The Lies Of This Administration Keep Mounting


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits
They definatley need to get their propaganda spin machine working in high gear.

B/c we obviously just are'nt listening to them :confused:

I on the other hand think its the other way around.

This is Nancy Pelosi and Obama in a corner
:lalala: :lalala: "La la la la.... I dont hear you!"

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

Governor Jindal has a new book out where he as alot to say regarding this.


Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

Yu do realize that when everything comes tummbling down Bush will still be blamed for it.
SEOUL, South Korea – Leaders of 20 major economies on Friday refused to back a U.S. push to make China boost its currency's value, keeping alive a dispute that raises fears of a global trade war amid criticism that cheap Chinese exports are costing American jobs.

A joint statement issued by the leaders including President Barack Obama and China's Hu Jintao tried to recreate the unity that was evident when the Group of 20 rich and developing nations held its first summit two years ago during the global financial meltdown.

But deep divisions, especially over the U.S.-China currency dispute, left G-20 officials negotiating all night to draft a watered-down statement for the leaders to endorse.

"Instead of hitting home runs sometimes we're gonna hit singles. But they're really important singles," Obama told a news conference after the summit.

Ever the optimist....or Bull Shit artist....however you want to take it. He struck out. He's done nothing other then piss everyone off and spend a shitload of our cash on this trip.

Failure at G20
SEOUL, South Korea – Leaders of 20 major economies on Friday refused to back a U.S. push to make China boost its currency's value, keeping alive a dispute that raises fears of a global trade war amid criticism that cheap Chinese exports are costing American jobs.

A joint statement issued by the leaders including President Barack Obama and China's Hu Jintao tried to recreate the unity that was evident when the Group of 20 rich and developing nations held its first summit two years ago during the global financial meltdown.

But deep divisions, especially over the U.S.-China currency dispute, left G-20 officials negotiating all night to draft a watered-down statement for the leaders to endorse.

"Instead of hitting home runs sometimes we're gonna hit singles. But they're really important singles," Obama told a news conference after the summit.

Ever the optimist....or Bull Shit artist....however you want to take it. He struck out. He's done nothing other then piss everyone off and spend a shitload of our cash on this trip.

Failure at G20

Obama shows his true colours:

OBAMA: "The United States obviously has a special role to play on the international stage. Regardless of who is president, we are a very large, very wealthy, very powerful country. We have had outsized influence over world affairs --"

Obama rebuffed at summit - Times Union

That's sticking up for one's own nation and domestic agenda isn't it?
SEOUL, South Korea – Leaders of 20 major economies on Friday refused to back a U.S. push to make China boost its currency's value, keeping alive a dispute that raises fears of a global trade war amid criticism that cheap Chinese exports are costing American jobs.

A joint statement issued by the leaders including President Barack Obama and China's Hu Jintao tried to recreate the unity that was evident when the Group of 20 rich and developing nations held its first summit two years ago during the global financial meltdown.

But deep divisions, especially over the U.S.-China currency dispute, left G-20 officials negotiating all night to draft a watered-down statement for the leaders to endorse.

"Instead of hitting home runs sometimes we're gonna hit singles. But they're really important singles," Obama told a news conference after the summit.

Ever the optimist....or Bull Shit artist....however you want to take it. He struck out. He's done nothing other then piss everyone off and spend a shitload of our cash on this trip.

Failure at G20

Don't you think thats what he wans to do?
SEOUL, South Korea – Leaders of 20 major economies on Friday refused to back a U.S. push to make China boost its currency's value, keeping alive a dispute that raises fears of a global trade war amid criticism that cheap Chinese exports are costing American jobs.

A joint statement issued by the leaders including President Barack Obama and China's Hu Jintao tried to recreate the unity that was evident when the Group of 20 rich and developing nations held its first summit two years ago during the global financial meltdown.

But deep divisions, especially over the U.S.-China currency dispute, left G-20 officials negotiating all night to draft a watered-down statement for the leaders to endorse.

"Instead of hitting home runs sometimes we're gonna hit singles. But they're really important singles," Obama told a news conference after the summit.

Ever the optimist....or Bull Shit artist....however you want to take it. He struck out. He's done nothing other then piss everyone off and spend a shitload of our cash on this trip.

Failure at G20

Obama shows his true colours:

OBAMA: "The United States obviously has a special role to play on the international stage. Regardless of who is president, we are a very large, very wealthy, very powerful country. We have had outsized influence over world affairs --"

Obama rebuffed at summit - Times Union

That's sticking up for one's own nation and domestic agenda isn't it?

