"The letter" Trending on X now !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
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The infamous ‘Letter to America’ by Osama bin Laden written nearly two decades ago has again stirred a debate online amid the ongoing horrors of the war between Israel and Hamas militants. Leading British newspaper The Guardian, which had published the original letter in November 2002, has removed it from its website on Wednesday, November 15, after the letter went viral in the last few days.

Guardian readers are now witnessing a message on the website, which reads, “This page previously displayed a document containing, in translation, the full text of Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to the American people’, as reported in the Observer on Sunday 24 November 2002. The document, which was published here on the same day, was removed on 15 November 2023.”

The British daily removed the letter after several TikTok users started circulating the old letter with a section of them supporting some of the views of slain terrorist Osama bin Laden. Many did not completely disagree with Laden’s justification for the attacks on the World Trade Centre, in which he claimed that the attack was a retribution for the United States’ cold war era. The cold war era was meddling in the Middle East and Israel occupied Palestinian land and oppressed the Palestinian people for such long decades, he claimed.


in Laden’s “Declaration of Jihad against Americans,” 1996 (abridged English translation)A Letter from Sheikh Osama bin Muhammad bin Laden to his Muslim Brothers across the world, andparticularly those in the Arabian Peninsula.Expel the Polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula.. . . It is no secret to you, my brothers, that the people of Islam have been afflicted with oppression,hostility, and injustice by the Judeo‐Christian alliance and its supporters. This shows our enemies’ beliefthat Muslims’ blood is the cheapest and that their property and wealth is merely loot. Your blood hasbeen spilt in Palestine and Iraq, and the horrific images of the massacre in Qana in Lebanon are stillfresh in people’s minds. . . .. . . All this has happened before the eyes and ears of the world, but the blatant imperial arrogance ofAmerica, under the cover of the immoral United Nations, has prevented the dispossessed from armingthemselves.. . . This injustice was inflicted on us, too, as we were prevented from talking to Muslims and werehounded out of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, Sudan, and then Afghanistan. That is what led to this longabsence of mine . . .. . . People are struggling even with the basics of everyday life, and everyone talks frankly abouteconomic recession, price inflation, mounting debts, and prison overcrowding. Low‐income governmentemployees talk to you about their debts in the tens or hundreds of thousands of riyals [monies], whilstcomplaining that the riyal’s value is declining dramatically. Domestic debts owed by the government toits citizens have reached 340 billion riyals, and are rising daily due to usurious interest, let alone all theforeign debt. People are wondering: are we really the biggest source of oil in the world? They feel thatGod is bringing this torture upon them because they have not spoken out against the regime’s injusticeand illegitimate behaviour, the most prominent aspects of which are its failure to rule in accordancewith God’s law, its depriving of legal rights to its servants, its permitting the American occupiers intoSaudi Arabia, and its arresting of righteous scholars—inheritors of the Prophet’s legacy—and unjustlythrowing them in prison. . . .. . . Brother Muslims in Saudi Arabia, does it make any sense at all that our country is the biggestpurchaser of weapons from America in the world and America’s biggest trading partner in the region,while at the very same time the Americans are occupying Saudi Arabia and supporting—with money,arms, and manpower—their Jewish brothers in the occupation of Palestine and their murder andexpulsion of Muslims there? Depriving these occupiers of the huge returns they receive from their tradewith us is a very important way of supporting the jihad against them, and we expect you to boycott allAmerican goods. Men of the radiant future of our umma of Muhammad, raise the banner of jihad uphigh against the Judeo‐American alliance that has occupied the holy places of Islam. God told hisProphet: “He will not let the deeds of those who are killed for His cause come to nothing; He will guidethem and put them in a good state; He will admit them into the Garden He has already made known to© 2013 The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American Historywww.gilderlehrman.orgthem.” . . . And the al‐Jami al‐Sahih notes that the Prophet said: “The best martyrs are those who stay inthe battle line and do not turn their faces away until they are killed. They will achieve the highest levelof Heaven, and their Lord will look kindly upon them. When your Lord looks kindly upon a slave in theworld, He will not hold him to account.” And he said: “The martyr has a guarantee from God: He forgiveshim at the first drop of his blood and shows him his seat in Heaven. He decorates him with the jewels offaith, protects him from the torment of the grave, keeps him safe on the day of judgment, places acrown of dignity on his head with the finest rubies in the world, marries him to seventy‐two of the purevirgins of paradise and intercedes on behalf of seventy of his relatives,” as related by Ahmad al‐Tirmidhiin an authoritative hadith.. . . Lord, bless your slave and messenger Muhammad, and his family and companions. Our final prayer ispraise to God, Lord of the worlds.Your brother in Islam,Osama bin Muhammad bin LadenSource: National September 11 Memorial & Museum, http://www.911memorial.org/911‐primary‐sources
When American people begin agreeing with a mass murdering terrorist....there's a real problem with their logic.
Expatriate them....it's as simple as that.

If people don't understand that you do not bite the hand that feeds you then let them suffer the consequences for doing so.

