The more you know


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Social Security Supports Your Local Economy | Entitled to Know

Social Security pumps $725 billion into the national economy each year. That’s a lot of groceries, utilities and other life necessities that keep local businesses and their employees working. Social Security, like unemployment insurance, is typically spent right away because it’s not “extra” for those who receive it. For the average senior, Social Security is essential to their day-to-day survival and it puts real dollars to work in our local and state economies.

Peter Peterson Spent Nearly Half A Billion In Washington Targeting Social Security, Medicare

According to a review of tax documents from 2007 through 2011, Peterson has personally contributed at least $458 million to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation to cast Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and government spending as in a state of crisis, in desperate need of dramatic cuts. Peterson's millions have done next to nothing to change public opinion: In survey after survey, Americans reject the idea of cutting Social Security and Medicare. A recent national tour organized by AmericaSpeaks and largely funded by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation was met by audiences who rebuffed his proposals.

But Peterson has been able to drive a major shift in elite consensus about government spending, with talk of "grand bargains" that would slash entitlements, cut corporate tax rates and end personal tax breaks, such as the mortgage deduction, that benefit the middle class.

To put Peterson's spending in context, all corporations and unions combined spent less than $4 billion on lobbying in 2011. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was heading over to the summit on Tuesday afternoon to protest. During his entire federal career, beginning in 1989, Sanders has raised $16,566,611, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, roughly 3 percent of what Peterson has spent in just a few years.

[ame=]Social Security: Promises Made, Promises Broken - YouTube[/ame]

I find it ridiculous that we pay in for our entire working lives - and this is what the government thinks needs to be cut. With all the government waste there is, with all the good that social security does, this is what they want to cut??
I wish they would teach people what it was like in this country BEFORE ss.

The elderly were very poor
"Social Security pumps $725 billion into the national economy each year."

After sucking a Trillion dollars out and allowing government bureaucrats to take the difference.

Does anyone understand the concept of math?
I know a few right wing people who told me they would NEVER collect SS.

they all did
"Social Security pumps $725 billion into the national economy each year."

After sucking a Trillion dollars out and allowing government bureaucrats to take the difference.

Does anyone understand the concept of math?

Yes, and we have the concept that you are full of shit. SS is one of the lowest overhead programs ever ran, whether government or private.
SS was not developed to raise the elderly out of poverty. That's just a historical fact. Social Security was developed to reduce the burden on yourng working families who up to that time housed and cared for elderly parents themselves.
hell they hate the Post office and tried to distroy it even though it paid for its self.

That was to attack unions I think
SS was not developed to raise the elderly out of poverty. That's just a historical fact. Social Security was developed to reduce the burden on yourng working families who up to that time housed and cared for elderly parents themselves.

Dear idiot, there is often many reason to do a GOOD THING

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