The Liberal Commitment.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

.....simply doesn't exist. I'll prove it,

A prime example of thought-crime police, patrolled and enforced by your Liberal government:

"The Denver City Council is taking its time deciding whether Chick-fil-A, whose CEO is opposed to gay marriage, should be allowed to open a restaurant in the Denver airport."

What happens to those who dare to have an opinion that differs from that endorsed by Liberals/Progressives/Democrats?
Pay attention:

1. Once upon a time in America....actually, in the summer of 2012, a fast food CEO became embroiled in a battle because he had an opinion that ran counter to the Liberal viewpoint.

"In July 2012, [Dan] Cathy made headlines when he said "guilty as charged" in response to a question about whether the company was in"support of the traditional family.".... his views on same-sex marriage have not changed.

"I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word and I’m just personally committed to that,” he told the AJC [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ].

“I know others feel very different from that and I respect their opinion and I hope that they would be respectful of mine.
[Get that? He's obviously not a Liberal.]
... I think that’s a political debate that’s going to rage on. And the wiser thing for us to do is to stay focused on customer service.”

... last June when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, [he tweetied], "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies."
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage Controversy

2. Of course, Liberals responded with their version of 'the Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief.....'

a. Salon called Cathy ' an unapologetic homophobe' Chick-fil-A: Antibiotic-free, but still pretty terrible -

b. And the Village Voice wrote " homophobic chicken peddler/Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy." Chick-Fil-A Flap: Brooklyn Republican Invites Homophobic Chicken Peddler Dan Cathy To Open Restaurant

c. And Slate: " Racism persists, but at least racists have been formally politically defanged. Homophobes, meanwhile, have not." The Chick-fil-A Fried Chicken Fiasco Is a Harsh Reminder of the Hatred That Gays and Lesbians Face

3. And those bastions of Liberal indoctrination, the universities, showed their open-mindedness:

a. " Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A....." Emory University dumps Chick-fil-A

b. "Colleges Rally to Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus" Colleges Rally To Kick Chick-fil-A Off Campus

Reminder to all: Chick-fil-A has never been accused of discriminating in any way against gay customers, or against any employees.

None. Not once.

Did I mention that 'The Liberal Commitment..... tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief' .....doesn't exist.

Just gets better.
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

I'm for letting the good people of the great city of Denver govern their city as they choose, within the limits of their power as a local government.

Why aren't you? Somehow that makes you the totalitarian doesn't it?
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?

Let's be clear....aside from your usual attempts, lies and obfuscation...

....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich?
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?

Let's be clear....aside from your usual attempts, lies and obfuscation...

....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich?

No. You don't have a constitutional right to sell someone a chicken sandwich.
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?

Let's be clear....aside from your usual attempts, lies and obfuscation...

....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich?

Would you like a different example?

Do you believe it's totalitarianism for a local government to using zoning or the like to ban adult book stores to an extent, or entirely?
Since Chick Fil A admitted their stance was a mistake, and ceased all donations to homophobic organizations, I don't really see the need for anyone to still be upset with them.

That's fair in principle but the OP is again trying to demean all of liberalism with an isolated anecdote.
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?

Let's be clear....aside from your usual attempts, lies and obfuscation...

....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich?

No. You don't have a constitutional right to sell someone a chicken sandwich.

This is one of your weakest lies.

Care to show where the Constitution says same?

Now, since you 'omitted' any answer to my question...
"....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich..." is clear that even you recognize what a stupid comment you made.
You have yet to prove that the city council is all progressives...

She's yet to prove that the right of local governments to govern is totalitarianism. She's already conceded that bans on abortion clinics don't bother her.
Never is totalistic if you agree...She can never take a neutral stance to logically deduct a response, it's always conditioned.....
Since Chick Fil A admitted their stance was a mistake, and ceased all donations to homophobic organizations, I don't really see the need for anyone to still be upset with them.

That's fair in principle but the OP is again trying to demean all of liberalism with an isolated anecdote.
Yeah PC doesn't really play with a full deck of cards, if ya know what I mean :laugh:
It's not like this is a catastrophic blow to Chik Fil La....America's favorite fast food restaurant
Well, in fairness, it's been a long time since I saw a liberal claim to be tolerant.

They'll come right out and admit that if they don't like what you say they'll make you pay the consequences.

And that's IF they allow you to say it in the FIRST place, as we see on college campuses.
You seem to have a big problem with government by the will of the people.

And here we have a perfect example of the premise of this thread:
Opposition to to tolerance, freedom of thought, and belief...

One more Lock-Step, Liberal.

Do you feel the same about local/state government measures to shut down abortion clinics?

Let's be clear....aside from your usual attempts, lies and obfuscation...

....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich?

No. You don't have a constitutional right to sell someone a chicken sandwich.

This is one of your weakest lies.

Care to show where the Constitution says same?

Now, since you 'omitted' any answer to my question...
"....are you claiming that the act of taking the life of a human being is identical to serving customers a chicken sandwich..." is clear that even you recognize what a stupid comment you made.

If you had a constitutional right to sell chicken sandwiches wherever you pleased than no zoning laws or city regulations concerning the opening of a chicken restaurant would be constitutional.

You lost this argument btw when you flip flopped on your position based on your personal agenda.
You have yet to prove that the city council is all progressives...

Clearly, you are sorely wounded by my revelation of anti-American behaviors by the political persuasion to which you adhere.

Either I am correct, and misbehavior and malevolence is the hallmark of Liberalism/Progressivism/Democrats.....

...or you can provide evidence of conservatives behaving is exactly the same manner.

Go for it!

Seems you are exactly what Coulter spoke of: "Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Stop whining because of the spotlight I'm shining on your group, and provide examples on the other side.

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