The Logistics of Deporting 11,000,000 please.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
Good luck getting an answer on that one. Even if we deported one million illegals a year, which is logistically damn near impossible, it would take eleven years to get rid of them all and that is assuming more still aren't coming.

The answer isn't making it harder to come here; the solution is making it easier. Both parties are going about this the wrong way. We need to simplify it back to how it was during the Ellis Island days.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.

Americans would ultimately, do it, yes, because the market wage for those jobs would have to increase in order to attract the labor. This is one of the hypocrisies of the left on this issue. You people scream about others not making a "living" wage, yet you have no problem lowering the bar for foreign brown people.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.

Americans would ultimately, do it, yes, because the market wage for those jobs would have to increase in order to attract the labor. This is one of the hypocrisies of the left on this issue. You people scream about others not making a "living" wage, yet you have no problem lowering the bar for foreign brown people.

You people honestly believe that Americans are going to pick lettuce, clean hotel rooms, was cars, and mow lawns?

Get real.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
As American citizens, the babies have no need for visas to enter almost any country the parents are likely to be from. The practicalities. buses, lots of buses.
You people honestly believe that Americans are going to pick lettuce, clean hotel rooms, was cars, and mow lawns?

Get real.

Of course. For the right amount of money just about anyone will do it. Most people don't hate money. Perhaps you're an oddball.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.

Americans would ultimately, do it, yes, because the market wage for those jobs would have to increase in order to attract the labor. This is one of the hypocrisies of the left on this issue. You people scream about others not making a "living" wage, yet you have no problem lowering the bar for foreign brown people.

You people honestly believe that Americans are going to pick lettuce, clean hotel rooms, was cars, and mow lawns?

Get real.

People seem to think this an easy question with an easy answer.

Yes, we should pay a living wage, no matter who is doing the work but doing so drives small family farms,businesses out of business and makes it impossible for many US citizens to afford to buy those products and services.

We're seeing family farms going bankrupt and selling their land and equipment at auction. Its not other family farms who are buying them out. Its big business because they're the ones who can afford to and they're paying pennies on the dollar.

And no - Americans are not going to do the work that illegals do. They haven't so far and that's not going to change. Hell, I can't even find someone to do labor-type work for a competitive wage, on my own property.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
As American citizens, the babies have no need for visas to enter almost any country the parents are likely to be from. The practicalities. buses, lots of buses.

Lots of buses and $137BILLION.

And, how would you find them?
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.

Hmmmm, if they are not allowed to work, attend school free, not given free health care, and jailed when caught, the logistics are easy.

They leave
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
As American citizens, the babies have no need for visas to enter almost any country the parents are likely to be from. The practicalities. buses, lots of buses.

Lots of buses and $137BILLION.

And, how would you find them?
That's a bargain!

Anyway, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an illegal in some parts of the country. Where can you find them, lol!
Actually, there are two phases to a proposed deportation program.

1) You must secure the border first. Deporting someone who can just walk back in the next day is self-defeating.

2) There does not need to be some massive deportation program. We don't need to roll gray buses through the neighborhoods picking up the people with the yellow IA on their shirt. Instead, we simply deport them - using procedures currently in place - as they come to the attention of authorities. Stopped for speeding? Get deported. Arrested for domestic abuse? Get deported. The good ones stay; the bad ones go. With no in-bound illegals (see 1), the problem eventually goes away.

3) Those children born of illegal immigrants (both parents) should be deported with their parents. Those children born with only one illegal immigrant parent would, of course, be allowed to stay with the citizen parent. Not the law now? Make it the law.

See? Nothing is so difficult that logic can't solve it.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.

Americans would ultimately, do it, yes, because the market wage for those jobs would have to increase in order to attract the labor. This is one of the hypocrisies of the left on this issue. You people scream about others not making a "living" wage, yet you have no problem lowering the bar for foreign brown people.

You people honestly believe that Americans are going to pick lettuce, clean hotel rooms, was cars, and mow lawns?

Get real.

Pay me enough, and I'll spread natural fertilizer on that lettuce.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.

It is pretty impractical. Illegal immigrants are vastly numerous, they move, we don't know who they are, and they can return when we deport them. I have a much more realistic solution: target the dealers of illegal labors, the employers. Employers are less numerous, generally stay put, they advertise, and they're already here.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.

It is pretty impractical. Illegal immigrants are vastly numerous, they move, we don't know who they are, and they can return when we deport them. I have a much more realistic solution: target the dealers of illegal labors, the employers. Employers are less numerous, generally stay put, they advertise, and they're already here.

That's called "... cutting off the limbs to kill the tree."
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.

It is pretty impractical. Illegal immigrants are vastly numerous, they move, we don't know who they are, and they can return when we deport them. I have a much more realistic solution: target the dealers of illegal labors, the employers. Employers are less numerous, generally stay put, they advertise, and they're already here.

That's called "... cutting off the limbs to kill the tree."

Nope. Make E*verify mandatory. If you have a new employee, you're required to E*verify their abvility to work legally before they start working. It can be done online in seconds. It can be done over the phone in minutes. The system is already in place. It already exists. All you have to do is make it mandatory and put some teeth behind it.

If an employer uses E*verify and the results show the worker is authorized to work in this country....then no matter what happens, the employer is legally covered. If they don't check or employ someone who E*verify shows can't work, then they do a minimum of 1 year in prison.

A few dozen high profile employers going to jail over this issue, and employers will get the message. Labor for illegal workers will dry up. And with no work, folks will self deport. Resolving much of the 11 million folks who are here.

The solution is reasonable (it takes only seconds to verify), plausible (the system already exists) and fair (if you verify, you're covered as an employer).

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