The media has no reason to blast William Barr for his doing his job

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The media has no reason to blast William Barr for his doing his job
With all of the breathless headlines of the last two weeks, it is astonishing that the entire city of Washington is not swooning from hypoxia.

Much of the media have blasted out the news that Attorney General William Barr is “implicated” in the Ukraine scandal, after sources said he pressed leaders in Australia, Italy and England to supply evidence about the origins of the Russia investigation. Esquire Magazine was a tad more descriptive, proclaiming Barr was now “far up s--t creek” because of his calls.

Yet not only is there a valid reason for such calls, but they could indicate that the creek could become a storm of sorts for Democrats over the coming weeks. The calls made by Barr were reportedly linked to the ongoing investigation by United States Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation. It is not uncommon for an attorney general, or even a president, to ask foreign leaders to assist with ongoing investigations. Such calls can shortcut bureaucratic red tape, particularly if the evidence is held, as with this case, by national security or justice officials. A call to request assistance for the Durham investigation would “implicate” Barr in nothing other than an official investigation.

The bottom line is the truth is coming and they are scared, putting out every distraction possible .
People with even a lick of sense see that as preposterous.
Attorney General William Barr is “implicated” in the Ukraine scandal, after sources said he pressed leaders in Australia, Italy and England to supply evidence about the origins of the Russia investigation

Isn't that just too perfect?

Change the "whistleblower" rules...then make something up to take Trump out...but implicate his AG and SOS (pompeo) as well so we can force them to recuse themselves (just like we did to sessions).

You failed again democrats :laughing0301:

I haven't had this much fun since watching the coyote chase the roadrunner!

meeep meep :)
Isn't that just too perfect?

Change the "whistleblower" rules...then make something up to take Trump out...but implicate his AG and SOS (pompeo) as well so we can force them to recuse themselves (just like we did to sessions).

You failed again democrats :laughing0301:

I haven't had this much fun since watching the coyote chase the roadrunner!

meeep meep :)
Laura used that analogy too. It
was pretty good.
Thank God someone is finally doing the Job. Bill Barr stands to become a great American hero for exposing the Democratic coup d'etat we are currently experienncing. It is the job Sessions should have been doing all along.

You have to not only respect Trump, but also feel sorry for the number of people who have stabbed him in the back.

If you have watched Trump's Presidency closely (as my wife & I have) you see that he has been fought tooth and nail since the day he won the election, and yet he still stands. Furthermore, there have been many times when he sounded like a "whack-job" when he proved to be perfectly on target.

Remember how people laughed at him when he said "I think the Obama White House has my phones tapped?" - and it was true? Remember all the times he told us how many people were coming to his rallies, and yet the media would NEVER show the crowds. It reminds of that idiot on MSNBC (Joe the Plumber or something) who said he could get as big a crowd at the Lincoln Memorial as Glenn Beck did, and he failed miserably - yet the media totally lied about the numbers.

Listen - trust the American people - they are SO MUCH BETTER INFORMED than they used to be.

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