It's not difficult to understand...it's not a game anymore. People are definitely trying to destroy this nation with rhetoric and propaganda. (Basically lies and partial truth)
If they succeed....it is Armageddon for the world.
When American people begin agreeing with a mass murdering terrorist....there's a real problem with their logic.
Expatriate them....it's as simple as that.

If people don't understand that you do not bite the hand that feeds you then let them suffer the consequences for doing so.

It's not difficult to understand...it's not a game anymore. People are definitely trying to destroy this nation with rhetoric and propaganda. (Basically lies and partial truth)
If they succeed....it is Armageddon for the world.
No one is trying to destroy this nation. They are actively doing it.
I've heard that version too. I love the lip syncing. Joe's and Leon's live versions are the best.

Yeah, he missed a few marks there.

That's Alex Chilton of the Box Tops, and he was only 16 years old when they released that song, which became their only hit.
That letter, as despicable as it was, is a declaration of the consequences of Interventionism. Whether we like it or not a lot of what he said was unfortunately true.

We started out being somewhat even handed in the Middle East mostly due to the fact that because of the Cold War we didn't want the Soviets to get any more influence in the Middle East than they already had.

That all changed with the USS Liberty incident. LBJ decided to hell with it. He was not going to alienate the very influential AIPAC in the US by punishing Israel for the attack. He even said so, calling Israel his "Little Buddies". Bin Laden was right in the letter to say that American Jews had significant influence on American foreign policy. American Jews who had loyalty to a foreign country.

Bin Laden was also right to say that the US armed and supported Israel and is a co conspirator in all of the turmoil that they have caused in the Middle East. There is a lot of hate over there on all sides and we took a big bite of the shit sandwich by taking sides in a conflict that really didn't have much to do with our own security.

The attack on 911 was not the only price we paid for being Interventionists. The bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, the oil embargo, the war in Afghanistan and even the fall of Iran to the Mullahs can be attributed to everybody over there hating us for sticking our nose in a conflict that didn't have much to do with our own security.

We got pulled into a conflict for all the wrong reasons and it has cost us dearly. Our only interest in the Middle East was to maintain the supply of oil. We screwed that up big time. Bin Laden's letter told us what we screwed up. We may not like the truth and we can hate him for what he did but it was the truth in large part as far as American screwed up foreign policy goes.
That letter, as despicable as it was, is a declaration of the consequences of Interventionism. Whether we like it or not a lot of what he said was unfortunately true.

We started out being somewhat even handed in the Middle East mostly due to the fact that because of the Cold War we didn't want the Soviets to get any more influence in the Middle East than they already had.

That all changed with the USS Liberty incident. LBJ decided to hell with it. He was not going to alienate the very influential AIPAC in the US by punishing Israel for the attack. He even said so, calling Israel his "Little Buddies". Bin Laden was right in the letter to say that American Jews had significant influence on American foreign policy. American Jews who had loyalty to a foreign country.

Bin Laden was also right to say that the US armed and supported Israel and is a co conspirator in all of the turmoil that they have caused in the Middle East. There is a lot of hate over there on all sides and we took a big bite of the shit sandwich by taking sides in a conflict that really didn't have much to do with our own security.

The attack on 911 was not the only price we paid for being Interventionists. The bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, the oil embargo, the war in Afghanistan and even the fall of Iran to the Mullahs can be attributed to everybody over there hating us for sticking our nose in a conflict that didn't have much to do with our own security.

We got pulled into a conflict for all the wrong reasons and it has cost us dearly. Our only interest in the Middle East was to maintain the supply of oil. We screwed that up big time. Bin Laden's letter told us what we screwed up. We may not like the truth and we can hate him for what he did but it was the truth in large part as far as American screwed up foreign policy goes.
Israel was made by UK, yet US paid the whole bill of all weapons, propaganda and war crimes committed by the Zionists there.
Now on X:

"Letter to America" is far less important that Bin Ladin's September 28, 2001 interview with Ummat. This took place right after the 9/11 attacks.

In the interview:

(1) Bin Ladin emphatically denies that he did the 9/11 attacks.
(2) Bin Ladin says that the 9/11 attacks are unacceptable because they killed women and children, and Islam rejects this.
(3) Bin Ladin says he is against the US government not the American people.
(4) Bin Ladin suggests that groups within US government (e.g., CIA) are actually responsible for the attacks, or at least have knowledge of who really perpetrated them.
(5) Bin Ladin asserts that the US government is slaughtering and oppressing countless Muslims because it is under control of a Jewish/Israel Lobby.

Israel was made by UK, yet US paid the whole bill of all weapons, propaganda and war crimes committed by the Zionists there.
The future Israelis were at war with the UK in Palestine before the UK quit the Mandate. The US didn't provide Israel support as in military hardware until the 73 war.
The future Israelis were at war with the UK in Palestine before the UK quit the Mandate. The US didn't provide Israel support as in military hardware until the 73 war.
After they had already been promised in 1917 and imported into the land.
After they had been already promised in 1917 and imported into the land.
I don't believe they were ever promised a country of their own. At most they were assured of autonomy as citizens of Palestine.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

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