The long shot winner from yesterday........objective truth.

Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.

His one vote that was to throw the idiots off...

He voted for the Abuse of Power which is a no brainers but every President has abused their office for financial and political gain with maybe the exception of Jimmy Carter...
When all the partisan posturing, parliamentary wrangling and legalistic arguing are stripped away, the impeachment process that dominated Washington for months produced a set of facts that is largely beyond dispute: The president of the United States pressured a foreign government to take actions aimed at his political opponents.

As the Senate moved toward acquitting President Trump on Wednesday, even some Republicans stopped trying to defend his actions or dispute the evidence, focusing instead on the idea that his conduct did not deserve removal from office, especially in an election year.

Mr. Trump’s “behavior was shameful and wrong,” and “his personal interests do not take precedence over those of this great nation,” Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, said on Monday. She went on to declare that she would nonetheless vote to acquit.

“I believe that attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made,” Mr. Romney added, appearing by turns relieved and nervous — but also determined — as he explained his decision. “And for that reason, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I have no choice under the oath that I took but to express that conclusion.”

In a lengthy statement, Alexander also said Trump's conduct on his July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was "inappropriate."

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation," Alexander said.

"When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law. But the Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year's ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate."
Last edited:
Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Not slave labor, FoxConn...well...yeah, slave labor.
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

YOAR post always deliver. . .

These Republicans said they hope Trump has learned a lesson from impeachment. He said he hasn’t.

Senate Republicans who’ve been uncomfortable with Trump for exerting pressure on Ukraine to launch political probes — but have declined to throw him out of office for it — have come up with a number of what they say are appropriate responses to Trump’s inappropriate conduct, if not impeachment.

But their answers to the question of how to chastise Trump for his dealings with Ukraine amount to little more than a slap on the wrist, again illustrating how Republican lawmakers have struggled to grapple with a president who, in their view, has pushed the boundaries of propriety.

They certainly won’t convict him, and they won’t push for censure, either. So mostly, Republicans who acknowledge that Trump does have some culpability here are hoping that their rhetoric criticizing his behavior will be enough.

“He was impeached, and there has been criticism by both Republican and Democratic senators of his call,” Collins said in a CBS interview. “I believe that he will be much more cautious in the future.”

In a lunch with news anchors Tuesday, Trump was asked about Collins’s contention that he had learned a lesson during impeachment. The president insisted that he had done nothing wrong: “It was a perfect call.”
Not surprisingly, the Liar-in-Chief continues to chose obfuscating reality rather than admitting to it.
When all the partisan posturing, parliamentary wrangling and legalistic arguing are stripped away, the impeachment process that dominated Washington for months produced a set of facts that is largely beyond dispute: The president of the United States pressured a foreign government to take actions aimed at his political opponents.

As the Senate moved toward acquitting President Trump on Wednesday, even some Republicans stopped trying to defend his actions or dispute the evidence, focusing instead on the idea that his conduct did not deserve removal from office, especially in an election year.

Mr. Trump’s “behavior was shameful and wrong,” and “his personal interests do not take precedence over those of this great nation,” Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, said on Monday. She went on to declare that she would nonetheless vote to acquit.

“I believe that attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made,” Mr. Romney added, appearing by turns relieved and nervous — but also determined — as he explained his decision. “And for that reason, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I have no choice under the oath that I took but to express that conclusion.”

In a lengthy statement, Alexander also said Trump's conduct on his July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was "inappropriate."

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation," Alexander said.

"When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law. But the Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year's ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate."

Psst. Don't look now, but Donald Trump is still President.
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
That's a lie.
Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.

His one vote that was to throw the idiots off...

He voted for the Abuse of Power which is a no brainers but every President has abused their office for financial and political gain with maybe the exception of Jimmy Carter...
Please point out other president's similar crimes.
When all the partisan posturing, parliamentary wrangling and legalistic arguing are stripped away, the impeachment process that dominated Washington for months produced a set of facts that is largely beyond dispute: The president of the United States pressured a foreign government to take actions aimed at his political opponents.

As the Senate moved toward acquitting President Trump on Wednesday, even some Republicans stopped trying to defend his actions or dispute the evidence, focusing instead on the idea that his conduct did not deserve removal from office, especially in an election year.

Mr. Trump’s “behavior was shameful and wrong,” and “his personal interests do not take precedence over those of this great nation,” Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, said on Monday. She went on to declare that she would nonetheless vote to acquit.

“I believe that attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made,” Mr. Romney added, appearing by turns relieved and nervous — but also determined — as he explained his decision. “And for that reason, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I have no choice under the oath that I took but to express that conclusion.”

In a lengthy statement, Alexander also said Trump's conduct on his July 25 call with the Ukrainian president was "inappropriate."

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation," Alexander said.

"When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law. But the Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year's ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate."

Psst. Don't look now, but Donald Trump is still President.
The United States does not currently have a legitimate president.
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.

His one vote that was to throw the idiots off...

