The media wants a recession


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
...and they are actively trying to talk the nation into one....see?...they don't care about you...they care about themselves only...

Even though some high-profile experts claim the U.S. is not headed for a recession right now, the liberal news media continued to promote economic pessimism during the summer of 2019.

Despite 3.7 percent (near record-low) unemployment, wage gains, confident consumers and growing economy, liberal journalists obsessed over recession every single day of June and July.

More recently, at least one journalist openly sided with left-wing comedian Bill Maher who wants a recession to get rid of President Donald Trump. NBC’s Richard Engel chimed in “Short-term pain might be better than long-term destruction of the constitution,” after Maher said “I really do” want a recession on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher Aug. 9.

Liberal Media Hype ‘Recession’ Fears Every Single Day in June and July
Don't fall for their lies...

A recession is generally considered two quarters or more of negative economic growth. That hasn’t stopped the media from pushing “dark clouds” and the likelihood of a recession coming soon, possibly even before the 2020 election. That could have serious consequences if economist Mohamed El-Erian was correct when he warned “we’ve got to be careful because we can talk ourselves into a recession.”
They did it to Bush....and they will try to do it again....

The media’s hatred for Trump and his policies was evident as they blamed him for creating conditions that could cause a recession. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes called Trump “hellbent” on causing one, while Business Insider wrote that “economists” feared the same thing. Another time, an economic analyst on Morning Joe accused Trump of being “on the verge of taking the ball and throwing it into the grandstand”rather than scoring a touchdown.
Times are good...people are happy...except for libtards...but the economy is strong...too strong for the liars in the media to them get frustrated as hell as they try....
"You will never get the truth from the national media"
Bill Oreily

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