The mystery case of Jean Hillard - a proof for existence of God


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The satanic MS 'medias' hide from you the Jean Hillard's story, they want your soul goes to Hell and belongs to their King Satan.Below you can see one of tens of millions proofs for Existence of God. The prayers of believers saved her.Atheists, democrats, liberals & Co, you can not deny Existence of God, repent and go to church!

"The hospital staff was doing everything it could. But Rosie Erickson, a hospital office worker, worried it wouldn’t be enough. She knew that Jean needed a miracle:
“I called the pastor of our church and I stated simply that Jean Hilliard from the Lengby area was brought into the hospital in a frozen condition, very critical, and that she needed prayer.”
With the blessing of the family, the word went out. A prayer chain started about 9:00 that morning. Within 10 minutes, more than 30 people were praying for Jean.
The odds against Jean were enormous. But two hours later, Jean suddenly went into violent convulsions. It was a good sign, but the danger was far from over. Doctors worried that even if Jean regained consciousness she might have serious brain damage. And the frostbite was so severe that amputating Jean’s legs seemed inevitable. Then Jean regained consciousness:"

The Mystery of Ice Woman Jean Hilliard - Unsolved Mysteries
How do you know Jean wasn't brought back to life by Satan to give birth to the anti-Christ?
How do you know Jean wasn't brought back to life by Satan to give birth to the anti-Christ?

Only Jesus can defeat Death.
Satan can only kill and robe souls

The satanic MS 'medias' hide from you the Jean Hillard's story, they want your soul goes to Hell and belongs to their King Satan.

project much ...

* youTub is ms media -

** your phony 4th century bible had nothing to do with her recovery - there is no messiah or satan, sorry.
The satanic MS 'medias' hide from you the Jean Hillard's story, they want your soul goes to Hell and belongs to their King Satan.Below you can see one of tens of millions proofs for Existence of God. The prayers of believers saved her.Atheists, democrats, liberals & Co, you can not deny Existence of God, repent and go to church!

"The hospital staff was doing everything it could. But Rosie Erickson, a hospital office worker, worried it wouldn’t be enough. She knew that Jean needed a miracle:
“I called the pastor of our church and I stated simply that Jean Hilliard from the Lengby area was brought into the hospital in a frozen condition, very critical, and that she needed prayer.”
With the blessing of the family, the word went out. A prayer chain started about 9:00 that morning. Within 10 minutes, more than 30 people were praying for Jean.
The odds against Jean were enormous. But two hours later, Jean suddenly went into violent convulsions. It was a good sign, but the danger was far from over. Doctors worried that even if Jean regained consciousness she might have serious brain damage. And the frostbite was so severe that amputating Jean’s legs seemed inevitable. Then Jean regained consciousness:"

The Mystery of Ice Woman Jean Hilliard - Unsolved Mysteries

The first thing that made me laugh was calling it a mystery....then pretending you knew the answers, making it "not a mystery".

The second thing that made me laugh was the acceptance of such an extraordinary claim on such terrible evidence ("not evidence" is more correct).
This is the only prophet i follow... :)

The earth will shake in two will break and death all around will be your dowry.

That will happen... In about 7-8 billion years. Guaranteed. Done deal...

Until then, we have to get rid of the fanatical ideology of "God". Unless we wish it to happen sooner.
Double plural; "medias" (sic)? Media is the plural term. Medium is the singular.

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