A few weeks ago he was saying that China was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now he's found out they're out to undermine us any way they can. So he starts to bad-mouth them.

Like that's gonna work.
Ever the optimist....or Bull Shit artist....however you want to take it. He struck out. He's done nothing other then piss everyone off and spend a shitload of our cash on this trip.

Failure at G20

Obama shows his true colours:

OBAMA: "The United States obviously has a special role to play on the international stage. Regardless of who is president, we are a very large, very wealthy, very powerful country. We have had outsized influence over world affairs --"

Obama rebuffed at summit - Times Union

That's sticking up for one's own nation and domestic agenda isn't it?

A few weeks ago he was saying that China was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now he's found out they're out to undermine us any way they can. So he starts to bad-mouth them.

Like that's gonna work.

Many have said being elected to such a presitgious office is no time for OJT.

Obama is learning this lesson the hard way at our expense.

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted.
Typical CON$ervative lying by half truth.

Number of deep water drilling permits rejected, ZERO (0).

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

yes... when the NY Times blows up Obamas trip, you know things are very very bad.
His new found free trade mantra is not fooling anyone btw. His handling of the So Kor deal was amateurish and proves that as many already suspected his WH administrative apparatchiks are a mess. They didn't even give the So Kos a heads up as to his proposal changes etc.

When a pres. gets involved in something like this its to snap the cameras and sign, an agreement is already in place, I think he thinks he can just wow everyone with his personality.......and he winds up making himself (and us) look uninformed and denigrates his won stature not that he ever seems to notice.

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted.
Typical CON$ervative lying by half truth.

Number of deep water drilling permits rejected, ZERO (0).

Perhaps you could provide a link....otherwise STFU
So far only one permit has been applied for and it has not been rejected yet. The name of the company and the depth they want to drill at has not been released yet.

RIGZONE - Post-Ban Deepwater Drilling Permits Sought in GOM

Federal regulators acknowledged the receipt of a deepwater drilling permit application for the U.S. Gulf, the first such request since a four-month moratorium on the practice was lifted earlier this month. A spokeswoman for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement declined to reveal the name of the company seeking the permit or at what water depth the company has asked to drill.

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

yes... when the NY Times blows up Obamas trip, you know things are very very bad.
His new found free trade mantra is not fooling anyone btw. His handling of the So Kor deal was amateurish and proves that as many already suspected his WH administrative apparatchiks are a mess. They didn't even give the So Kos a heads up as to his proposal changes etc.

When a pres. gets involved in something like this its to snap the cameras and sign, an agreement is already in place, I think he thinks he can just wow everyone with his personality.......and he winds up making himself (and us) look uninformed and denigrates his won stature not that he ever seems to notice.

And gets angry when we do and starts defining 'enemies' as he did before the Mid-Terms.

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

Governor Jindal has a new book out where he as alot to say regarding this.

Then he will give you an exorcism!

Back in October Obama lifted the moratorium on off-shore drilling. To date zero permits have been granted since it was lifted. Obama told us that this would be the Summer of Recovery...only to discover that it was just a slogan according to Tim Guethner. Obama said over a hundred times that the Stimulus Bill contained Shovel Ready projects....only to discover that there weren't any.

Obama is currently returning from Japan licking his wounds after being resoundingly rejected by the rest of the G20 and blowing a trade deal that Bush had negotiated with South Korea. You see he blew the deal to shreds because he insisted on placing provisions in the bill that would favor unions. The Koreans told him to shove it. Billions of dollars of trade up in smoke...just like that.

I guess he's not alone because the Dems in congress have blown deals with other countries because of their Global Warming requirements. The German Chancellor this week in so many words called Obama a fool. His economic policies reckless and irrational. Nobody respects him. Nobody trusts him. He or the Democrats in congress. Before the media gave us the impression that everyone didn't respect Bush but this is forreal folks. We're becoming a laughingstock and Obama knows it.

If you wonder why the economy is in the shitter just look at Obama. He's the cause....not Bush.

Zero drilling permits

Yu do realize that when everything comes tummbling down Bush will still be blamed for it.

That pony already left the corral. The Big 0 is an incompetent, inexperienced, hopeless failure and is dragging the rest of us down with him.

The New Congress better send up one bill after another to undo what's been done under this fool. If he vetoes them, that's fine. Make him defend the indefensible.

I's hard to believe that it was only two years ago that the Republican Party was all done, finito, swan song, grand finale, fat lady crescendo, DOA, dead in the water, no future and no hope.

The one thing the Big 0 can claim to his credit is the complete rejuvination of one of the big political parties in this country.

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