He voted for the Abuse of Power which is a no brainers but every President has abused their office for financial and political gain with maybe the exception of Jimmy Carter...
Please point out other president's similar crimes.
As though globalist politicians who further the interests of major corporations have their misdeeds reported by the media.
You are an idiot.
These Republicans said they hope Trump has learned a lesson from impeachment. He said he hasn’t.

Senate Republicans who’ve been uncomfortable with Trump for exerting pressure on Ukraine to launch political probes — but have declined to throw him out of office for it — have come up with a number of what they say are appropriate responses to Trump’s inappropriate conduct, if not impeachment.

But their answers to the question of how to chastise Trump for his dealings with Ukraine amount to little more than a slap on the wrist, again illustrating how Republican lawmakers have struggled to grapple with a president who, in their view, has pushed the boundaries of propriety.

They certainly won’t convict him, and they won’t push for censure, either. So mostly, Republicans who acknowledge that Trump does have some culpability here are hoping that their rhetoric criticizing his behavior will be enough.

“He was impeached, and there has been criticism by both Republican and Democratic senators of his call,” Collins said in a CBS interview. “I believe that he will be much more cautious in the future.”

In a lunch with news anchors Tuesday, Trump was asked about Collins’s contention that he had learned a lesson during impeachment. The president insisted that he had done nothing wrong: “It was a perfect call.”
Not surprisingly, the Liar-in-Chief continues to chose obfuscating reality rather than admitting to it.

I think he learned that Democratic Party leadership are weak and persistent losers and easily outsmarted.. :itsok:
Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
That's a lie.

No, no it's really not.

This whole farce was over doing to Trump what we never, ever held Biden to account for.

Democrats like you were stopped because you are still bitter about the 2016 results
Romney's eloquent speech put a lie to that idiotic bullshit.

It is not idiotic bullshit when Schiff himself stated this is about the 2020 election and the last election in 2016!

So you should deal with reality and not what you wish this was about!
This is about the 2020 election and President Trump CHEATING.
Romney, The jobs aren’t coming back?

You realize that the Mormon Church relies heavily on global slave labor.

I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.

His one vote that was to throw the idiots off...

He voted for the Abuse of Power which is a no brainers but every President has abused their office for financial and political gain with maybe the exception of Jimmy Carter...
Please point out other president's similar crimes.
As though globalist politicians who further the interests of major corporations have their misdeeds reported by the media.
You are an idiot.
Oh, my bad.
I forgot.

Even before Mitt Romney's courageous "the emperor has no clothes" moment yesterday the ridiculous perfect call narrative had succumbed to the facts, at least inside the Senate chamber. In statement after statement from Repub senators explaining their vote to acquit they acknowledged what el Duce Don did was unquestionably wrong even if they refused to admit its criminality. In so doing they rejected Trump's and his lawyers' farcical BS defense.

Why does this leave me less than encouraged about the country's future?

Because of the absurdity of having the bar set so low that anyone should deserve credit for the recognition of the unequivocal facts. The House managers essentially left no oxygen in the room for the clownish attempts by Team Turd to spin Don's illegal, immoral, corrupt acts. They made it impossible to sustain the contention Vlad's favorite candidate did nothing wrong for all but the most thoroughly brainwashed zombies who remain under the spell of Dear Leader.

I understand the master deceiver will be speaking about the impeachment today. Just as he completely mischaracterized Mueller's findings of collusion with Russia absent a criminal conspiracy
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and obstruction that could not be prosecuted
he will once again proclaim his innocence despite all the evidence (we haven't been obstructed from seeing) proving the opposite. IOW, he will once more try to obfuscate objective truth. It's what he does. Without his truly frightening ability to do so he'd just be a bloviating crank complaining about his unfair treatment from a jail cell.

'objective' truth?

Very little of that came from the House Managers.

Schiffs closing statement bore the same honesty as his rendition of the transcript.
That's a lie.

No, no it's really not.

This whole farce was over doing to Trump what we never, ever held Biden to account for.

Are you really that brainwashed?
I don't know about the Mormon slave labor camps, need a link please.
But I do know that Mitt's Bain Capital cost the US thousands of jobs and many companies and factories moved overseas.
I recall how the democrats skewered Mitt when he was running for president, and now the asshole votes with them?? WTF??
Once a Never-Trumper always a Never-Trumper.
Been watching MSDNC this morning and Mika Scarblower and the rest of the cast are devoting much of their little watched program to the canonization of the great Mitt Romney for his courageous vote...yada, yada, yada.

His one vote that was to throw the idiots off...

He voted for the Abuse of Power which is a no brainers but every President has abused their office for financial and political gain with maybe the exception of Jimmy Carter...
Please point out other president's similar crimes.
As though globalist politicians who further the interests of major corporations have their misdeeds reported by the media.
You are an idiot.
Oh, my bad.
I forgot.

View attachment 305021
Are you sure you’re an adult?

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