The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump Read more: https://www.americanthinker


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.
So if they spend all their time doing that, nothing gets accomplished in the House?

I see the opportunity for many Democrat's political careers going down in flames here.

The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.
they can work on that, part-time.
The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.
My you are overemotive In yer blind defense of the man you love. It is normal for congress to probe for answers. I am sure you have no problems with the republicans when they do it.
It’s going to back fire watch. You would figure by now they would have learned something.
It’s going to back fire watch. You would figure by now they would have learned something.

Everything the Dems have done so far has blown up in their faces. Just wait until the American people realize the House Dems are just wishing in one hand and crapping in the other. When things start falling apart here because they're not doing their job, the next election will be a bigger bloodbath than 2016.

What a sad bunch. They remind me of Don Quixote.
You know how all the obamaturds ignored their supeonas? It sets a precedent! Yay! Libtards!
QUOTE="Intolerant, post: 21182439, member: 39750"]It’s going to back fire watch. You would figure by now they would have learned something.[/QUOTE]

They learned the wrong things.

The blue wall is imploding into a poverty zone.

The commies are taking over the party.

And Trump can reduce prescription drug prices with an EO

It's a no exit scenario and the Ds are having fun while they still exist.
The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.

Meh, bring it.
When some of the good, moderate Democrats and Independents see that The DemNazi party hoodwinked and bamboozled them in to believing their candidates were going to go to work in Washington and get things done for the good of the country, and find out instead, every damn candidate lied, The GOP will have a Super Majority in 2020.
The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.
My you are overemotive In yer blind defense of the man you love. It is normal for congress to probe for answers. I am sure you have no problems with the republicans when they do it.

put your ass back into your pants moonie------
This is the correct thing to do! The repukes have failed their nation by pledging allegiance to trump and not the country. Nothing has blown up in the face of Dems only in the minds of the low IQ.
This is the correct thing to do! The repukes have failed their nation by pledging allegiance to trump and not the country. Nothing has blown up in the face of Dems only in the minds of the low IQ.

seems to me that a BIGGER problem is some seemingly
intelligent demos have failed by CLINGING to party loyalty---
Chuck Shumer tops the list
This is the correct thing to do! The repukes have failed their nation by pledging allegiance to trump and not the country. Nothing has blown up in the face of Dems only in the minds of the low IQ.

Oh, right. You mean as like the shameless kabuki theater put on by the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing didn't leave shit all over the Dem's faces? How about the way they carried on during the Gorsuch hearings? That didn't work either right?

How about all the protesting, pink pussy hat-wearing screaming at the sky, and generally acting like three years old babies? That didn't work either.

And the 2016 election? What kind of low-IQ morons lose the most important election of their lifetimes, while running the "smartest woman in the world" whose time had come?

Keep trying though. :21:
This is the correct thing to do! The repukes have failed their nation by pledging allegiance to trump and not the country. Nothing has blown up in the face of Dems only in the minds of the low IQ.

Oh, right. You mean as like the shameless kabuki theater put on by the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing didn't leave shit all over the Dem's faces? How about the way they carried on during the Gorsuch hearings? That didn't work either right?

How about all the protesting, pink pussy hat-wearing screaming at the sky, and generally acting like three years old babies? That didn't work either.

And the 2016 election? What kind of low-IQ morons lose the most important election of their lifetimes, while running the "smartest woman in the world" whose time had come?

Keep trying though. :21:
Leave it to the DemNazi party to spend $1.5 Billion Dollars, Rig their primary, Buy a Dirty Dossier from Putin, put Corrupt people in charge of The FBI and DOJ to cover up their crimes, and weaponize The Government to attack their Political Opposition, spy on a presidential candidate and his family, violate his Civil Rights, even going so far to use The Intelligence Community and Media against him, and still fail to win The White House losing to a guy they called The Orange Buffoon, an Idiot, a Pussy Grabber, and a Political Novice that they outspent 10-1.
So if they spend all their time doing that, nothing gets accomplished in the House?

I see the opportunity for many Democrat's political careers going down in flames here.

But we have seen already how stupid brain dead fools keep voting for them so don't count on it.
The mask is off: Democrats get right to work to impeach Trump
Having taken back the House, Democrats aren't waiting around to get seated. They're getting down to business, and sorry voters, it's not the moderate legislation with Medicare fixes they ran on... Nope, they're out to Get Trump... Mike Allen of Axios quotes an insider who describes a coming " subpoena cannon :"
House Democrats plan to probe every aspect of President Trump’s life and work, from family business dealings to the Space Force to his tax returns to possible "leverage" by Russia, top Democrats tell us.
What they're saying: One senior Democratic source said the new majority, which takes power in January, is preparing a "subpoena cannon," like an arena T-shirt cannon.
Based on our reporting and other public sources, Axios' Zach Basu has assembled a list of at least 85 potential Trump-related subpoena targets for the new majority. ( See the list .)
So they're going to go for impeachment right out the gate, looking to expose President Trump's tax records, his firings of this or that official, the creation of the Space Force, Puerto Rico hurricane relief (good luck with that one), White House security clearances, White House email use (amazing hypocrisy on that one), pretty much anything they can throw to the wall and see if it sticks. They've got 85 of such subpoenas in the works.
Guess the moderate schtick they got elected on is kind of over... They haven't even been seated yet and already they're going for the frenzied crazy stuff..... With Democrats ripping their mask off well before they even retake power, with their subpoenas-before-legislation madness, he couldn't be more on target.

Typically, the average moderate voter believed the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats when they said they were going to work for the "Good of the Country". They're feral humans who know only how to destroy everything in their path with hopes of winning the absolute power they lust for.
IMHO, Democrats are preparing to make Two Monumental Mistakes, that is making Pelosi Speaker f the House and actively seeking to impeach President Trump.
Trump needs to appoint a very aggressive AG. to go after all of the Democrat criminals and corruption. First on the agenda, declassify FBI FISA warrants, then Uranium One, Benghazi, and especially Russia-Gate, Hillary and the DNC involvement.
It appears as the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are itching for a civil war. What they’re doing is an other attempted Coup d' Etat, nothing more nothing less and it will end very badly for them. There is ABSOLUTELY no constitutional justification to even try this despicable act. This will end very badly for the Democrats. The PEOPLE who try to save America will fight harder than those trying to destroy it. Remember that. By the way you millennials and public school educated “students,” coup is pronounced coo. Just FYI, so you won’t sound like a stupid liberal should you discuss this subject.
My you are overemotive In yer blind defense of the man you love. It is normal for congress to probe for answers. I am sure you have no problems with the republicans when they do it.
Answers to what? lmao! Russians? lol!

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