoman empire. Make them go someplace else.

Remember that those same countries have been "cleansed" of Jews for the past 100 years, so there is a precedent for massive relocation.
When the Pals say no peace until every Jew is dead as they shoot at Israeli civilians, you really don’t have a place to even start negotiations.
They see their innocent neighbors lying dead in the street and you expect them to be different?
The Hysterical old people here are so entrained to Racism that they literally froth when anybody hints at their mental health problems .

Apparently they cannot see the blind hate that exists on both sides and certainly do not begin to understand that people who have been villified and down trodden tend to be very unhappy and given half a chance to exact some sort of retribution they then reverse roles .

It's all about sowing and reaping .As ever .
The Hysterical old people here are so entrained to Racism that they literally froth when anybody hints at their mental health problems .

Apparently they cannot see the blind hate that exists on both sides and certainly do not begin to understand that people who have been villified and down trodden tend to be very unhappy and given half a chance to exact some sort of retribution they then reverse roles .

It's all about sowing and reaping .As ever .
The BOTH SIDES Bullshit again!
The Hysterical old people here are so entrained to Racism that they literally froth when anybody hints at their mental health problems .
The mods approve of these comments because none of them get deleted.
A Jewish newspaper/website is maybe not the most trustworthy source of information. Probably close to true though, IMHO. It does look like the conflict in the ME will never stop until Israel doesn't exist and every Jew there is dead. Forget the 2-state solution, it will never work.
Israel is surrounded by 250M citizens who don't share their religious views or otherwise. If Israel laid down ther arms they would be attacked the same day. Whereas if all nations around them laid down their arms they would have peace. It is probably sinilar to Canada and the U.S to be honest, if Canada had your military we would have attacked or at least subjugated America long ago.
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Israel is surrounded by 250M citizens who don't share their religious views or otherwise. If Israel laid down ther arms they would be attacked the same day. Whereas if all nations around them laid down their arms they would have peace. It is probably sinilar to Canada and the U.S to be honest, if Canada had your military we would have attacked America long ago.

I didn't know that you guys hated us. Okay, maybe we are a buncha smug pricks, but still. You'd wipe us all out? We got some hot-looking babes down here, y'know?
I didn't know that you guys hated us. Okay, maybe we are a buncha smug pricks, but still. You'd wipe us all out? We got some hot-looking babes down here, y'know?
You make light of it but you don't realy underatand our system. You are getting closer to ours though so you may understand it better in the near future.

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